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Being my weird self
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....being alive?
Anime Fan Since
7th grade...ahh those were the years , DBZ, Gundam Wing, and Outlaw Star!!!
Favorite Anime
Fruits Baskets, Ranma 1/2, Slayers,Inu Yasha, Cowboy Bebop, Rurouni Kenshin, FLCL, Excell Saga,Trigun,Blue Seed, Vandread, DBZ (Frieza & Cell series), Naruto,BLEACH!!! FOMOFFU, FMA, FMP, Bubblegum Crisis 2040
To be a computer GENIUS!!!! Heh...well...yeah.....::rubs back of head::
Writing,drawing, playing music,playing Video games (Final Fantasy ROX)!
uhhh.. I can play 3 different "school" band instruments, Drawing,..........sleeping.........eating......
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Friday, November 3, 2006
Friday, November 3rd, 2006
8 months is a LONG time!
My feeling at the moment...

Well, well, well LONG time no see everybody! Its been 8 months since the last time I have posted and I'm sure that most of you have forgotten I exist, but for those of you wonderful people who do remember I will fill you in on some recent major events.
Well everybody knows Halloween just passed. SO how was yours? I really hope you guys had a better one than I.
That morning for no reason that anyone can explain, except for maybe divine intervention...I woke up at the lovely hour of 7am. Now if any of you know know that I absolutely DO NOT wake up at that hour...especially if I pulled one of my late nights, which I happened to had done. So I get up to go to the bathroom....and my sister tells me that there is something wrong with my grandma. I sort of dismissed it cuz she always has something going on..and my sister isn't so reliable when it comes to information. So I go to the bathroom and then go back to my room to go back to sleep...but I have a nagging feeling that I should go check with my mom just incase it might be serious. SO I do just that...put my little sweater on cuz it was cold and went downstairs.
She was on the phone with Garland, my G-ma's husband. He was saying that my G-ma was incoherent. So my mom decides she is going to go over and see what was going on...she asked me if I wanted to come. I said I would....though I wasn't exactly sure I wanted to..because if it was something serious I knew that I would lose it. I ended up going.
When we got there my G-ma was laying on the couch. My mom went over to talked to her....and I sat on the other couch to watch. My mom would ask her questions...and she would try to answer...but she couldn't get the right words out....and she didn't seem to realize she wasn't making any sense. My mom said we needed bring her to the emergency room. So there was a scramble for all the medical info and stuff that we thought we needed then we headed toward the hospital.
On the way there we had a few hang ups...we had to slow down for school zones..because it just happened to be the time where everybody is making their way toward school...and then we had to actually stop because I guess my G-ma got car sick while riding in the backseat of the car. But thankfully when we got to the hospital they went right ahead and checked her...we didn't really have to wait at all...which was all against what we expected to happen.
So they took her in the back to check her out while my mom and I had to wade through the tons of paper work to get her registered into the hospital. Now I was feeling realy useless up until this point....I was fighting as hard as I could to just stay calm and composed for my grandma....but when we got all this paperwork I found I was usefull...I could take my mind of all of this emotional stuff and just use my calm and cool mind. SO I busied myself with this until my mom went back to go check on my G-ma and Garland to see if they needed anything. So I waited...and waited...and waited. LOL it seemed endless....thank goodness they had a TV or I would have gone crazy.
I think I waited about two hours...and then my mom came back out to tell me the news. She told me to come outside with her...and I followed. She then proceeded to tell me that the doctors thought it was a stroke....but they thought that there was maybe a tumor in her brain that cause her to bleed in the first place. They said that they needed to transfer her to another hospital because they had better equipment to deal with something there. I took this all pretty calmly...and my mom explained it pretty calmly....but she asked the taboo question...Did I want to go see her? And I just lost it. Now I had lost it a little a few times that morning...but this was the mother of losing its. I felt bad for doing it...cuz it made my mom lose it too...and then my dad called and she had to explain it all again to him while she was it was an all around horrible moment.
My mom and dad decided I had better go home because I hadn't had much sleep that night, and I didn't have anything to eat, and I had been at the hospital for about 2 or 3 hours by that time. So my dad came and picked me up...and I revisited my losing it stage for a little while when he asked what happened...then we headed home.
