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myOtaku.com: Gackt Sayonara

Saturday, March 25, 2006

I haven't been on in soooo long.

A lot of stuff has happened. I was in my cousins wedding and almost tripped on my dress waking down the ailes.

The dresses were the prettiest things in the world. The were light purple like, almost white. and they were strapless and went down to our feet and trail about an inch behind us. We all also had silver shoes. Those are the two reasons I almost tripped. eheheh

Then, i um...heh got fired from my job at hobby lobby. I was working in the floral department and this woman came up and asked the most rediculous question, I don't even remember what is was now. But, I answered her question and then she went off and then she came back with the same question and I answered her the same way. Well, she came back a third time! And so I said basically, listen lady, do you want me to walk the 20 feet from this counter to get you your fucking flowers?

I mean, they were right there! So, my manager being a dick that hee is fierd me a couple weeks ago for that and not showing up one day because I got a flat tire and couldn't come in. grr

Now onto some good news?

I applied for jobs at Barns And Nobles and our local music store. I had my interview with Barns and Nobles last week so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Other good news, this one guy in my chemistry class asked me out. This was like Feb. 10-ish. He's really cute and nice. And the best part is, he's got hookups with our local bands so we can go watch their gigs and stuff. Now, I"m not going out with him for that. I really like him.

I'll be 17 in 7 days! Oh yeah!

-+-Gackt Sayonara-+-

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