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Real Name
Is "Niky" a hint? (but seriously, if you have a problem calling me "fuzzykittyniky", just call me "Fuzzy")
Anime Fan Since
Start of 2005 :P (though I have been drawing Chibi three years)
Favorite Anime
Furuba (Fruits Basket), Naruto
Miscellaneous summer goals (written on a long list somewhere)
Marching Band (Band Ten Hut! One!), Odyssey of the Mind (real men wear tights), Amnesty International (human rights worldwide) anime reading/watching
Clarinet, dancing, singing, acting, knitting, marching, OMing, drawing chibi, being awesome, you name it.
| fuzzykittyniky
Hello! My friend made the site for me (to get me started) :P. Thank you soooo much, Moony!!! My avatar is Kyo (get it? Fuzzy kitty?), who ended up replacing Haku. The midi file over there is "Long December" by Counting Crows. Don't you dare tell me you don't know who they are.
Here's a quiz that Moony, Padfoot and I made!
You are Prongs! (James Potter) You are very brave and a good friend, although the people you dislike would say otherwise. You get a laugh out of torturing your enemies, but they deserve it, right? Your friends think you're great, and so do you... :) Go, Prongs.
Which Harry Potter Marauder are you? brought to you by Quizilla

Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Hey, all!
Not in the mood to do much but say this: I love Megatokyo sooooo much! It is awesome! I have all 871 comics (pages), and it's only been six days since I saw a Megatokyo book for the first time. It's sort of a webcomic, sort of a manga, too. All of it is on the web, but buying a book is nice, too. Visit:
Here's a quote from it (pg. 56 from the second book, but it doesn't give away any plot, it just shows what the characters are like):
Piro: Largo, what are you doing?
Largo: I am taking inventory of our resources.
It does not look good.
PS2. Toshiba laptop. Various tiger games. Hello Kitty wristwatch.
We are not l33t.
Piro: Ask me if I care.
I'm tired and I want to go home. It'd be nice if you tried to get a job or something.
Largo: Chill, dude. I'm sure we'll get deported eventually. Remember that road trip we took to Canada?
Piro: Actually, I was king of hoping to avoid that experience again.
Largo: Hey come on! We got handcuffed by real mounties! That was cool.
(end of quote)
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Friday, June 16, 2006
First day of summer!
Too bad I'm so busy... I have to leave soon to play "pomp and circumstance" for the kids who are graduating.
My brother's b-day was yesterday. He got 3 Megatokyo books. They are SO FUNNY! I love them! I've read 2 1/2 of the 3 so far. It's based off a web comic.
So, in honor of this newly discovered manga-like-thing, I took some quizilla quizzes. This first one is only dumb because of its horrible grammar and spelling:
What Megatokyo character are you?
I took five other quizzes, but they DO NOT HAVE PICTURES so they ARE NOT L337 so they're not here. I got "coffee girl" (whose name is really long!) for one and Yuki (art girl) for another, and 3 times I got Piro.
Have an awesome day, everyone! I'll check my actual site (in case you guys commented on my last post) sometime! G2G!
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Saturday, May 20, 2006
I can see why it seems like I have a boyfriend, but I don't. I just want one. Now that that's cleared up...
I saw Blues Brothers last night. It was so funny!
The new Internet Explorer is awful. It's an imitation of Mozilla now, and a bad one at that. I wish it was back to the way it was... we were even thinking of downloading the old version so we could have it back.
I have a quiz to share, too. I got it from Padfoot.
Can you trust your friend(s)? (beautiful anime pics)
I like the result, the pic is okay. Is that supposed to be a guy? Is it supposed to be Bakura (a question for anyone who watches/used to watch Yu-Gi-Oh)?
Here's a quiz I found:
what does your fav. colour saay about u? (16 results and anime pics)
What's your Naruto Jutsu(s)
 water justsu, you use water jutsus, your jutsus can be very fluent and fast, and when the time is right, strike your opponent with very intense power, you can be a calm, laid back person person, that is until you feel it is time to be serious, or you are pushed to far Take this quiz!

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That's all for now.
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Monday, April 24, 2006
It's night...
I was thinking of otaku-ing today, so here I am. Thanks to all the people who signed my guestbook! I'll get back to you... I... promise... zzzzzzzzzzzzzz :P I haven't been on for such a long time.
On a (mostly) unrelated note: Having a boyfriend seems like such a better idea at night than in the day. Has anyone else noticed that? It's so weird... It's like love is a state of diminished thinking (j/k, j/k, I kid, I kid, love is not stupid).
I went to Austria a week ago! It was soooo cool, but "it's nice to be in a country where the primary language is English again," in the words of Moony. We got to see the Alps, and go down the river Danube, and we went to an Italian restaurant where they played us cool songs on an accordian and a violin (we got them to play Beatles music!). It was fun, and I got a lot of people a lot of souveniers.
Until next time...
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Saturday, January 14, 2006
I heart butterflies!!!!
Yeah. Butterflies... I just took an adorable quiz.

You have black butterfly wings. You are very quiet and love to listen to music. You do have a few close friends but you are kind of shy. When you open up and show people how you are they love your gentle nature. What kind of wings would you have? (Anime Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
This one's pic is really weird, but I like the description:
 What emotion do people see in your anime eyes? (anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Darn, this pic is huge:

You love your individuality. You are strongest when you are showing the world how you care about things and people. You love to dance and sing, just about anything. People sometimes think your a nut, but you just laugh. Good for you! What kimono would you wear? (Beautiful anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
This is so cute:

Angel of Light What Kind of Angel are you? (beautiful anime Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
This one is really weird:

You have a secret fairy friend and you go everywhere together. Great way to keep your secrets. :D What kind of fairy would be your friend? (Anime Pics) (updated 1/10) brought to you by Quizilla
Happy full wolf moon! Padfoot and Moony are comin' over to celebrate (by watching a scary movie, of all things). I'm making a full moon quiz for everyone, it will be up eventually. There's 12 of them, so this quiz will take a while to make.
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