And that was pretty much all that happened on my Halloween...other than taking care of my G-ma's schizophrenic dogs...they would drive the most loving of dog lovers to go crazy! Not to mention that we had a million trick-or-treaters. So yeah...worst Halloween ever.
Well I guess I'll keep updating either with posting or on my chat box above to let you guys, who want to know, whats going on. Thanks to all who read and/or comment!
Post ya later!
Comments (2) |
Saturday, March 4, 2006
LOL I just had to add this! It made me laugh so hard!
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Saturday, March 4th, 2006
Whoa......where am I?
My feeling at the moment...

Gah.....I've been terribly horrible about commenting on everybodies site lately! I'M SO SORRY! GOMEN! GOMEN! Lots of things have been happening lately....and well....I've had no energy to think of stuff to write!
Well...lets see what has been going on......humm...I decided to take some of your guys' advice on the job thingy. I went out looking for applications about a week or two ago at a few stores around my seems like I was wasting my precious lunch time (I happened to go on my Lunch break from school)...I was told by the cutest little girly girl of a Walgreens worker that pretty much everywhere has their job applications online now-a-days. So I surfed the net for some jobs here in town.....and I actually applied to a few places. 2 Albertsons and.....I broke down and actually applied to Chuck E. Chesse....LOL I really don't know how that is going to work out....but I think it might be a good experience for me......LOL I'm not too kid friendly these days. I also decided to volunteer in my Church bookstore. I get to help make CD copies for the recorded sermons and maybe even learn to work the cash register.
School these days is getting harder and harder as time goes by. I have midterms this next week.....ugh...I'm dreading it so horribly! I've got a take home Anthropology midterm that consists of about 4 essays....ugh....I hate essays! And since I was sick for a while before...I've missed some important stuff in my programming class....and I'm falling a bit behind....bah....but I intent to fix that asap!
Next....lets see....I've been a housework maniac these days. I'm cleaning hard and fast because I need to raise that $110 for my Aquire the Fire trip. I've raised about $40 dollars so far.....but I've had to spend about $10 of yeah I've got about $80 left to raise....I think I can do it....I hope I can do it.....I BETTER DO IT!!! Sigh....but I'm running out of things to clean!!! Gah! Living is expensive!
Hummm....what else, what else....oh yessssss! I joined bible study! My youth group is sort of we have the Jr high, High school, and College age people all in one class....but the Youth pastor decided that us college people are specialler (LOL not even a word!) than everyone we get our own class. LOL nah.....we just have a class that teaches us things that aren't necessarily relevant or appropriate for the Jr and High school its a lot easier on Youth Pastor to take us on trips because we are all over 18 and we don't need chaperones. We happen to have had one of those trips last night! We went bowling!!! LOL till about 1am in the morning!! LOL it was Cosmic lights and glow-in-the-dark balls and shoes. It was AWESOME! LOL I got 3rd place in my lane...which consisted of about 8 people....and I actually broke 100! Well...on my second round...I got 99 the first time...>_> I was SO mad! SO close, ....but yet so far!!! LOL AngelsNeverCry19 came along! We hung out at Borders for about....3 and a half hours...(gah that sounds so bad!!) before the bowling thing...LOL we had fun lauging at all the chibiness, being disgusted by the LOADS of the Yaoi manga (Seriously! They have a BUNCH now!)......and being scared off by creepy old people who were talking to us as we looked at all the manga. SO yeah...very productive!
LOL! Well...I think thats about it...well not really all....I don't want to say the rest because...well....I'm afraid that whoever I'm talking about will read yeah....LOL nice little tid bit to torture you people who just HAVE to know!(Thats SO me).
Well then, I hope everybody is doing well! Thanks to those who actually READ all of my ramblings, and glomps galore to those who actually comment!!!
Post Ya Later!
Ganymede |
Comments (5) |
Thursday, January 26, 2006
Saturday, January 9th, 2006
Something Something Something
My feeling at the moment...

Sigh...I am yet again stuck at home....with nothing to do! SO VERY ANNOYING! LOL but at leaste it gives me time to actually catch up with everybody and update my site.
