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myOtaku.com: funnygirl91

Friday, July 1, 2005

You like Sex God

Sex God Draco loves sex
and girls! With his stunning looks and
unyielding sex drive, he can be found wherever
there is female company. Sex God Draco has the
entire female population swooning after him and
some of the male as well! Sex God Draco often
is part Veela and uses his charms to bed as
many girls (and sometimes boys) as he can. His
mind is always on sex and he wants nothing more
than to get into your panties!

You like him
because you are...HORNY! You will most likely
make him wait for awhile and then only sleep
with him when he realises, finally, that you
are the only one for him and halts his previous
philandering ways!

Which Draco Malfoy would you fall for? With Scrumptious Pictures!
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