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myOtaku.com: FUNimation

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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uncommon emotions (02/29/08)

i add you as friend!!! ok. now that my crazy scream is done, im adding you cus your art rocks.

Inachi Uchiha (02/16/08)

i lov ur site!!!
the bgs u have r so kawaiii!!!
i just love them!!!
especially ur suigintou one ;D

anyways im going to addu as a friend
hope u dont mind and u could do the same ^.^
cant wait to chat with ya!!

~Inachi Uchiha~

Mayumi94 (02/15/08)

HHEEYY!!!XD I've seen your ary UBER GOOD!It's amazing really it is!^__^ yah I heard you were really cool form my friends on here XD (sasori sama) and I've seen you around alot so I thought i should stop by!XDlmao well I hope we can become friends!^__^ I added you btw ^__^ PM me any time okay?Later!:3

otakufangirl (02/12/08)

ty 4 signin my gb ^_^ u gotsted yourself a cool site! my pc is loading you portfolio right now so i can check out ur art ^_^...o gosh this is this is takin a while...oh it's up! ^_^ they're good! ^_^ heh heh i did a doodle of my my sims person too! ^_^ so cute^_^ well i'll add u too bye!

Oekaki (02/11/08)

GRAH your art is so good..

and you're so young... maybe I just started too late to be good.

please don't ever stop drawing.


Lunar Kitty (02/07/08)

Yo! XD i LOVE your art *heart*

... that's it i guess. Ohh i have an idea (i wonder if it'll work)

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LunaLei (02/06/08)

Hi! I've come to sign thy almighty guestbook of yours and to compliment you on how well you draw. I can't even draw to save my own life which is sad...Oh well, so yeah, you draw lots better than I do. Kudos to you for being able to draw really well. I hope you don't mind that I add you as a friend. So long for now.

(Worship The Almighty Onigiri Icon. You Will Obey and You Will Worship.)

AK the Twilight (02/06/08)

Interesting site you have here. I really like a lot of the pics, including the Deathnote/Bobobo pic. Feel free to PM me anytime. I'll put you on the friends list. Thanks and see ya!

sayuri-uzumaki (02/06/08)

hiya!!coolio site!!! pm me sometime!!

MewChero (02/03/08)

Hey! I just read what you have so far for your manga...It's AMAZING! You are an amazing artist and I love the story line so far. You know, you have been commenting on Kasa-chan's site for a long time and I never looked at your site. *shrugs* Oh well. See you around!
I'll add you as a friend. K?

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