Umm....nothings really been happening to me...I go to my three classes on Monday and Wednsday and then Church on Sunday....and thats pretty much it for my week.
I really need to get a job or something! BUT ITS SO SCARY! I have a hard time speaking to people in general....but the thought of an interview...where I'm being judged on how I act and what I say.....MAN! I would be SUCH a psychtic mess! But things keep on coming back to this subject. I was thinking about maybe seeing about working at Pets CO...which is pretty much right down the street from my house, I wouldn't even need to drive to go to work. But then I think..."what if they make me clean up pet messes?" (which by the way, I don't really think I can handle with any kind of composure) or "what if they want me to handle some of the pets!" (I seriously couldn't handle spiders or snakes with any kind of SANE behavior) the I think " what if they have some mean surpervisor who hates me the moment they see me, and finds any kind of way to make my life miserable?" Gah...the list just never ends....then I have this neurotic fear of rejection! I mean seriously, I would rather fail a class then be told that my presentation wasn't what it should be! (which btw...I did do before) Sigh...THESE CURSES!! WHY DO THEY PLAGUE ME!
LOL well enough of my ranting for the moment...I have a querie for all of you.
Have you ever had an obsession with food, that you always hated before?
LOL I do! Its Corn Dogs! I always HATED corn dogs, the gritty feel of the breading...the fake meaty taste of the always made me turn away in disgust. But lately...thats pretty much all I've been eating. Especially the ones with the honey batter. They kind of taste like cake...with fake meat inside ^v^. LOL I wonder what kind of food obsession I'll develope next! I just REALLY hope that its not......~shudder~ strawberries.....*turns green* they have all those little hairs on the outside....*gag* bleeeeeeeeaaaaaah!! NASTINESS! I think I will stop thinking about them now.
Well...I think I've rambled enough. Hopefully something interesting soon happens to me so I can keep you guys more entertained! ^__^ I hope the rest of your week is happy and blessed!
Post ya Later!
Ganymede |
Comments (7) |
Monday, January 9, 2006
Saturday, January 9th, 2006
Nothingness with a pinch of excitement
My feeling at the moment...

^_____^ Hiya guys!! How are ya doin'? I hope everything is going well for you, if not...well I hope things get better soon!
LOL I happen to be watching Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, at the moment, which I've see about 5 or 6 times. There is nothing interesting to watch on the channels I know of, and I can't really channel surf the other channels because our remote doesn't work... ;_; LOL have any of you notice how much the Orc's heads look like Gords or Squash? Or how much Ferimir's father looks like Ozzy Ozborne? LOL I just had a sudden realizations of those a few moments ago.
Well, life has been pretty quiet on my end lately. Nothing but doing house work, trying to amuse myself, and going to chuch. Speaking of chuch though....we had a pretty exciting announcement yesterday morning. We found out after 11 years at this building we are now....we have decided we are moving to a new building!! And no, not just any building....we are buying a 20 acre lot... right in the middle of the proposed hotspot for new houses and businesses, and building a MUCH larger church. My church happens to consist of about 200 people and we are planning of building a church that would be able to hold quite a few thousand people. I just can't tell you how excited I am about this!!! Just makes me want to wiggle and squirm like a little child!!! reality nothing really exiting will happen until we start actually building the church itself, which would probably take at least a year to start, so yeah....long way off.
Well thats pretty much all things exciting right now. I start school next monday, of course being one of the major members of the We Hate School club...I'm not really looking forward to it, but its inevitable, so what can ya do?
Welp, I guess I must be off. I hope your days are happy and blessed! Have a great week!
~Ganymede~ |
Comments (7) |
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Saturday, December 23, 2005
Christmas and stuff
My feeling at the moment...

Well well are my most wonderful friends of the Otaku race!? Are ya guys surviving? If most deep condolences to the dearly departed.
