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Wednesday, October 24, 2007
My Year....
I would like to thank Hello Kitty Freak, inda2, and mamma DX for actually replying! *hands out free cookies and chocolate milk to them* THANK YOU!!!
As for my life, since I know you all are DYING to know, has been okay the past year. I had some really hard times, but I am getting better. I am now in my junior year of high school (TWO MORE YEARS OF HELL!!!! T_T) and I am just really exhausted. I have been working hard to try and get into good classes and do good in those classes and am now looking for some good colleges...I didn't really do all that much during the summer break...Basically I stayed at home and turned into a couch potato and a game zombie.
Oh, and....I STILL DON'T HAVE A WII!!! T_T T_T T_T I don't think I will get one in the future, the way my parents are saying, "I don't think the wii is safe. You might break the tv or get to into the game and over-do the motions for the game." Um...I already do that with all my other consols...what's the difference? ^_^ ^_^
Anyway, I hope I didn't make you fall asleep and now you have a big drool stain on your keyboard that you have to clean up...BYE!!!

...thank you for your time...
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Monday, October 22, 2007
How's Life?
So....I just got back on and instead of telling you about how my year went...I want to know how your year went! So, PLEEZE TELL ME!!!! ^_^ Or not....If you really want to be mean....

...thank you for your time...
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Sunday, October 21, 2007
Guess who's back?
ME!! ^_^ Ok, I am sorry I haven't been on in over a year...But I am back...I thought I would stop by whenever I have time, but I will also try to be on every single day! So...STAY TUNED!!! ^_^

thank you for your time...
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Monday, October 30, 2006
Now disabled....until about 2 weeks
Ok, I know I haven't been on in a LONG time, but I have a reason!!! I've had a lot of stuff happen, and I'm in drama club, so that also takes time out of my life.
I bet you're wondering about my title....well don't worry! I'll tell you!!! ^_^ When I was doing the haunted house thingy for my drama club (long story), I accidentially (not how you spell it) cut myself REALLY bad on a balcony. It then got infected, so now I wrapped my hand up because it's RIGHT in the center of my palm. Just this post has taken me about 20 minutes to do....not joking...>_<
Anyways, how's your life??? Good? Bad? Let me know!! ^_^
1 MORE DAY UNTIL HALLOWEEN!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BWAH-HAH-HA!!!!! I'm going to scare the little children AGAIN!!!! YAY!!! ^_^
I have a question for you guys!!! What are you going to dress up, if you even are, for halloween? I'm going to dress up as a dead prom queen who was killed by her promm king...although I wanted to dress up as a vampire with garlic around my neck. Then I could scream at the kids, "SEE! GARLIC WON'T KILL ME!!!!!" ^_^

...thank you for your time...
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Friday, October 13, 2006
WAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! T_T
ok, hi everybody!!! Sorry I haven't posted in ages, but I have to get this out.....I just watched the last episode of something and I WANT TO CRY RIGHT NOW!!!!
The show is called Ouran High School Host Club, and they had 26 episodes, all of them I watched. The last one made me REALLY want to cry, but I held it in.....because my mom would hear me, and come downstairs and ask what's wrong.....and she wouldn't understand....>_< Anyway, I just bought the manga of OHSHC #4 today as well as "The End". I REALLY hope that you know what I'm talking about.....If you don't....then...T_T to you. I'm just going to dive into the manga and cry into it, and enjoying the never-ending manga series!! ^_^
So, how have you all been? Good? Bad? TELL ME NOW!!! ^_^ I've been good, but I'm really stressed out because I have WAY too much homework, and I'm probably be stuck in my study/manga/anime room for 4 hours+.....yay and NAY!!! The good thing is that I get to listen to Panic! At the Disco the whole time....which will ROCK!! ^_^ I guess I gotta go and sleep for as long as I can, because...I GOTTA TEST SOME PEOPLE FOR KARATE!! YAY!!! Then afterwards, DO HOMEWORK!!!!! OH YEA!!!!!!! I'M THE LUCKIEST PERSON IN THE WORLD!!!!
Oh, and I'm REALLY trying to draw some more, but I've had a lot of homework, including presentations and projects, so I wasn't able to do a lot...but don't give up hope! I WILL get some done!!!
Have a great weekend, since I KNOW that I won't be on here the whole weekend....darn you homework!!!

