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myOtaku.com: GaaraLovesMe1 O.o

Friday, October 27, 2006

i wrote the exact same thing on my other site... lol
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was so mad this week cause yesturday my mom stole the internet from me and i was REALLY PISSED!!!!!!! she said she wanted to spend time with me....SCREW THAT!!!!!!!! so i rebeled and had an attitude and i ignored her up til now.... but i'm still mad so i'm still ignoring her... ya. and i was so mad that i just went to bed and it was only...... 8:30.

also i have two partys to go to this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOO!!!! GO ME!!! yes, i'm a party animal. the best part is i make new friends and one of the parties i'm goin to i have NO CLUE WHO IT IS!!!!! no i'm not crashing it... not that you wouldn't expect it from me, but i'm not. my friend's friend... but she seems really awsome so i'll have fun.

talk to me people please!!!!!!! thx.

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