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Village Hidden in the Leaves...for now....
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Putting up (or should i say santorumaster put up)my first fan art
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When Earth was born
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Naruto, One Piece, Full Metal Alchemist, Shaman King, and Fruits Basket(wow! random)
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Wednesday, August 23, 2006
*Insert Title Here*
Hey everybody! How are you all? Anyway, I have to go to my ear doctor, because he's going to check my ears, long story.....short story, I can't hear because of a stupid ear infection, and I have to wear hearing aids......>_< I've been wearing them ever since I was little.......which sux. I don't know what perfect hearing is, and I don't think I ever will.....even though I REALLY want to be normal....
Ok, enough of my sucky life......more about my neighbors. Ok, so far, all I know is that something BIG happened, and there are cars in there EVERY day....I think there selling the house. I saw one of the kids put suitcases in the back of a car. He looked really sad, even though I was really far away, I could still see his pain. Also, their dog looked sad too. I think someone died, or is very sick in the hospital. That's all I know so far, I'll keep you posted on updates that I see.
YAY!!! School's starting soon!!! ^_^ 11 more days, I think.....I still don't have my stupid SCHEDULE!!!!! I NEED IT!!! NOW!!!!!!! >_< Stupid SCHOOL!!!! DON'T GIVE ME MY SCHEDULE, SEE IF I CARE?!?!?! *sigh* stupid school.....I keep having bad dreams about not getting my schedule, then going to school to find out that they didn't put me in anything, and that they don't have me in their records.....I have a HUGE imagination.....and stress build-up.
OURAN!!! NEED IT!!! I haven't checked, but I MUST see the subbed episode 20. They BETTER have subbed it..........I've been waiting for OVER a week....>_< Episode 21 has already come'd think that they'd have subbed episode 20....I don't understand Japanese without the subbing.....That's how I'm learning it...^_^

There's a little piccy from episode 20....MUST WATCH!!!!!! >_<
Well, I got nothing else to I guess that's it from me!!! Have a great day everybody!
...thank you for your time...
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