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Thursday, November 1, 2007
It's just to say that i have now a laptop in my room
with photoshop on it
so yes =D
i will increase my next manga's quality
it'll be way better than the last one
you'll see
and... well, i have design arts but i didn't scan it
maybe tomorrow
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Monday, October 29, 2007
I have finished my manga!!!!!
At laaaaaaast!!!
I have 45 pages, it's pretty good, right? o_O
i thought i wouldn't finish it like hte other one
I'm glad i did
Look at te last pages!!!
by the way i have a new idea for another manga
won't be long
planing the story and making the characters =D
Pagez are HEERE
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Monday, October 22, 2007
the end is near the beginning! o_O
I feel better!
everyone say ''OMG I'M HAPPY!''
and comment on my pages =D
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Thursday, October 18, 2007
angels are exactly like toasters... y'know
I haven't updated in quite a while again
I know you're all proud of me!
but now i had to update, i'm sorry =D
I'm sick for the first time in 7 or 8 months
It's not that bad but i forgot how it felt
I guess ill get over it
My throat is all freaked up and i talk all wonky ( =D )
So yes...
There's not much pages left in twinleaf fall
Actually under 5 pages are left... or a little bit more
It's gonna leave to make place for a more professionally drawn one
I'm not sure what the next one is gonna be
But i'll find something
In the meantime, here's one other page of twinleaf fallz
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Wednesday, October 10, 2007
do the peanut butter jelly with a baseball bat
Yes i know.
I'm really not updating much and that's making me lose the rest of the people that was commenting on my site
Because i'm reaaaaally busy
And that doesn't seem to loose up
And won't anytime soon
But anyway
I have uploaded my manga with 2 new pages
And I will present them to you in a Zelda way
The two new pages.
The two new pages.
The two new pages.
The two new pages.
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Monday, October 1, 2007
bagels are smarter than toasts
Twinleaf fall has been updated!
And twinleaf fall is ending soon.
To make place for another manga.
So anyway, for now, read my next pages
I got two of them
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Wednesday, September 26, 2007
I drew a new cover page since covers without color attract 0 people-.-
But i can't seem to modify it
Theotaku bugs about it
I hope it's not just me
And i officially lost my pencilcase
I bought a new leaders pencil thing
Don't tknow the english name for it
I like those better than normal pencils a lot
Oh and i tried my chinese ink
It works pretty well... it's just sort of not precise
By the way i don't like painting at all
I just don't know why
I can't seem to make something good with paint
I need to detail stuff and erase when it's ugly
Oh and about those pictures i was talking about a long time ago, there they are:

I got that at the mall, if you read carefully, it's written ''Fucking 2 u''

And that's the lovely O RLY? store
( for those who ddn'T wathc my video, it's THE song )
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Monday, September 24, 2007
I modified my profile
Watch/listen to the video, it's incredible
My favorite song
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Wednesday, September 19, 2007
I bought Death note 5, i didn't read it yet but i will for sure
The end of the fourth one was so complicated, i hope i can find out what happened then-_-
Also i bought 2 metal albums
Megadeth and Lamb of god
They're awesome
And check out my last page of twinleaf fall!
Crappy page but every manga needs one every so often right?
...Say yes =D
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Sunday, September 16, 2007
I have been not updating much again right?
Oh well, not my fault, working and everything...
I have funny pictures to show to everyone, i'll show you a bit later, for now i have more pages of twinleaf fall!
Page 30 and 31!!
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