Hi!! I'm Fush Chan, still kinda figuring out My Otaku.
I'd like to thank SinsOfSakura because she helped me put this up. Also, I'd like to thank FadedSakura for helping me too. ^^ Ar-i-gat-o!
Here's the Hiei-fandom link!! Please join!!![](C:\Documents and Settings\Chins\My Documents\My Pictures\3.jpg)
So I guess that's it. Please sign my guest book on the way out!Ja!*trademark two-fingered salute*
A little picture from Photobucket.com ^^![Image hosted by Photobucket.com](http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b313/nobody_hears/Anime%20stuff/manga.jpg)
Thursday, September 8, 2005
Hey, I'm just updating... might as well since I'm on. Schools okay, detail uneeded. (well, my SS teacher is nuts cause he told us how Thomas Jefferson had *cough cough sluts cough cough*.........)
Yeah..... anyways, I'd like to let you know I'm in the market for one of those little button thingies that you link to the site or a new avatar.... possibly one of those that are animated. If anybody knows how to make one, please tell me. And If you're just so giving and want to make me one, My only requirement is that it have Hiei in it(I'm going for a theme here^^)
Also, I was wondering how to get up a poll. If you know that too, please tell me.
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Tuesday, September 6, 2005
eh heh heh ^^'
regarding my earlier post:
I found out why his hair was so weird- The new "The Ghost of You" music video.....I'm so retarded ^^'
Anyways, for those who've seen the video, that dude who dies? yeah, he's mikey. Gerard's brother(took me a while to figure that out ). I realized it cause it looked like gerard mouthed his name when he died. Kinda sad video, but still good- go see it now!!!
Ja, Fush
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Wednesday, August 31, 2005
My take on the VMA
Wow. Lotsa fire-y explosions @.@
Anyway, I was rooting for My Chemical Romance(My favorite band) to win something. They got nominated like 4 or 5 times. Well, they lost to two main bands- Green Day and Fallout Boy.
But Green Day is...well, Green Day and as much as I hate to say it(write it...whatever)they're unbeatable. Even by MCR. But we were only like %10 behind in the votes, so I guess that's worth something. And Fallout Boy actually said, on stage, that "My Chemical Romance should be up here, not us. They worked so hard to get here." So I guess they have a great sense of respect, which is always good....
As for Gerard's haircut: The minute I saw that I was like "Why?!?!?" and I nearly banged my head on the wall. That's definently a "what the shoe?!?" moment. It really bothers me. For some odd, odd reason. As I said on FadedSakura's page, who knows why he cut it.....who knows if he cut it. Maybe some crazy fangirl went in his room when he was sleeping and cut it. Then she was like "Oh crud. I completely messed up his hair." And ran away. But that's just my theory.
They're having a concert near where I live in a month or so, and I got tickets. ^^ *happy dance* o^.^O Yay!!!!! Ummmm anyways... yeah....*mutters* hopefully his hair'll grow back by then.....Um yeah. You didn't hear that. Read that. Whatever.
Oh also, the reason I hate Kelly Clarkson's since U been gone. It's not a paticulary bad song. I got nothing against Clarkson herself. It's just that at Great America(theme park) they just got these neat TVs installed and the Tvs show stuff while you're waiting in line. Good idea, huh? Well, their lineup is "Since U Been Gone", commercial, commercial, "Since U Been Gone", commercial, commercial, "Since U Been Gone", commercial, commercial, ect.
And I had to stand in a really long line. So that song has been embedded in my brain and I heard it just so much. It's like torture cause you wanna go on favorite ride and you're standing there, all happy, and then you hear this song, for the 30th time that DAY, and you wanna break the TV. So I have nothing against Clarkson. Just her song. And the music video.
So I guess that's the end of my rant. I bet the only two people who understand what I'm saying are Sakura and Saki-Chan. ^^'
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Featured Quiz Result:
Here's Neko-San's Hiei-san club I joined. |