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Monday, January 9, 2006
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gawd im soo tried gawd i want to go to bed but i cant gawd!! all i think boutr is javier and his stupid snogging!!! gawd he is soo good thou!*sighs* gawd i cant go to bed because of him!! i keep thinking of him and in school mrs.fine(evil teacher from hel) saw me writting something to him!1 she told me i should be paying attion in school and not over a boy that broke ur heart!! only reason she nos cuz she read the whole thing!!!ggrrrrrrrrr and then to put a cherry on top of that i almost told my mom i made out weith him but i didnt i sed that he was crying cuz what he did to me and miriam!1 totally not true but it sort of is i mean some what.....anywho so yeah on sat. nite i went to calvins house made out w/anthony 3 times all on dares so yeah thats all that happened soo far ohh the group might go to the movies on sat. hopefully mom will let me go!! g2g for no
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Sunday, January 8, 2006
Which sad word represents you? [8 results + amazing pictures]  You are 'Anguish'. An endless pain lives inside you. It seems depression has become a part of you, as if it's attached to your soul. You are living on the dark side; balance is gone where darkness rules. And whether you want it or not, you let it cover you and take you over. Maybe you're still trying to fight it, maybe you've accepted your sad fate... Chances are the future will bring hope once again, but right now, you are drowning a wave of anguish. Take this quiz!

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Saturday, January 7, 2006
omg javier sucked my face off and bit my tongue!! oh it still hurts!! gggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
rena: kick his ass nex time for u and miriam
rena:hurry i want to cheek my email
me:lol no my tongue hurts
rena: no1 cares i wanna chec k my email! gawd finally u let me type slo-mo
me:javier is a good kisser. even though my tongue hurts
rena: quit complaining about typos and ur tongue. *flips off*
me: today was fun! i had a good time *creepy wink*
(rena is typing tyhis and therefore holds all rite to anything inside these *)
rena: damnit woman stop complainng ur getting on my fuckin nerves!
me: hey u do this to me! *waggles finger like a mom* *pulls rena's hair annoyingly and goes* boing!
rena: u r rilly just provoking me now!
me: yay provoking! my favorite word!
rena: *shakes head* poor lil stupid ass
me: heeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyy~!!!!!!!! meanie pants on fire!
rena: EVIL meanie pants on fire thank u very much!
me: bitch!
rena: i win *sticks out tongue* haha mine dont hurt like urs. havent been snogging a jerk all night
me: hey thatsd wrong u mean hey he was a good snogger too!
rena: *flips off again* hey it was necessary sry guys
me: grrrrrrrrr
rena: *thinks* this is amusing. ive been tlkin to julia solely by the stuff i type on here. wish i could always do this, easier than tlkin
me: *daydreams of icky javier and his "good" snogging and nip libbling(lip nibbling)*
rena: anthony seriously freaked me out today. i didnt kno wut all he was gonbna try ta do.(for those of u reading this, he was all over me)
me: *dreamy voice*javiers a good nip libbler
rena: U! soooooooooo not helping!
me: hehehelol *imitates rena* i kno im not helping hahaha!
rena: go fuck urself
me: thats impossible
rena: unless ur a "sinner"
me: hey dats not nice dont go therte! dont u go tyhere u meanie pants on fire! *boings renas hair again* did i mention evil!?
rena: glad u did cuz i was gonna if u didnt. anywho, i luv the song, "so sick" its just perfect
me: *sings it*
rena: will u fuckin tlk to me rather than sing! gawd!
me: my hair kept getting in javiers mouth. hehe
rena: and this is me, not caring
me: hey evil meanie pants on fire
rena: wondewrful u remembered. now try a new insult. well at least anthony called and apologized about being all over me. he did one time before on aim too. its nice, but it still makes me feel bad. he confuses me
me:my tongue still hurts
rena: go fuck urself if ur gonna be like that!
me: he sucked my tongue too
rena: *still not caring* tired of this
me: i think ive gone all the way to number 8 on the snogging scale now. all thats left is below below waste activity and the fully monty!
rena: well, guys i think we;'ve traumatizedd u enough for today im gonna check my email.
BOTH: luv yas buh bye!
rena and juju
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Wednesday, January 4, 2006
i had so much fun!! well not at the movies but it was worth it. gawd miriam and javier kissed 2!!!! times gawd i got so mad so we acted like calvin and i broke up so i was sitting next to javier and i got up cuz i saw them kiss so i wenyt to the bathroom and miriam ran after me and told me she was sorry!! so then we left the movies and javier and calvin there!!so we r walking to my house and miriam dumps him and he was being all KRAZY!! soo we came to my house and told javier that we were at wendys!!
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well im going to the movies today with miiriam angel javier nick and calvin soo yeah! not im helping miriam break up w/javier so we could go out(me and javier) see i love him i no thats a storng word to say but i do i want him soo much that it hurts every sad song that i say makes me sad!! every love song i think of him
!!! now i have the lindsay lohan cd and that 1 song reminds me of my father!!! witch is bad cuz i havent seen or heard from him iin now today 3 years soo yeah!! so i want to tlk to him but then i dont should i pick p the fone and call him scince im already depressed or should i let it go and forget bout him soi yeah please help me!!!!
~ Julia
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Tuesday, January 3, 2006
today sucked balls
gawdc nikki wouldnt stop tlking bout javier ohh juju this song reminds me of u and javier this song is total for u and javier urrrrrrrgggggggg i hate that and i got someing bad involes hair for the 4th time but not that much soo thnx gawd so i will be able to go to the movies!!! bee u might want ur mom to cheek u!! srry but i think i got it from u!! urg well ill call u
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Saturday, December 31, 2005
hi im at brens for new years
hiiiiii im depressed she sed yes i cant stop thye crying but i tlked to her and she sed she will dump him on mon. so thnx i love u! byez
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im in love but the guy im in love loves my best friend
gawd i cant believe it and he asked her out!!!!!! she still doesnt no when she told me i stsrted crying. and still my mom nos i cant stand it shee doesnt even like him!!! i hate this urggg why do boys always stop me from doing anything maybe i can hang out w/them today till when ever i dont no!! hhhuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i miss him soo much i wish i could die rite now i want to DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Which Japanese name fits you best? [females, 9 results + absolutely stunning ANIME pictures!]  Your Japanese name should be'Amaya' which means "night rain". You're a dark person, a bit of a loner, and probably even depressed. You feel better at night than at day. Rain makes you think of yourself, how it seems you're falling over and over again... Take this quiz!

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