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Sunday, July 31, 2005

If you were an anime character, you would be
immediately recognizable to everyone because of
the distinct weapon you would carry with you
everywhere (which may or may not resemble the
one in the picture). Having a weapon as your
main distinguishing feature implies that you
can be intimidating and tough, especially to
people you dont know very well. Most likely
you are very cold and callous (uncaring)
towards everyone and everything around you, but
thats because you have a deep, inner spring of
anger and sometimes it just makes you want to
scream and punch something really, really hard.

What Would be your Most Distinguishing Physical Feature as an Anime Character? (anime pics!)
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Saturday, July 30, 2005

adopt your own virtual pet!

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u need to go to stupidbmxers site it is f**king funny as hell he is funnier than me
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YOU ARE A SEXY FLIRT!!!!!!! That's very hot and you
know that too!! You like to flirt with your
body and usually you get the wolves howlin!!
People think your so damn sexy and confident!
You know what you're doin when you are flirtin
and when you flirt you usually get what you
want! Keep up the pimpin, pimpin!!!!!

what kind of flirt are you?
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smart fun and
an excellent Quiditch player. She is also a bit
vain Cho is popular and plans to stay that way
by only going out with popular guys. She is
very pretty and some what of a Drama Queen

Which Hogwarts student are you most like?
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In your eyes, people can't seem to see anything
because your eyes are covered up by tears! You
are constantly hurt and depressed... No one
seems to understand how you feel because
everyone is scared to get close to you... You
long to be able to reach out and tell someone
everything, and all of your problems... But you
have no one to tell, or they just don't seem to
want to hear what you have to say. You've been
hurt many times that you don't seem to have any
tears left to shed, or if you do, they're an
endless river flowing... You've started to hide
and bottle up all or your problems and
feelings, hoping that maybe they just will go
away... You want company, but at the same time,
you're scared of it. Your sanctuary is your
room where you can just be alone and try to
throw away all of your aching pains. You're
dark and mysterious and people like you for
that reason. Even if you think you're all by
yourself in the dark, someone is always there
with you. Your special someone wants to admit
and show their feelings towards you, but
they're afraid of how you'll take it. Get out
more and enjoy life because, it is far too long
to frown your way through :)

What Lies Behind Your Eyes?
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You are a lonely angel. You are alone basicly and
feel as if you have no one around you even if
there is a full house. You seem depressed and
people find that odd but all you really want is
someone there. You hate conflicts and deep
down you just want the world to be a better

What Angel Resides In Your Soul?
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Dude you have split personality.get help...please

How insane are you?
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Wow, you get this ending cause you got over half
the questions right, and I am surprised! You
might actually be smart. You might actually get
a good job. You might actually lead a good life
unless you turn out to be like the majority of
the Brainiacs out there on the streets with no
job because of their lack of motivation,
laziness, and boredom with the world because
they are too smart. Let's hope you aren't like
one of those and succeed... We shall see, shalt
we. (By the way, if you are as smart as you
seem to be, you would notice that the person
above is Albert Einstein)

The IQ Test! How smart are you really?
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Tragic Love
You have TRAGIC love...and after all of these
relationships that turned sour, youre probably
ready to give up entirely on finding the right
partner. Try to hang on and dont worry, love
can pop up when you least expect it, but you
arent going to see it if your eyes are clouded
by tears. (did i mention that the
broken-spirited Winterhart found true love with

What Type of Love Best Represents You?? (WONDERFUL anime pics!)
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