You are Hector, the fiercely independent and loyal
member of the Ostia royal family.
Perhaps the most wonderful thing about you is your
ability to keep an objective view of a
situation in situations where your friends
would flounder. You serve as a light of reason,
helping them to remember what is most important
at the time being, keeping them on track.
When you confront a problem, you use your mind to
tackle the problem -- attempting to separate
yourself from the situation and see it in
objective, unbiased terms. For this, your
friends may percieve you to be cold, apathetic,
or emotionally withdrawn... but this is not
necessarily the case. In reality, you care for
the well-being of your friends, and reason out
what choices, in the long run, would be best
for your group to take. You do what makes the
most sense to you, and this often entails doing
that which simply must be done where an ally
might falter.
You can be the most reliable of all your friends to
make the right decision in a split-second
life-or-death choice where your friends would
fumble. Without your objective reasoning, the
group would go astray and become lost.
Trust is not the most easy thing to earn with you,
as you tend to be suspicious of others and
their motives. Those that are close to you,
however, you are willing to put everything up
Your friends have probably come to find that you
are a reliable and unique individual, and
whether you are fully aware of it or not, they
do appriciate the voice of reason you provide.
You may actually be the largest drive for the
group to succeed -- keep at it. You will go
Which Fire Emblem 7 (GBA) Leader Are You? brought to you by Quizilla