Well...nothin much goin on with usual...though the wonderful Christmas season is spicin things up for me. Not to mention the oh so fabulous day of my birth!! I am officially 19 as of wednsday! WooooHOO!! Oh wait....thats not good...I'm....SO OLD!!!! LOL anyways...I had a great b-day party!!! Benakittie, FayeKoizumi, Koneko2005, and AngelsNeverCry19 all came over. We a blast playin Soul Caliber II..I of course...beat them all!!! MWAHAHAAAAAAA!!!! Ahem...LOL yeah I got a CD play and some CDs...and I got Hana-kimi 2, Azumanga Daioh 1, and Devil May Cry 3 book 1 manga!!! AWESOME!!! ^__^ Bena gave me SUCH a cool present!! She bought this blue wooden Japanese umbrella with white flowers, then she painted me a picture with a lady holding the umbrella!!! ITS SO PRETTY!!! T^T The only thing is.....I have no room on my walls with all my anime posters and pictures!!! SUCH A DELIMMA!!! Anyways...we went to Borders after to spent the gift cards I gave them for their early Christmas presents. LOL we ended up staying there for a total of 2 and a half hours! I money to spend and I ended up buying...Hana-kimi 9, Model 7, and a Novel called Eldest. SO yeah....I love books....or manga I guess you could say. I read them all already...except for Eldest that is...cuz its almost 700 pages...though I am about half way done with it.
Um...well today I got to go to my Aunt and Uncles house to open presents early!!! YAY!! I get about three days for opening presents...which is REALLY COOL!!! I usually get 4 days...but My Grandma is selling her house and she doesn't have it all decorated. We usually do each of our houses (My aunt's, my G-ma, and my house) for one day of present opening...cuz its too much of a hassle carrying all of the presents to and from each house. Today I just got alot of clothes...a bible and a CD set of hymns and some money. SO yeah I had a good pile ^__^.
OHH OHHH OHHH Now that you mention presents!!! I got a most wonderful...most splindiforous...most excellent LAP TOP!!! OOOoOOoOHH AAaAAaaaAAAaaaH! ^___^ Yep yep...for most of the past two days I've been constantly surfin the net!! ITS SOOOOO COOL!!! ^____^
Well must be off! Have to finish watchin Spirited Away! Haven't seen it in SUCH a long time!! Well, I hope all you guys have a wonderful Christmas Holiday and a SAFE New Year!!
Ganymede |
Comments (8) |
Saturday, December 3, 2005
Saturday, December 3, 2005
Long time no see!
My feeling at the moment...

Well hiya my fellow Otaku nuts!! How are ya guys doin!! It sure has been a long time since I've actually posted something! So sorry about emotional rollercoaster of a life has been VERY hectic as of late.
Well lets see....what can I think up to amuse you guys...humm....Oh I know!! I don't know if I mention this "publicly" but...this year I actually signed up to be in my church Christmas play. Due to past experiences recently I thought I would have one of those easy in the background kind of roles. You know...a silent wiseman, a random passerby,.....a sheep...^_^ LOL I SURE was surprised at what I actually got. I'm and angel...and not a normal elegant stand on the sidelines and talk to people...I'm a DANCING angel.....a LEAPING DANCING angel.....>_> and for any of you who have met me...or have been told about me...I am ETREMELY clumbsy....and NEUROTICALLY shy! So yeah I was TOTALLY thrilled about this(Is the sarcasm showing too much?) SO yeah for the past few weeks I have been learning to an angel. Oh and I found out....I look like when I twirl...P_P The debut of this wonderful horrendously terrifying next Saturday.....>_> And my moves are not at ALL refined enough for me to actually bear to perform them. And to make things even worse...I am the tallest person up there...and I happen to be right smack in center stage..the WHOLE time. P_P I SO going to die from embarassment!! P_P SHoot me.....Shoot me now! PUT ME OUT OF MY MISERY!!!
Umm lets see...todays events....Oh I went to Borders today with Angel and Sarc today! ^__^ it was SO cool!! They had like an anime wasn;t really a party....all we did was stand around...looking at the manga. It was just a guy at a small litle table who quizzed us ever 20 mins about an anime then gave out some prizes to those who got them right. Then he would stick his hand in a box and pull out a name of one of the people who signed the little registration forms and then give them a prize! ^__^ I actually won something too!..-_- though I'm not really thrilled with it...its a Xiaolin Showdown Trading card game....P_P I don't even watch the show.....P_P. But as a whole the prizes weren't all that spectacular.....the best ones were Angelic Layer Manga and Rahxephon DVDs. But the best thing of all was me n Angel both got to drool all over that new Devil May Cry 3 manga!!! Though....P_P I didn't drool so much when I saw Vergil's pic.....P_P HE'S SO UGLY!!!!!!...LOL Even Dante wasn't up to par! LOL another funny thing...well not really funny cuz it was kind of creepy at the time...this guy randomly came up to us...and started talkin about....>_>.....<_< Hentai!! and I'm like o.0...NOOOO >.< away!!!! LOL Angel is all politely trying to end the conversation......>.< BUT IT WAS SO HORRIBLE!!! The bakas!!! They always find me!!!
