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The hottest and most boring place on Earth AZ
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Anime Fan Since
7th grade
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Rurouni Kenshin, naruto, one piece, man my brain hurts the list goes on and on
to pass high school
drawing, reading, writting stories and poems
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Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Friday, May 19, 2006
Yesterday was okay went home did lots of hw and then did nothing lol and today is friday I don't know what i'm doing today other then school. Today I feel like putting up pics of some of my friends I don't know why but it was fun getting the pics lol

This is Jen she doesn't like her pic taken
This is Ivy Isis Thorne
Thats kyle maxwell or my boyfriend
Brittany she likes the Camera lol
Thats kyle chruch
Skyler what can I saw his the must strangest one in the group
Kristine she likes her soda so stay away from it lol
Skyler and Kristine
and trevor his just.... well trevor
And just because I love my bro so much heres a pic from xmas his so cute ^_^
And thats it hope you enjoyed the pics has much has it was fun taking them lol.
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Thursday, May 18, 2006
Its fixed
My internet is fixed ya but I might not get to a lot of sites because of HW but i'll try yesterday was okay went home fixed the computer and did HW then another thunder-strom came so I ran outside into the rain there was lighting that almost hit my house but it was a little farther away. I got my yearbook so i'm getting everybody to sign it and i'm taking pics and i'm going to put them up here tomorrow i think. Well I'll talk to you guys later
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Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Sorry I might not get to get to people sites today because i'm so busy with homework and there was a thunder-storm last night and it messed up my computer some how so i'm sorry and now I have to go i'll try with all my might to get to your sites bye
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Tuesday, May 16, 2006
I hate PE
I hate PE with all my life I had to run like I have never ran before and after I thought i was going to die really my stomach and chest burned like hell but i can't go home so I have to tell my mom later today hopefully i'll be alive.I have my lesson today hopefully I feel better so I can go other then that I have to do all this homework so I don't know if I can get to your sites sorry guys i'll try
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Monday, May 15, 2006
Monday's need to die well yesterday I wasn't feeling good again I just sat around and watched whatever there was my mom is stating to think that I might have acid reflex which is not cool because if I have that that just means one more med I have to take. And for people who don't know what acid reflex is its when your stomach acid goes up your throat and then i startes to feel like heartburn because the acid is eating away your like throat. But my mom says if this keeps up shes going to take me to the doctor again but she doesn't think the doc. would do anything anywheres she sucks as a doctor. Today I have my tutor coming today because my parents got a tutor for me like a couple of days ago and shes nice so i don't know if I can get to your sites today but i'll try well I guess thats it I'll talk to you guys later.
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Sunday, May 14, 2006
i hate my stomach
Hey sorry I didn't post yesterday I was feeling good so I sat on my butt all day and watched tv my stomach pains are getting worse and my mom doesn't know what to do about it well this is going to be a short post I'm going to watch some anime on the internet all day and maybe play some KH2 don't know well have a great day.
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Friday, May 12, 2006
Its Friday I had a next last hour failed that and I have a test in lang. hopefully I pass that one i'm not feeling so get again so this is going to be a short post and i'm in class so I have to go bye.
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Thursday, May 11, 2006
feel like crap
Well I went to the doctor yesterday he doesn't no whats wrong with me but he does no that my asthma is out of control so he gave my another med for that but anything with the chest he doesn't know so I had to go get some blood work down and I hate shots they had to take 5 tubes of blood from me they weren't really big but it still was a lot to take from me then when I was walking out of the place I thought I was going to pass out and for the rest of the day I was so light headed that some might think I was high or something. like last night I was walking into the bathroom and I fell over my own feet and head my head on the floor and then in the middle of the night I got this really really really bad stomach ach I that something was inside of me eating me from the inside out. But hopefully I won't feel that bad today I don't really feel good right know but i have to go to school we have like 11 1/2 days left (not couting the weekends) Well I think that is it I'll talk to you guys later.
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Wednesday, May 10, 2006
I'm in pain
Well yesterday tho the whole day I felt like I thought I was going to pass out on the football field but I didn't then I went home still feeling like so I didn't get to go to my riding lessons so I just read my book and played KH2 for about an hour. today I have to go see another doctor about my chest problems hopefully they can figure out whats wrong because its coming back again like right now my chest hurts. well other then that i think thats all what i'm doing today so I'll talk to you guys later.
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Tuesday, May 9, 2006
Well Yesterday was okay went to school had another unplaned fire drill thats the second one now we had one on friday to and one yesterday and I bet there will be one today. Then after school I went home and played KH2. Today I don't know what I'm doing but I have riding lessons today and I hope I don't fall off the hores again ^_^ anf then I'm going to play some more KH2. Well I think that is it I'll talk to you guys later.
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