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Wednesday, June 1, 2005

Quiz Result Provided By: theOtaku.com.

What Inuyasha Hero Are You?

Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime. Done right.

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YEEEEEAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH oh yeah but my teracher is a BITCH
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Tuesday, May 17, 2005

   sorry guys
ok, this is WiccanGoddess, funnygirl91s best friend, im am just here to tell u all that she cant come on anymore cuz her mom sez the comp gets messed up everytime she goes online. but i am gonna have her write stuff that she wants posted post it for her so yea. and i will type them as they were and not change them to be the realistic version and not that of jools-land. i could yell at her about being a drama queen any day. but i cant answer any of her pms of course, so dont send em, unless u r willing for me to read them and then read them to her, and then send u her response. k? sorry about this guys. shes really bummed. she really had a tantrum when her mum told her, scared me on the phone. so yea, thats all. bai bai!

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Monday, May 2, 2005

i lost my soccer game and i got fouled, i messed up my knee and my ankle gave out on me. why does god hate me
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Sunday, May 1, 2005

I'm a Unicorn
Your a Unicorn

the most innocent and pure of all creatures you are
happy no matter what. Sweet and kind your there
to make sure that nobody is left behind. Your
prepared and don't tend to be the one who
dosn't understand things, but there are some
cases where you have no clue. Aw who cares the
journey of life dosn't wait for long. Lets go!

What mystical being are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

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I'm a Unicorn
Your a Unicorn

the most innocent and pure of all creatures you are
happy no matter what. Sweet and kind your there
to make sure that nobody is left behind. Your
prepared and don't tend to be the one who
dosn't understand things, but there are some
cases where you have no clue. Aw who cares the
journey of life dosn't wait for long. Lets go!

What mystical being are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

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Saturday, April 30, 2005

You Are? by Osaku
This is about you and me..err I mean you...
Nickname(s)Juju oulia dee
Hair Colorbrown
Natural Hair Color (if different)brown
Eye Colorbrown
Glasses/Contacts/"I Can See"I can see
Birthmarkson my leg
Song that Describes Your lifeKarama
Relationships (aww)...
Are You In LoveYES
Who Are Your Best FriendsKarena, brenna , and katy
Do you Intend/Want to Get Marriedmaybe
If So, Whereon the beach
Do You Want a Family (kids!!!)i dont know
If So, How Many2
If So, Boy/Girl/Doesn't Matterboth
Aspirations (You go-getter you)...
What You Wanted to Be When You Were a Kida vet
What Do You Want to Be Nowa singer
Where Do You Want to Livein Hollywood
Where Do You Want to VisitLas Vagas
Where Have You Been That You'd Rather Be Right Nowin DC
What Would You Change About Yourself, Given the Opportunitymy nose
Place (Near or Far, it doesn't matter)mexico
Vacation Spotpuerto Rico
Shopping Locationthe mall
Music Genrepop/rock/hip hop/rap
Bandgreen Day
Smellnew car
ShampooBed Head
Ice CreamRainbow Sherbert
MovieGold Member
HolidayMy B-day
SodaRoot Beer
BookPop Princess
Game (Board/Computer/Word/Drinking..It's all good)Truth or dare
Color/B&W (photos)Color
Tomato/Chicken NoodleChicken noodle
Did You or Do You...
Have and Siblingsyes
Cry Easilyyes
Think You are Smartyes
Act Your Agemaybe
Have Any Tattoosno
Have Any Piercingsyes
Have Any Petsno
Get Jealousyes
Ever Like Boy Bandsyes
Believe in God/Allah/Jesus/etc.god
Take Criticism Wellno
Have You Ever...
Gotten Drunk BeforeNO
Smoked (cigarettes)NO
Done Drugs (Any)NO
Kissed a Member of the Opposite SexYES
Kissed a Member of the Same Sexno
Been on an Airplaneyes
Been on First Class on an Airplaneno
Skinny Dippedno
Had Sexno
Take this Survgen survey!

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Title: Angel of children
Job: Protect the children of the world
Past: When you were born an angel was needed to
protect children. To do this job however they
must stay a child forever and never grow up.
You were happy to take on this assignment. Full
of innocence and spirit you are the most
commonly seen angel, though you only appear to
children in need of help. They grow up
believing in you and as long as at least one
does you shall live forevermore with the same
sweet smile upon your face.

What class of angel are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

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You are Dha-shi-zhi!
A female bodhisattva of Chinese Buddhism, whose
name means the Strongest. Through the power of
her love she managed to break the circle of
rebirth for everyone. In the heavenly paradise
the souls appear before her in the shape of

Which Chinese Mythological Being Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

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adopt your own virtual pet!

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