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My Best Friend
The Other Me
Whats up all the naruto fans out there. Write me a private message some time, Dudes . Just a note to all visitors : This site is yaoi friendly.None of the pics on my site are mine!Please sign my guestbook. Heres more about me:
Name: Taikiuma Uchiha
Rank:Special Jounin
Birthday:August 4th
Weight:115 Ibs.
Hair: Black
Markings:Japenese characters for Fire,light,and hope on right arm and left arm
Martial Status:Taken
Fav.Jutsus: Chidori, Odama Rasengan,Rasengan Nirentotsu,Hidden Lotus, Summoning Justu(cats), Fire Dragon Bomb, Water Vortex Justu, Water Dragon, Phoenix Flower Justu, Amaterasu,Tsukuyomi, Mud Wall, etc
Fav.Weapon: Wind Shurikan, Giant Kunai, etc.
Missions:A: 503
B: 303
C: 522
D: 751
Notes: Recently aquired Mangekyou sharigan.(i didn't kill my best friend)
Team: Naruto Uzumaki, Taikiuma Uchiha, Sakua Uchiha, Obito Hatake
Quote: "When you dodge you don't let them cut you, when you protect someone you don't let them die, when you attack kill!" ~Ichigo
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Daily Horoscope for November 29, 2007
The amount of work you put into something is directly proportional to the quality of said work, so try not to cut any corners today. Give yourself all the time you need, so you won't rush and miss some very urgent details. Be thorough with everything you do -- spell check every email before sending it off, and make sure you have returned all important phone calls by the middle of the day. Leaving too many questions unanswered will cause someone's imagination to spin in some weird directions.
Daily Horoscope for November 29, 2007
Gambling doesn't always have to involve money or Las Vegas. Today, beating the odds isn't about getting the best hand of cards or picking the right sequence of numbers -- it's all about exceeding expectations! So take a chance and go for a bold move at school, work or in a relationship. Don't behave the way other people expect you to -- act out of character. Go for a much more aggressive move than you normally would. Keeping them guessing means you'll keep them interested.
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