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Sunday, September 30, 2007
New Layout!!!!
Minna-san konnichiwa!!!
Well it's been a while since I last posted, but no one notices anymore because I'm not that popular u_u oh well.. guess I should put up some drawings soon o_O
ANYWAY for those who will hopefully read this, I have been watching some good anime series, so I decided to change my layout. The theme now will be.... JIGOKU SHOUJO!!! gosh it's a kick a$$ anime! for those of you who like scary, hell related animes, you should see this!!! well it's not that scary to me but it really is interesting, it just got aired a couple of days ago so it's brand new to the american TV but anyway!
Hope I someday have the time to post my drawings, I think I really have improved, I'm so happy TT.TT
Right now you may see just one proof of my improvement in my portfolio, the "Feathered Yin-yang", I put up the older version of it so you can see the big change ^-^
Well, with nothing else to say Imma go and watch more of Jigoku Shoujo (Hell Girl), see you all!!
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Monday, September 3, 2007
Well I just finished playing some Smash Bros and I felt like typing before going to sleep so here I am! ^-^ hmm what to say... oh yes HAPPY LABOR DAY TO ALL!! yesh no school today, that's nice, another day to play videogames HOORAY!!! well what did you all expect, now that I'm going to college aaaall the time that I have must be dedicated to read read read READ!!! WHAT THE HELL
well I put up some drawings days ago, like two? o_O feel free to check them out and comment, I surely hope I've gotten better, the human body is very complex after all aaand uhhhh yeah I'll put more drawings as I go along I just have to finish them lol like my dear FMA oc Vega, yesh!!! dunno if I will color her cuz that usually attracts more people...but I suck at coloring so I might as well forget it!! >< but anyway guess that's all for today since I want to sleep so I can go shopping like a flippin prep, yesh I need some clothes ^-^
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Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Back to school!
Minna-san konnichiwa!!
I hate to say it but I'm finally back from my beautiful vacation, ahh it was so dreamy u_u yesh as I expected I had a lot of fun in my hometown. Well now to wait for December! and till then...just go to school bleh well I graduated so now I'm going to a community college since it's the only thing I can afford for now...I'm poor!!!! TT.TT or maybe I just need to get a job...lazy me xP AAANYWAY!!! yesh I've done some pretty drawings but forgotten to scan them so all I have for you all is a cosplay picture featuring beautiful me ^-^ HAR HAR HAR ok no I'm serious ⌐⌐
well I'll have the pic's description there and all so if ya want to look at it, feel free to do it!!! do it..... ok so that's all for now!
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Saturday, May 26, 2007
Finally, graduation!!!
So I'm a big girl now, that's so nice ^-^
yesh and since I'm so happy I'm gonna be a copycat and put up some pretty pictures, yes.
Well..I'm not that good of a photographer as you can see, I cut off most of my friends, so sad!! TT.TT but at least I got to take some last pictures of them so I can remember them forever! and umm yeah in some I smiled with my lips which was horrible and I shall never do that again!! it's cuz of my braces, when I smile like that they make my mouth look weird.. kinda bulky? or swollen or whatever it is called gaaaah!! so anyway yes those are some pictures, hope you enjoy them and guess you who are interested finally know what I look like, cool huh? yes so that's it for today!! I'm very tired so I'll go to sleep now.
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Tuesday, May 22, 2007
graduation coming!
yesh!! Graduation is just around the corner, woot!! ^0^ can't wait to wear my blue gown and that funny hat and then throw it in the air like crazy!!! I just love gringo tradition ^-^
Well the ceremony thingie for me is on may 25, I'm so happy cuz it's all finally over, ok yes I'm gonna miss my friends and all but I just wanted to get out of school NOW!!! I'm tired...I need vacation TT.TT
oh yes I'm going to the beach and then I'll go to mexico city to see my mom and family, so cool, I always have fun there, well what can I say it's my home anyway, so yeah
what are YOU (person who's reading this cuz you have nothing better to do) doing?!?! I want to know cuz I'm curious ^-^
Well about the drawing thing, I will most likely have something up these days cuz I have no homework and all... I just hope I have improved a little in my drawing cuz I've been doing some doodles in class when I just didn't want to pay attention LOL yesh and... uhhhh I just got lost, I dunno what's happening today or these days, I tend to forget what I'm talking about in seconds, dunno why o_O well I'll just end this pretty post and those who are reading will have to wait for another one!! yeah cuz I just say some interesting things aaaaall the time lol j/k well just tell me about what you're doing or your plans for this summer and stuff, it's nice knowing what people do! yes ^-^ well I'm out of thoughts for today so time to go! besides I still have to get up early tomorrow... sucks... but it's not that bad since I want to get up early so I can be with the friends that go very early to school, it's the last time I'm seeing them so I have to take advantage of this day PLUS I made some nice stuff for them and I want to take pictures too!! GAAH I'M SUPPOSED TO BE OUT OF THOUGHTS!! BLA BLA BLA!!!OK BYE NOW!
