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• Furry-Chibi
• 1993-11-25
• Village Hidden in the Leaf
Member Since
• 2006-12-10
• Jounin Ninja
Real Name
• Catherine
Anime Fan Since
• 1995, 2-3 years young.
Favorite Anime
• Naruto; Hikaru no Go; Marchen Awakens Romance (M�R); Prince of Tennis; Dragonball/Z/GT; Full Moon wo Sagashite; Pokemon; Yu Yu Hakusho; Fruits Basket; Digimon; Fullmetal Alchemist; Cardcaptor Sakura; Tsubasa Chronicles; Zatch Bell; Death Note;
• Anime, Computer & Music!
• Computer, Photoshop, and Violin.<3
Friday, April 6, 2007

Naruto Ever since Wednesday evening, I started watching Naruto starting from episode 70 or so [I forgot but in the 70's]. Then I just got so into it that I didn`t sleep `til 6:30 in the morning. I wasn`t even tired... wel a tadd bit tired, not a biggy. Then I just said to myself, :Okay, ya need some sleep. Stop watching Naruto!" So then I went to sleep for about 4 hours or more... &+ Then I started watching again. Mann, Hikaru no Go, Prince of Tennis, and all my other favorite anime can keep me up but none can keep me up until the morning except Naruto... Now, y`all know why it`s my favorite anime. It`s my kind of anime and it`s shounen. Yeah, I like shojo anime but that love stuff doesn`t fit my personality so I prefer Shounen... &+ I have no idea why I`m telling you guys this?! -_____- Unlike yesterday, I`m really tired right now and I guess yesterday watching straight 10 hours of Naruto really worned me out... I think I`ll finish episode 130 and go to bed..... or maybe I`ll stay on the computer to do my science fair project. After all, it`s due next Tuesday and my Spring Break has been boring (except Naruto). So yupp yupp..... I just can`t wait `til the Summer cuz I get to watch Naruto everyday!! &+ I get to stay up late more than I can on a week break.. WOOOOOO Okay, I`m really tired. Gotta finish the episode and go to sleep. Ja Ne! `1 ~ Peace
P.S. I think anime, especially Naruto, is taking over my life. ''O_O''
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