...thank you for your time...
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Monday, September 18, 2006
Hi, bye! ^_^
Ok, can't talk long, but I want to tell you about my long, tiring weekend.
On Saturday, I had my Black Belt Test, and I'm happy to say that I (finally) got my black belt. I was almost in tears when my sensei put on my belt. I was happy and tired. It lasted for over 3 hours.
On Sunday, it was my birthday. I know I should've told you yesterday, but I just didn't have any time. I had a fun time, because I went over to Fort Snelling and had tea with Mrs. Snelling.
That's it....sorry it's so short....Will talk about it later.
...thank you for your time...
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Tuesday, September 12, 2006
...............................................................................................................welcome to my world..............^_^
Let's see, I can't do this long, because I don't have time.......but I will tell you some things that happened today...^_^
At around 1:00 or so, my school's power supply died.....>_< It was SO dark and scary.......AND they made us stay....ANOTHER reason why my school sux.......It came back on almost 5 minutes before we left....which ALSO sucked.......AND the bathrooms didn't work, which sucked the most....>_< I'm just glad that's over with.....
I finally found out what happened at my neighbors, and it's really sad....I mean REALLY sad......You see the dad of the family had a major heart-attack and had to go to the hospital....while he was playing basketball with his kids. Unfortunately, he passed away the next day. That's why I saw the son put bags in the car.....The stuff was probably his dads. It was so sad to find this out, because he was SO nice to everybody......I almost started to cry.......>_<
I don't have anymore time to tell you anything else, since my mom is now bugging me....>_< Have a great day tomorrow!!! ^_^
...thank you for your time...
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Sunday, September 10, 2006
Ok, so I haven't been on here in SO long.....a week!!!! >_< I've been dying!!! >_< I'm glad I could get on here for a couple minutes....
My school has been doing fine.......Art is fun.......Spanish 3 is fun too, but it's 6th hour (out of 7) and I'm really tired during that time.....>_< Then my English teacher is SO funny!!!! I'm the only person who laughs at most of her jokes, because I actually GET them....unlike my stupit students.........
I'm really tired today because yesterday I had my final (YESH!!!) screening, and I worked my butt off........and got dizzy in the process. Next Saturday, I'm going to my Black Belt Test.... ^_^ I finally made it!!! ^_^ Then the next day, September 17th, is my birthday.....I think I already told you this, but I'm so tired that I don't remember....and I'm too lazy to check my past posts......>_<
How was everybody's week and weekend??? I hope it wasn't TOO tiring like mine.....Have great days until I get on again....which will probably be two weeks from now...>_< I'm going to try to get on as much as possible.....sorry about that guys!!! ^_^''''
...thank you for your time...
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Monday, September 4, 2006
School tomorrow!!!! ^_^
yay!!! school!!! tomorrow!!! ^_^ yes, I L-O-V-E school!!! ^_^ I have and always will!!! ^_^
I hope everyone's day went well!!! I had a good day..........I was tired the whole day....>_< oh well...........
I'm SO nervous for school though....and what makes it worse is that we have to get our pictures taken on the first day...>_< Are the people stupid or are they just don't care about us???? *thinks about the past years*'s too hard to figure's kinda hard, since they do stupid stuff, like have us go to school when ALL the other schools in the state cancelled because of the snow.....or the times when we don't have a.c. and it's 75-80 degrees outside...>_< meanie school!!!!!! >_<
Yea, so my day tomorrow is going to suck bad....>_< I mean I love school and everything, it's just what they're going to make us do the first day is stupid!!!! It's just plain stupid!!! (I hope you understand santoryumaster.....I reallly do....) And, I'm wearing the "new" fasion on the first day....I'm going to wear leggings.....and I don't care what people think of me!! Ok, maybe a little bit.....>_<
I won't bother you I'll just go.....oh and on a lighter note, I GOT RAMEN!!! ^_^ but I won't be able to eat it EVER because I have to go to school now...another reason why I don't like school.....It's very confusing.....for me at least...^_^'''''
...thank you for your time...
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Thursday, August 31, 2006
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! dad just called and said that we aren't going to the baseball game....T_T WHY CRUEL WORLD WHY?!?!?! I guess I'll spend this day alone, instead of with two kids....T_T I hope I get to see them before they leave. I NEED TO SEE THEM AGAIN!!!! T_T Oh well........what am I supposed to do??? I guess I'll just watch anime....without ramen... T_T WHY CRUEL MOM WHY?!?!? yea, my mom forgot to buy me ramen, so now I'm in pain.... >_<
...thank you for your time...
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