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myOtaku.com: Gaara-Anbu

Monday, January 29, 2007

   a story or thing idk i was bored in tech class....
There was once a young boy about the age of 12. He had short black and sliver hair with cat ears and a tail. He had lived a hard life . . . . He was a orphan from the age of 4. His parents didnt want something so odd in there world, as a neko that had the power to minipulate shadows. So the few years that he lived with his family he was a outcast, his parents loved him untill they had a 2nd child and soon after he was forgotten by them all together. And so on one dark and rainny day they just decited to get the nucence out of there lives compleatly. They had said to him that they were all going to have fun together as a family that day, but they just stoped at a government buliding and threw him out onto the streets. Then they spead off into the rain as his little brother looked out the back window at him with a look of victory over the small neko. Threw out the years he wondered the streets of his small city and took shelter and food where he could get it. One night as he slept next to a dumpster a man walked up to him. He was tall with short brown hair whereing a dark brown trench coat. He looked at the child and frowned seeing as he could be dead. He was in horrable shape. Furr durty from months of running around threw the back allys and a slightly torn ear from a gate that caught him or a fight. He walked up to the neko and kneeled beside him as he put out his hand to him. "What's your name little one?" he said with a soft voice. The neko looked up to him and being to weak to move to get away from the strange man he repliyed "I...I dont know..." the neko said as he looked to the ground. "Well" the man said to him "I will call you Haru and u may live with me if you wish." he finnished with a great sweet smile. the boy had never meet such a carring person in his life and he was a bit hasetant at first for no one had ever been so nice to him to even care. But as he thought about the man who knelt before him he noded slowly to him as the man then picked up haru as they when home. Well it turned out that one nod would be the action he need his whole life. He lived with the man and didnt show any of his powers untill one day he was attacked by a wild dog he had called for the man to come and save him but he didnt come fast enough so in a final attept to live and not be killed by the dog he sent out his shadows and crushed the dogs body. When the man arived he had seen his powers at work, and wasnt mad as haru had thought he would have been, as the others always were, he was smileing. "smileling?" haru said to himslef as the man then walked to him and asked "do you wish to know my name after all this time haru?" the neko noded as he had always wished to know a name and not just a face to call brother. "My name is Riku" haru blinked shocked. Riku was the name of the man who owned the best bounty hunters guild in all of his country of telanith. "Yes" riku said as he saw harus face "I am the owner of the bounty hunters guild and i thought you had some power like this the first day we met...and i want you to join us" well naturaly haru agreed and stayed with riku and the hunters to this very day. He wasnt half bad at it, his powers turned out to be the best weapon for hunting.

thats just a start not detailed yet cuz its like a flash back/ back ground. and i have to go to my next class so no more till i get home if i can get on the com. well anyway hoped u like it plz comment and tel me what u like or dont like thanks bunches. ^_^ see you guys around -he dissapers into black fire and shadows to his next class-

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