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myOtaku.com: Fury

Sunday, September 2, 2007

   omg im lyk tagd
I have a new page drawn, but i need to finish it...
in the meantime, i was tagged by a really cute and sexy musffin
I shall andswer the tag because...er... i guess that's how it goes o_O

Tag you're it!
I have been tagged by hellpyth.
The rules are:
1.Post these rules.
2.Each person tagged must post 8 random facts about themselves.
3.Tags should write journal/blog of these facts.
4.At the end of the post 8 more people are tagged and named.
5.Go to their page and leave a message telling them they're tagged.

alright here goes...

1. I think i could make a really awesome manga, or remix of twinleaf fall with real, inked drawing and publish it if i really got in the mood o_O

2. If you didn't notice, i'm anti social to the point of being arrogant-_-

3. I like online videogames and was once engulfed in them, which made me become a fat geek that i am not anymore

4. people never seem to notice i like anime even though i have a L hat and a rock lee badge on my bag-_-

5. i beat my father and brother at arm wrestling recently, even though they always were beating me in 5 seconds before

6. I do not like old videogames. A lot of people do, almost everyone do, but i do not. Except stuff like mario.

7. I think i fight really good with a lance but i never tried against anyone

8. it's really tough to do that kind of tag thing twice>.<

....so... yeah
i have absolutely no i dea who to tag
that was pretty boring

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