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myOtaku.com: fullycrazy

Thursday, March 16, 2006

   more exams
Well today I have a math exam and i'm so scared because my teacher does not know how to teach and i don't know anything in that class O.o I'm going to fial that one ~crys~ Then I might have a PE one today I'm not sure well yesterday was fun I was hanging out inside that libary this time with a lots of people i don't know but my friend skyler does and they are cool people they are going to make a film about random news reports and I was there hearing there ideas and its so cool and funny i'm going to be in the film I'm going to run up and hit kitty(her nickname) with a fish and then shes going to come back and kill me and my frined skyler is foing to be a bum with a sign that says "flying ninjas killed my family need money for karote lessons (I don't know how to spell karote) but its going to be so funny and cool. oh and yesterday brittany shot me with another dart that she made well okay this all started on Tuesday and we were stitting down eating lunch when she comes up and shots me with a dart and it really did hurt her dad showed her how to make them and then she shot me again but then I took the dart and ran but then she said she would give me a dallor if I gave it back and she wouldn't shot me again so I said yes then yesterday i was walking up to them and she was there and shot me with another dart well i didn't take the dart I just ran away but then I ran in to her in the hallway and I told her don't shot me so she didn't she punched me really hard in the arm I don't really care for that since she punchs me everyday I guess you can say she is my school bully I don't really care I don't do anything about it beause then a fight would brake out and then my dad would find out and then he would beat me now I don't care if brittany beats me but I don't like it when my dad beats me since he punchs harder. Well i think thats it I'll talk to you guys later.

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