Another cool event of the day was we actually put our Christmas tree up!!! It looks real pretty in the Formal Living room!!! Its like 8 or 9 feet tall with lots of white lights!!! ^___^ We were going through all of our old ornaments...^__^ They had a few of me sitting on Santa's lap! I was SO CUTE......bald...BUT CUTE!!! LOL we even found some stockings that we made for our old dogs Beau and Coco...P_____P It made me so sad!!! I really loved those guys.....even though Coco was a big butthead...>_> he'd growl at me everytime I'd try to pick him up!
ANYWAYS ENOUGH OF THAT EMOTIONAL STUFF!! I have a question to ask of those of you who are HTML savvy. I'm having a problem trying put my posts in a scrolling table. I made a code for it and it works on some sites I tested it on...but it doesn't work here. It just gives me a big long table. Does anyone know how to make it work here? I would really appreciate some help!
Well gotta ply people! Naruto comes on in 4 mins and I absolutely CANNOT miss it!!! ^__^
Hope your Christmas season is merry!! Be careful you procrastinators! You seriously could die out there in the shopping masses!!! ^_~
Ps: and since I feel a little goofy right now I will leave you with this...

Comments (6) |
Monday, November 14, 2005
A fun little something
My feeling at the moment...

HEY EVERYBODY! Well thanks for all the comments on that last post, even though all it was was a quiz! Sorry for not being more...umm....insane...I wasn't feelin too hot just then.BUT I feel tons better now but I must ask you a huge favor in humoring my unquenchable curiosity about you guys. I have here a fun little thing for all you out there to comment on! It will tell me how effective I am at spreading the insanity of myself to all surrounding entities!! Try and have some fun with the answers!! P_P It makes me cry when you are all serious.....well...almost cry....I DON'T CRY!! I'M INVINCIBLE!!!! ^_____^Thanks to Exiled Empress for allowing me to vent my insanity on her post of this!! Hope ya guys have fun!!
And now presenting my questions I got from Exiled Empress who got them from Shiori Hana:
1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. would you want to meet me?
4. Do you want some ice cream or cookies?
5. Would you kiss me if i let you [^^ haha..]? [for boys only!!]
6. explain why you picked your username.
7. Describe me in one word.
8. What was your first impression [of me]?
9. Do you still think that way about me now?
10. What reminds you of me?
11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
12. if i were to move next door to you. what would the 1st thing you would do?
13. when did you last read my post
14. What are you thinking of now?
15. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?
16. What song are you listening to right now?
17. what is the first thing you would do if i were to stand infront of you?
18. What would you do if a cute or pretty boy or girl would to say hi to you?
19. What would you do and say if i was feeling down now?
20. What to use for my next theme?? ^^
Now wasn't that just a blast!! YAY now I have something fun to read!!! ^__^ Have a great week this week!!
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Saturday, November 12, 2005
I little random post
My feeling at the moment...

Sigh...since I'm not really up to making a big long explanitary post about my present boring life, I've decide to take a little survey that will tell you guys a little about myself. I know, I know, I know! You just hate reading those things...but I can do at the moment. SO I'll leave you with happy wishes for this extended weekend and hope you are refreshed and happy when the week comes back around.
And on to the survey!