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Saturday, April 14, 2007
A nice site!
Well I just happened to find a cool site today where you can desing your person thingie so I decided to make Vega (my FMA oc) and there she is!!! ^-^

Nicey, huh? I recommend you check this site out, it's pretty cool, you can create an account and design your character anyway you like, even put some animation in it, yup.
So yeah, since I haven't had time to draw I'll just put up this animated picture of Vega, ummm she's exploring, yesh, she might be around Rush Valley or something..LOL ok that's it for today, now I'll return to the evil void of homework!! ^-^
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Saturday, March 24, 2007
Ok, it's almost four in the morning, my throat hurts like hell, can't sleep so I'll just write a nice little post ^-^
Hm.... I can't think of anything to say, oh yes! in about 8 more hours I'll finally turn 18, how come? well, I was born today at 11:20am and my mom was pretty much in the hospital right now... eighteen years ago...whoaaa dude, all this is neat stuff! LOL well I like to remember things like that, but anyways!
Yes, I'm going crazy because I can't draw anymore, blame it on school and Advanced Placement classes!!! > And it sux cuz I really want to draw stuff, besides I promised one of my friends (RiizahPen) that I would scan some nice poses for her, and I haven't done that...GAAAH I'm horribel....HORRIBEL!! yes I know I mispelled that but it sounds funny when you pronounce it like that LOL I like to do that with English language, you know, speaking it with a terrible accent, sometimes my own (spanish)...or maybe just another accent! like German, yes ^-^ but it's easier when I do it with my own accent, cause they say I have a little Mexican accent when I speak English... ahh I just like to exaggerate it more and make it sound all Mexican cholo style (hope certain people understand what I'm trying to say, if not then I'm just crazy -____-), just for fun! but that's just me! aaaanyway well I don't really care who reads this, I know it's pretty long but at least it helped me gain my sleep again aaaand I totally forgot about my sore throat, yayez!
So with nothing else to say I leave you, otakuites, for I have some sleep to get and a B-day to celebrate..hope I get something cookies! or maybe just $100 so I can buy stuff, tee hee! OK time for me to go now, but I shall come bak!
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Sunday, February 18, 2007
one more thing I forgot to mention!!!
ok this is not out of pity at all but because I consider her as a very nice person, well one of my otaku friends (Riizah-Pen) had her bday this Friday and she said in one of her posts that the first 5 people who would comment would get a free art, well... no one has commented except for me and I just wanted to ask the ones who read this if you could comment, cuz I know it feels horrible when noone reads someone's posts and comments, HORRIBEL!!! (yes I mispelled it on purpose) she's a good drawer and all and we could help her get even better and stuff, perhaps I'm exaggerating so I'll apologize right now to Riizah-Pen just in case my little request offended her or something... so yeah, that's all I have to say *throws a smoke bomb and vanishes*
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Ooo I'm finally posting for the first time in this year o_O
Well.... I've had a hard time at school with the Calculus and the community service and the college applications....GAAAH!! I WANT VACATION!!! okay ^-^
I haven't drawn anything which is sad since I wanted to improve my skills, except for those doodles in my agenda, ok nevermind, I do draw..just a little but I might have some new stuff put up soon hopefully.... and yeah that's all for today!
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Saturday, December 16, 2006
It's almost Christmas, and I HAD to post something after like forever! GAH!
Well it's actually not almost Xmas but I'm excited cuz I get out of school on Tuesday... and I get to go to my hometown and eat food and have fun and and... I CAN'T WAIT!
Well anyway, yeah I know I haven't posted a picture in a long time for those who look at my portfolio... is there even people that do? -__-u
ahem as I was saying.. I have had tons of homework so you can say that school's being mean to me cuz it won't let me draw.... but I'm almost over finals so I should put something up. I'm actually working on my FMA OC and my homunculi cuz I really want to finish them before starting anything else (FMA is my fav anime, what can I say!). So yeah that's all for today oh yeah and..
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