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myOtaku.com: GaaraLovesMe1 O.o

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Friday, October 20, 2006

MySpace Graphics

MySpace Layouts

MySpace Graphics
MySpace Layouts

hehe^^ ya well i'm bored... BUT IT'S FRIDAY!! WHOOOT!!!!!!! loll well comment me peoples!

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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

don't click this link...

ya well i'm bored and i made a ton of friends this week and i know where to get songs now and that makes me happy! ^^ i had my freshmen retreat today and i found out my teacher is a clumsy numbchuck user.... i swear he hit his head twice... and he says he's in karate...O_O but i also met other awsome people including a really cute guy who likes to look at me and is a second degree blackbelt! ^.~ oh yes! ya it was fun and people were funny and i didn't feel as shy as i usually do...(i'm shy in person, but not online!^^) the seniors were really funny too and i knew a few of them.... including one who went to my elementry. wow, he got hot! O.o lol well we played games and learned... a little... but i think the best part was that i didn't have to go to school!WHOO! i could use a day without algeabra too... thank God. it was fun instead of annoying cause i get easily annoyed when people try to teach me things i already know... but not today! ^^ well that's all for now, so please comment me people!

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Saturday, October 14, 2006

OMG! there are so many hot pics of Gaara! i almost fainted! holy shit! i cant decide which one, so i'll probably change my backround... A LOT..................... haminahaminahamina....... ya well i'm obsessed i already know so you don't have to tell me and don't worry i'm original. i liked Naruto.... and Gaara XD...... way before any of those NARUTARDS. so don't even start with me. it's been a long time... at least a few years... i don't know but don't piss me off or i'll send it right back


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Friday, October 13, 2006

Free cursors for MySpace at www.totallyfreecursors.com!

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this is funny! ^.~....... and very long.... >3

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I adopted a Naruto chibi! ^.^

Name: Sabaku No Gaara

Likes: Himself (and me tehe^^), killing people feeling alive

Dislikes: people

Owner: Emily

Click here to adopt your own Naruto chibi!

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thank you so much person that showed me how to do this!!!!!!!!! i love my backround~! yay! whoot!


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