Bored? ((Over 100 questions)) | [x] Part 1 -- The Basics [x] | What's your name? ::: | ...umm...the evil strawberry from bunny land? | Birthplace ::: | Bunnyland of course! | Age ::: | 18 | Age you act ::: | ..heh...depends on the situation | Current location ::: | Antarctica-like computer room | Eye color ::: | Hazel | Hair color ::: | Blonde | Right, lefty or ambidextrous? ::: | Righty tighty! | Zodiac sign? ::: | Sagittarius | Height? ::: | 5'7 | [x] Part 2 -- Describe... [x] | Your heritage/nationality ::: | ..umm..American? | Your hair ::: | Shoulder length with a little bit of wave. | Your fears ::: | ...that would most deffinately be steamy suave guys! ^///^ | Your perfect room ::: | Wall to wall anime!!! | What you practically do in a day ::: | ...umm.....wait for the next episode of Inu Yasha? | [x] Part 3 -- What is/are... [x] | Words you overuse ::: | man, dude, SO, ummm | Phrases you overuse ::: | LOL, nu uhhh! | Your first thought when you wake up ::: | uggggggh!! | Your greatest accomplishment ::: | ^_^ Staying alive! | Something you want to do ::: | ....shoot those evil pink bunnies that are staring at me >_> | [x] Part 4 -- This or that [x] | Pepsi or Coke ::: | >_< neither! | McDonald's or Burger Kings ::: | McDondals, I'M LOVIN IT! | Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera ::: | o.0 .....ehh...that would be a pass on both | Chocolate or vanilla ::: | ....depends on what I'm eating.... | Adidas or Nike ::: | @o@...ummm...Walmart? | Black or white ::: | Black! | Bills or Coins ((Think $$$)) ::: | SO BILLS! | Burgers or hot dogs ::: | umm....Burgers | Egypt or France ::: | France | Rock or rap ::: | OMG!! SO ROCK! | [x] Part 5 -- Do you...[x] | Smoke ::: | >_> Not on your life, buddy | Cuss ::: | >_< NO WAY! | Sing well ::: | -_-...sigh...unfortunately not | Sing in the shower ::: | ^_^ uh huh! | Talk to yourself --a lot-- ::: | ....does talking to yourself in your head count? | Believe in yourself ::: | ehh.....when I'm not a total dufus I do. | Like taking these longass surveys? ::: | fills the evil pit of bordom pretty well. | Play an instrument ::: | ^_^ YEP! I play 3! | Want to go to college? ::: | -_- I am in college... | Want to get married? ::: | ^_^ Oh yeah! | Want to have children? ::: | 0.o.....umm....I guess | Think you're a health freak? ::: | Oh heck no! | Get along with your parents ::: | uh huh...most of the time | Get along with your siblings? ::: | heh... | Think you're popular ::: | >_>...WHAT! ARE YOU CRAZY! | [x] Part 6 -- In the past month have you..[x] | Gone out of state ::: | Sigh...nope | Drank alchohal ::: | >_> Double hockey sticks!! | Smoke ::: | DUDE! ALREADY ASKED THIS!! >_>...geez... | Get high ::: | >_> DUDE LOOK ABOVE!!! | Done any drugs ::: | -_- Do you not get it yet?? NOOOOOOOOOO! | Eaten an entire box of oreos ::: | ewwwwwy! I don't like oreos!...but I do like fluffy creame filling! | Been on stage ::: | no......but I sort of wish I was! | Gone skinny dipping ::: | 0.0.....>_>......eww | Been dumped ::: | nope nope ^_^ | Dyed your hair ::: | umm...have to think | Stolen anything ::: | NO NO NO! | [x] Part 7 -- Your friends! =D [x] | Craziest ::: | SO TOTALLY ANGELA! | Loudest ::: | Tie between Angela and Nancy | Most shy ::: | ....Lydia I guess | Blondest ::: | LOL Will | Smartest ::: | NANAN SAMA!! (ALL HAIL) | Kindest ::: | All of them are kind! | Best personality ::: | Again All have their most unique and lovely personalities | Most talented ::: | heh....that totally too hard to say | Best singer ::: | umm...I would guess Angela | Most ghetto ::: | ummm...