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Dream [Eater]
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10th grader
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getting to black belt in Taekwondo
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fruits basket, fullmetal alchemist, rurouni kenshin , s-cry-ed , DNAngel, trigun , one piece , rave master , .hack , pretear, trinity blood, blood+, elfen lied, vampire knight, full metal panic/fumoffu, and ouran high host club, etc..
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Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 02/09/06:
cool ^_^
 you are kind and sweet. your heart is always in the
right place and you would probably do your
best to protect the ones you love even if you
were to die you are a GUARDIAN ANGEL.
what kind of angel are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 01/28/06:
nooo!!! Why Roy.... T_T
Result Posted on 01/26/06:
nooooooo!!!!!!!!.... why Roy?? TT_TT
Result Posted on 10/20/05:
More water ^^
 The Faerie that you represent is the Gwragedd Annwn, or Lake Faerie. Pure and innocent, the Gwragedd Annwn believe in cleansing of the soul in order to live a fulfilled life. They are gifted in the art of Healing and live in the shallow waters of the oceans.
Color: Turquiose
Metal: Mercury
Time: Dusk
Element: Water
Attribute: Light
Court: Seelie (Blessed) Court
What Type Of Faerie Are You? (8 detailed answers + anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 09/27/05:
another water^^
 Water is your anime element. You're a calm person and very intelligent. You're a good listener and people enjoy coming to you because they know you'll listen to what they have to say. You're wise and have a good sense of judgment. You're an artistic soul and see things differently than others. You understand people and can tell what's true and false. You're a wave of emotions and tend to overwork yourself. If you were an anime character you would control water. Your power would be controlling the weather and using the moisture in the air to form a weapon.
What is your anime element? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 09/27/05:
Result Posted on 09/18/05:
Another water.....
You are the element of water. src="" alt="Image hosted by">
Which puts you closely in touch with your feelings and in tune with the nuances and subtleties in your environment that others won't even notice
A silent beauty lost in her own world. You are a calm and gentle soul that walks upon this world lost amongst its sorrow and misfortunes praying for the day when you can find that one place you belong. Like water you are always moving, your mind flowing with new ideas, hopes and dreams, your emotion cascading beautifully like a waterfall. Like water you can easily fit in to your surroundings but you still stand out. There is something about you thats different to everyone else. Sometimes this difference in you brings you sorrow but your identity is something you should be proud of not saddened by. You are not like everyone else. You are much more! For one you go with your gut instincts and nothing else, you approach life and understand it through your emotions, and you're really at your best when you "play your hunches." You communicate best in non-verbal ways; emotionally, psychically, or through forms as art, dance, music, poetry and photography. You have a natural feel and sense for the arts. You're apt to let the heart rule the head. Highly impractical and impressionable, you sometimes use bad judgment for you are unable to be objective and evaluate situations impersonally. You may change your mind as often as your moods change, but rarely do the facts sway your beliefs. You stay strong by that.
what element do you possess? (girls) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 08/11/05:
Result Posted on 08/10/05:
Another -_-
Result Posted on 08/08/05:
Your anime hair color is blue. You are a very active person. You like to go places and can't stand knowing that you have to stay home for a day. You have a small group of friends that you hang out with at school, but have one extra special close friend. You love animals. It's a known fact that you are talented at many things, but are very modest abou it. You love some of your classes, but the others you usually don't try in because you don't like them. You aren't shy around your friends, but sometimes you can be a little shy around new people. You are also very sensative. Color: Sushine Yellow Month: January Emotion: Wonder Animal: Dolphin Song: A Hundred Million Miracles
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What's Your Anime Hair Color And What Does It Mean? {For Girls With Beautiful Anime Pictures} brought to you by Quizilla
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