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myOtaku.com: funnygirl91

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

my song You Try
you try
having a cruch on your x
you try
having 2 little brothers you have to take care of
cause your parents are busy
you try
having friends that put you down but
thier still your friends cause their always there for you
you try
asking out 13 guys and they all said no!
you try living my life

you try
living a lie
you try
not getting invited to the cool partys
you try
having people hating you for no reason
you give it a try

You try
being the best you can but it satifis no one
you try
getting averge grades
you try
having people on your back all the time
you try
being grounded for no reason
you try
looking up to people that fail you

you try
living a lie
you try
not gettting invited to the cool pratys
you try
having people hate you for no reason
You give it a try
(you repeat the last lyric 2 times then song ends)

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