^_^ no comment | Drama Queen ((or King XP)) ::: | LOL Melinda | Pain in the ass ::: | >_> None of course! | The one you just want to strangle to death ((Homer Simpson style))::: | ....LOL...that would probably be Lydia! ^_^ j/k | Funniest ::: | LOL they are all hilariously funny! | Best person for advice ::: | NANCY! | Dependable ::: | Nancy, Francisca, Angela, and Lydia | Trustworthy ::: | same as above! | Druggie ::: | >_> None! Thank you very much! | Most likely to end up in jail ::: | LOL humm...I think we all would end up in jail for stalking some poor bishonen guy! | Person you've known the longest ::: | Kat | [x] Part 8 -- The Last... [x] | Last dream ::: | ummm....something about a textbook with no sane page numbers...heh | Last nightmare ::: | ....can't remember | Car ride ::: | Day-before-yester day when I went to my Alma Mater's lats home Football game! | Last time you cried ::: | umm........last Sunday? is so emotional i tell you!!! | Last movie seen ::: | Corpse Bride | Last movie rented ::: | ...aghhhh...umm.....I can't remember! | Last book read ::: | Partners by Grace Livingston Hill ^_^ IT WAS JUST SO SWEET! | Last word said ::: | ....cough? | Last curse word said ::: | umm.....waaaaaay back in sixth grade....the A word... | Last time you laugh ::: | This morning watching Mew Mew Power (AKA Tokyo Mew Mew) when I found out one of the guys had Goku's voice from DBZ | Last phone call ::: | .....Last night from Lydia | Last CD played ::: | ummm.....Phantom of the Poera I think.... | Last song you listened to ::: | Rain Song by Day of Fire | Last annoyance ::: | ....being hungery....which I still am P_P | Last IM ::: | gah....LONG time ago...with Angela | Last weird encounter ::: | ummm....some random guy starts talking about anime to me.... | Last person you hugged ::: | CYNDI!!! | Last person you yelled at ::: | ummmm.....gah...I can't believe...I haven't yelled at some one in a while...I think it was my dad... | Last time you wore a skirt ::: | Sunday for church ^_^ | Last time you've been evil ::: | heh.....Thursday...I was torturing Will | Sarcastic? ::: | humm...probably last night | Last time you fought with your parents ::: | LOL just one parent...last Sunday... | Last time you wished upon a star ::: | -_-.....such a long time ago! | Played Truth or Dare ::: | Summer before last I think with my cousins in Louisiana | Spent quality time alone ::: | THIS MORNING!!! ^_^ | [x] Part 9 -- I swear this is the last one! -- Randomness [x] | Are you talking to someone on AIM ::: | I WISH I WAS!!! | Do you feel lonely ::: | friends to see everyday! They all go to different schools! P_P | Ever TP'd someone's house ::: | ^_^ LOL No...but I wish I could! | How about egging someone's house ::: | >_> NO! That make SUCH a mess! | Do you not like dislike not like me? ::: | Nani? Who are you anyways? | Ain't Eminem and 50 Cent just fine? ::: | | Yo Momma ::: | WHAT!!!<_< How evil of you to bring my momma in this! | Ever been so hungry you felt like you could eat the person next to you? ::: | ^_^ uh huh! | What do you think of George Bush? ::: | I like him. He's not perfect but I think he's doing what he think is right. | Any secret fetishes? ::: | Umm....secret fetishes...I like steam suave anime men that have girlishly long hair! | Do you like to wear chains? O_o ::: | NO! o.o...they make you so conspicuous | How many languages do you speak? ::: | sigh...only one | Damn.. are your fingers tired? Cause mine sure are! ::: | Nah...I've gotten used to typing for a long time ^_^ | Glad this is over? ((Say yes and I'll stalk you =P)) ::: | I have to find something else to do...but first I must defrost my extremeties! | Take this survey | Find more surveys You've been totally Bzoink*d |
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Thursday, October 27, 2005
A not so interesting, but very LONG update.
My feeling at the moment...

Hey ya people! Hows it goin' with you guys lately? Well, at the moment I'm totally excited and happy for no good sane reason. I got a coupon in an email from Borders today and got to go buy some MANGA!!!! ^___^ I'm SOOOO HAPPY! LOL I've be sooooo totally hooked on this new one called Hana-Kimi! OH MY GOSH!!! Its SO cute!!! Its about this American girl named Mizuki who is obsessed with this High-jumper champion from Japan named Izumi Sano (aka Sano Izumi in english terms) so Mizuki moves to Japan by herself and pretends to be a boy to get in the famous Private all boys school that Sano attends. I know, I know, the subject is SO overrated but the writing is very funny not to mention the art. It sort of reminds me of Demon Diaries in the comedy area. But it has its REALLY sappy shojo parts, so be warned!!!
