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The hottest and most boring place on Earth AZ
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Anime Fan Since
7th grade
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Rurouni Kenshin, naruto, one piece, man my brain hurts the list goes on and on
to pass high school
drawing, reading, writting stories and poems
I can draw
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Thursday, March 30, 2006
this sucks
this sucks i went home early again yesterday because I was having really bad chest pain the pain was so bad i started crying in class so i went home again. then theres nothing really else to say about yesterday today was a half day and i'm all alone after school my friend kristine says i need to go to the hospital but my mom says i don't need to go. I think thats it i'll talk to you guys later
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Wednesday, March 29, 2006
I went to the doctor yesterday and i have something in my chest I can't spell it I have had it before and before it was messing with my asthma then to and i would get attacks when i was sleeping but now I just get them when. so now i'm on antibotics and 2 more meds don't know what they are called. My anitbotics are so fucking huge i can't believe they fit in the bottom somebody can choke on one of them and die i can't believe I can even take them there HUGE!!!! okay i'm down. nothing really happen yesterday i did my homework while my BF watch naruto again on the internet I think he forgot i was there I was a little mad about that but no i'm fine because his all worried about me and wants to no how I feel and that stuff. Will i think thats it i have to go take my huge pill and i'll talk to you guys later.
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Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Well yesterday was okay since i only went to school for like an hour and i'll tell you why i was walking to class with my BF and some other friends when I was close to my class I can't breath so I stop and tried to catch my breath and i did well kinf of then i started to walk again and i was in front of my class and i couldn't breath again and then i told my BF i couldn't breath and he was like "you need to go see the nurse again" and i was like no i'll be fine in a little while well when class started I still couldn't breath and my class was PE so i told my teacher and I looked like I was high in front of her and she was trying to talk to me but I couldn't understand so then she told me to go take my inhaler and i understand that so i did i almost fell in the locker room over nothing well next thing i knew i was going to the nurse again and i was going home and i'm going to the doctor today because my mom is down with this stuff and she looked mad. So other then that i did nothing sat on my ass and watch tv and played on the computer oh and look what i found on the internet its so funny I just love it
LOOK OUT! ïòð | fullycrazy is a radioactive squirrel!! |
well i'm going to go i'm going to school today but i might just be home again in an hour well bye
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Monday, March 27, 2006
mondays can die
Well its monday and i'm back in school i don't like school but at least i get to see my friends ya nothing really happen yesterday I just watched bleach all day and read my book well hope today is a good day now i have to go and i'll talk to you guys later
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Sunday, March 26, 2006
school is tomorrow
Wel today is sunday which means tomorrow is monday and I have to go back to school I want to go back to school but just to see my friends again because I don't see them on the weekends because I live in the next town but i don't go anywhere anymore so it doesn't really matter and I have no life rally i don't i have an internet life but other then that nothing. I'm so bored i think i'll just watch bleach all day and try to call my friend kelly since i told her i'll call her back but that was like 3 days ago O.o well i think thats it so i'll talk to you guys later
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Saturday, March 25, 2006
i'm back
Well i'm back and the road trip is down ~dances around room~ i just wanted to the week to be over because I want to go back to school just to see my friends again and i really miss my BF i'm going to call him today just to see what his doing. The grand canyon was fun there wasn't much snow it was like in the 70s so people were just walking around with shorts and a T-shirt. The grand canyon was cool to look at it was really big and it was a very far drop to the bottom theres people who live down in the grand canyon O.o I wornder how they get up and down the canyon. theres nothing really to say we didn't do much on the last leg of the road trip we were mostly just driving since it was a 3 hour drive to the canyon, And now i never want to see another road ever again I'm sick of road trips i'm just going to sit around the house watching tv and playing on the computer hehe. well I'm going to go but i have 2 pics for you guys
 this are the two best pics of the canyon
 Now the red dots are lady bugs there were hundreds of then all in one place it was cool
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Thursday, March 23, 2006
back on the road
Well today we are getting back on the road we are going to three different places in 2 days thats a lot of driving we are packink right know i'm done but my mom is still packing and shes freaking out because we were supposed to be on the road an hour ago lol i don't really care. It snowed at the grand canyon yesterday so theres new snow up there ya I love the snow hope theres no ice on the roads that would be bad well I got to go i'll talk to you guys later
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Wednesday, March 22, 2006
i'm back for today
Well i'm back for today but tomorrow i'm back on the road. we went to the bottom southeast of the state to see tombstone its a really old town that was there in like 1880 its were all the cowboys and indians where. it was cool I loved all the gift shops like always I got a really cool bracelet from Italy and I got a glass baby dragon hatching out of its egg its so cute hehe oh and we also went to see the worlds biggest rose bush well its more like a tree i have pics of it i'll put them at the bottom of the post. Today is going to be an easy day just staying home all day i think I live in the middle of the state so tomorrow we are heading to the top of the state to the grand canyon its what makes our state famous I have never been there so that should be fun. well i think i'm going to go so i'll talk to you guys later
 This is the bottom of the rose tree
 This is the top of the rose the pics are not the best because of the sun.
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Sunday, March 19, 2006
Well the house is clean until my bro wakes-up (his 2 years old) but owell. My grandma and grandpa's plane should be here around 3:00pm and then tomorrow we are off for the road trip I don't know if i'm going to get to any of your guys sites during the week or even up date but i'll try I really will. Well yesterday was okay I cleaned the house, read my books. ;isten to my music really loud, and watched tv and thats about it well I got to go i'll talk to you guys later and have a great week.
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Saturday, March 18, 2006
Spring break is finally here
its Saturday and i'm on spring break and frist thing i have to to for spring break is clean the house My grandma and grandpa are coming coming to vist us from New Jersey and then Its a road trip all over the state of Arizona so they are flying in tomorrow so I have to clean the house. I got two new books yesterday i got a book thats not manga its about the shinsengumi people who read rurouni kenshin should know who they are and another book that is manga called trigun i never really read it before so i got it I've seen DVDs of it. And I went to wal-mart last night to get stuff for the road trip and I got a new pair of shoes i needed then. yesterday i almost lost my head twice how you ask well my dad is building a shed in the backyard and a made the roof yesterday and he needed me to help him put it on well the shed is way taller then me so i had to us a ladder and I had to hold it so my dad could go on the other side and the part I was holding by myself was in the air and was kind of on top of the shed and I moved like an inch and it fell and I was still under it so I had to stay my ground to make it stop falling and I did and my dad started to yell at me but now its up and don't know what my dad is going to do with it. yesterday at lunch the school and this big like carnival like thing at our school and it was cool the the cops were there the army was there from boot camp and there was this helicopter that landed on our football field it was cool and I have a picture it will be at the end of the post. I got pissed at my BF yesterday he got one of those darts that everybody has and was acting like he didn't know what to do with it so he put it in a pen thing and was pointing it at people mostly me and I was like freaking out because the dart has a needle in it and i'm fucking sarced od needles to the point that its not even funny. So i keep telling him to put it away but he wouldn't and he knows that i'm scared of needles then I told him I was going to leave if he didn't put that dart away that stop him and he put the dart away but 5 seconds later he takes it out to point it at some girl thats not even a foot away from us and I was going to get up and leave but then the bell ring so I had to leave . Well this has been a very log post today so I'll leave you guys and i'll talk to you guys later
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