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im in canada, stealing ur trees
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Real Name
Insulting back people that are higher than me in the society
Anime Fan Since
around 6 years ago
Favorite Anime
( in order ) Wolf's rain, D.Gray-Man, Death Note, Love Hina
Following my goals
Videogame, Mangaz, animez, Martial arts
Pro Smasher
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Sunday, April 8, 2007
I have made a new manga page!!
Here it is!
I think it's a pretty decent one
anywayz, not much to report
goign to that chinese place tomorrow
will be fun
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Saturday, April 7, 2007
aye, capitaine
OMG like new fanart
I bought my Tv o_O
20'' sanyo
..It's... not expensive-_-
like 150
I bought a cheap dvd player too, i can watch anime late at night
It's awesummm
anyway, see you later, uploading next page of manga soon
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Thursday, March 29, 2007
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Wednesday, March 28, 2007
omg hi
I'm working tomorrow, but i feel alright now
I rested up my frail little body ( ¬.¬ ) and i'm ready to make some BREAD!!!
Tomorrow i'll get my pay, and i'll probably buy my T.V. then
It'll be the only serious thing i'm gonna buy
I'll save the rest...
But yes i always wanted a Tv in my room
So i hope i'll get it tomorrow
I have taken some pictures of my and my bud omega_zero
Here's an interesting one

I'll let you guess who's my friend
And for my part, i'm the mario doll
( but i'm not sure... )
Alsoz, i have uploaded a niu artwork i drew last week at work
It's random but anyway
Here it is
I was reading my cheap mangas and read something about Love hina
I thought it sounded cool
Does anyone approve?-_-'
Well i'm out
*implodes in a pink explosion of flowery bakeries*
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Monday, March 26, 2007
Work is over for sum timez!!!!
Now, just because i work doesn't mean i can't draw there
Lookie there at the masterpiece!!!!
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Wednesday, March 21, 2007
omg like wtf lmao dood LOL
Hi peoplez!
I have uploaded my second page of tales of WTF!
Please look at it
It's good for the health
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Sunday, March 18, 2007
Well i haven't updated much but that's because i worked 4 days in a row and that left me no time at all to continue my next page and typing stuff on here. However i had a good week. 35 hours of work will give me some money... With it i'll buy a T.V. tp put in my room, and the rest i am gonna save along with the other pays.
They're showing me how to do so much stuff in that place i'm working, it's a bit hard to handle. I have to know exactly where each boxes go in the freezer, which by the way is ridiculously small. I also have to know how to put frozen bread in metal pans. I have to know every sort of bread ( highly comlicated ). Also, i have to know how to serve the pastries, bread, cut bread, take order for cakes, take out the cakes... So yes, it's rather complicated. But i like it there, it's pretty fun. Tough on my back though, not used to stand up for long periods of time...
So about my next fan manga page, i just have to ink it and scan it... I think it's gonna be a pretty funny one. Fangirls are gonna hate me, but that's pretty much the whole point.
Sooo.... I guess that i'm gonna have the next page put up in the next post, so i hope you'll come by to look at it!
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Sunday, March 11, 2007
I am working 35 hours next week
...I used to work 40 so i guess i'll be fine
But it's still a lot o_O
I have excelent news
You surely know about ( and share ) my hatred of fangirls
You know... those ''i have a sasuke in my head X3'' girls
Well in the next ''chapter'' of my manga, i'll have something to say about that
It's gonna HURTZ
In the meantime, lookie at the pwetty eyes...
New fanartz here!!
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Tuesday, March 6, 2007
12+5 = 42
I went to that chinese place and bought stuff!
A poster, a keychain of final fantasy something and princess mononoke playing cards!!
...Isn't that useful?
Well i also bought Thea o_O
Green thea tastes good, it'z my favorite yet
Soooooooooooooooo anyway
Real purpose of the post iz....
My first page of tales of WTF!
It's not really funny yet, it's more of an intro
But it's still kewl!
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Sunday, March 4, 2007
....morning, dudezes.
Okay, it's been some time i uploaded
I'm almost apologizing there... but i'll forgive myself for this time
I'm sure you will too, RIGHT?!
So anyway...
A lot of stuff happened, compared to the past couple weeks
First, i got a job!
Finally... it took long enough
Approximately a month, acutally
It was getting long...
So i work in a groceries store!
And even better, i'm not seeing any customers
So that means i don't have to have a superficial smile to make the random person feels like they're enjoyable while the first thing you want to do is tell them to find a way to help themselves alone
I'm working in the bakery department
...There's only girls there
So i'm helping with the ''rough'' stuff like moving the boxes in the freezer and all that
And when i'm done moving all that stuff, i'm helping making the bread and all the stuff
It's a nice job... even though i'm not paid too well
I start early too...
I gotta get up at six in the morning most of the times-_-
But it's the first job i really like so it's nice o_o
They had a good sense of time, because i just finished tales of legendia
I was already bored when i was playing that all days long
If i didn't have it and waited doing nothing it would've been hell-_-
So anyway it's a great game
Not as good as symphonia but the relationship between the character is like... perfect
It's great, even though it's a bit cheesy on the edges-_-
The seldom original parts make up for it
I have a new fanmanga!!!
Yes, everyone has been waiting for it in their hearts
They just didn't really notice
But now you know!
You've been awaiting my new fan manga!!!
I will kindly give you a link to the cover page
Here it is!
I have a feeling most of you will appreciate the title!
Oh well, i can only hope so!
Please go look at it...
It'll be a funny comic full of...
funny... stuff
So yes, there's no story yet but the waiting shain't last long
Await in awe and in the meantime, admire my new cover page!!
And now, i leave secretly in the shadow...
*leaves secretly in the shadows*
*comes back and pick up his 1$ he dropped*
*then goes in the shadow again mysteriously*
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