Hummm...another reason I am SO incredibly happy is that my poor little stupid pug dog has returned!!!

P_P I'M SO SO SO SO HAPPY ABOUT THIS!!! My doggies mean the world to me!! I was about to have a complete emotional breakdown there for a few hours. It seems that our gate wasn't closed right and she some how opened it. (I really don't buy this though....we have evil little kids that live nextdoor to us, who ironically have a policeman for a father....) I seriously prayed my butt off!! I was SO worried about her! Then as circumstances had it...the day after she ran away was like national take your dog in the car week or something (not really ^_^;)because I saw like 10 dogs riding in cars to and from school reminding me of my worry. It was so heartbreaking!!! Then when I went to one of my friend's sites here on MyO they talked about seeing a poor little squrril being crushed by a couple of heartless cruel drivers!!! P_________P Even more heartbreak!! So I'm like bawling by the time I get home (on the inside at least) I go out to the garage to visit my other dog ( who is VERY smart btw...SHE didn't run away....or maybe its just she's too fat....humm...maybe) because no one else was home. And when I opened the door I heard a familiar little snort, and when I turned on the light I see that stupid bug-eyed little blonde pug dog sitting there looking at me. LOL I got all misty eyed and went and hugged her.....then she went and fed her face and ignored me. So yeah it was a happy reunion.
Umm...lets see....other possibly interesting topics to write on....Oh I didn't write about my little church picnic did I? Well it wasn't all that I was expecting but it was pretty fun all in all. Me, Bena, my sister, and my mom all played some good ol' fashioned wimpy Volley ball ( I.E. standing real close to the net and just bumping it to each other)>_> I hate playing wimpy sports like that...I NEED to clobber SOMETHING...and people aren't legal so I have to make due with sports....but then they even take that from me....>_>. Then we tried out the hula-hoops......which was an experience. I haven't hula-hooped since I was in elementary school...and that was a long time hula-hooping expertise was not...up to date I guess you could say. But then I found out that I had the expert's hula-hoop, which was empty inside. I did better with a water-filled one, but yeah...Bena was absolutely hilarious trying to walk and hula at the same time....she kind of looked like pidgeons do when they walk around, heads bobbing and all. We swung on the swings for a little while until I got tired....which wasn't for very long. Umm...then we watched my 71 year old pastor beat out all the 50 and 60 somethings at Basketball, with camera lights flashing in the backgroud due to the cuteness of it all. Then Jared, who had lost the egg toss but still had an egg handy went and egged our Youth Pastor Chad, but the dork ended up getting as much egg on himself as he did on Chad, so me and Bena took pity on him and helped him get cleaned up. And thats pretty much all that was we left early.
Humm...oh yeah upcoming news....Tomorrow is the second to the last home football game of the year for my old high school...P_P ITS SO SAD!!!! I'll have to go a whole 8 months without being able to play my tuba

....which is so hearbreaking....even though its kinda weird to be so attached to your instrument....especially when it gives you all kinds of injuries.
Ummmm.....lets see...other interesting possibilities that might come to friend from Church (who happens to be Jared's mom) has been mentioning some interesting things to me. I think she is kind of hinting to me that I should go with her to Ireland or to Israel next November. I've been thinking about the Ireland thing for a while, since I've always wanted to visit there, but it is for a missionary trip and I don't know if I'm far enough along in my relationship with God to be doing something like that, but it may be a possiblity in the future. The Israel thing I would probably go to if a way was made for me. Its sort of more of a vacation type of thing. I've not really had an interest in the middle east or anything but I've kind of always wanted to see all the sites that had to do with Jesus. We shall have to see what things are in store for me next ^_^
Well thats pretty much it for this post....again I appologize for the incredibly LONG post...once I get started I just kinda have to get it all out of my system. I hope all your days are pleasant and filled with exquisite joy!!
And now I leave you with a little bit of hilariosity.
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