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myOtaku.com: GaarasLightMasao

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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Itachi girls 8 (11/28/07)

Hi. sorry It took me so long to write on your guest book. my bad. I've been light headed a lot. but I'm sorry!!

i dont know (04/11/07)

Hey! im signin random pepolz gb's and your a lucky winner! i hope you r proud that i chose u instead of those other losers on the o cuz if u arnt happy, ill get gaara over here 2 take care of u!

~Nakashima Miharu~

NarutoGifMaker (01/12/07)

hello~ just surfin though sites n i came accross ures. i luuuuv ure color sceme....purple n blue ^_^ okee bb!

Talim-of-the-Wind (01/08/07)


Nice site!!!

The Demyx theme rocks!! (heck, so does Demyx! ^_^)


hooked love (01/07/07)

Hey love ur site ur bg is cul come visit my site sometime kay peace!


RikuisHOT (01/04/07)

Hey there! I LOVE YOUR SITE!! I am soo addin you, oh and thx for the GB sign^^ Feel free to PM me netim ok? Chitchat l8ers! BIES!


Elena The Turk (01/03/07)

Thanx for signing my guestbook! i really appreciate it! Thanx for adding mew as a friend ill gladly add you as my friend. Ok gota go! PM me later if youd like! Later!!


"In ShinRa we trust!" *salutes*

kakashi wolfclaws (01/02/07)

~konichiwa!~ cool site ya got here! i like your avie! mind if i add you? check ya katerz!


TANR7 (12/30/06)

hey!!! thnx for the add!!! u have a cool site!! thnx for adding me!!! ill do the same. sorry if i don update alot anymore(itll probably be rare) cause i keep goin on myspace(ABOYAWAYFROMGIRLZ) now!!! SOOOO! HAVE A HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!

Leiko Yume (12/29/06)

Hey Suzume,

Demyx fan, huh? I'm a Roxas lover myself. I love all of your polls! I am wishing they would let you put 13 on them instead of 12 though. I added you as a friend. Come by and see me sometime.


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