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Being my weird self
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....being alive?
Anime Fan Since
7th grade...ahh those were the years , DBZ, Gundam Wing, and Outlaw Star!!!
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Fruits Baskets, Ranma 1/2, Slayers,Inu Yasha, Cowboy Bebop, Rurouni Kenshin, FLCL, Excell Saga,Trigun,Blue Seed, Vandread, DBZ (Frieza & Cell series), Naruto,BLEACH!!! FOMOFFU, FMA, FMP, Bubblegum Crisis 2040
To be a computer GENIUS!!!! Heh...well...yeah.....::rubs back of head::
Writing,drawing, playing music,playing Video games (Final Fantasy ROX)!
uhhh.. I can play 3 different "school" band instruments, Drawing,..........sleeping.........eating......
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Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Sudden Drama, a Hi-way, and a Little Friend Reunion.
My feeling at the moment...

Ahem ::magically composed::...well sort of eventful day today. Today I woke up kind of late.....well...I wake up late everyday so no big surprise there...but yeah I woke up later than I usually do. So I rush around getting ready, taking a shower, throwing clothes around the room (my way of getting dressed btw), wolffing down a finger long chocolate chip granola bar and a cup of milk. Then I look at the time.....Its almost 7:30am...and I was supposed to leave at 7:10 cuz it takes me an hour to get to school by the surface street route. Well yeah I was hysterically driving down the street when all of a sudden I got this instant revelation. THE HI-WAY!!! Now I have only been on the hi-way once, and that was when we were doing the required driving experience stuff for my Driver's Education class...and I was a bit freaked out by it to say the least....So I'm debating with late...or risk the deadly death trap of death....and lo and behold I did an unheard of thing...I TOOK A CHANCE!! So I turn off into the little circle ramps that lead to the hi-way ( I've always wanted to drive on those circle things!)..I'm fine....until it comes to the time where the other cars have to merge with my lane.....I swear I should have crashed like 5 times! Then when we get out in the open road....I had to speed up...and my little not all the stable I guess cuz it kept wobbling toward the other cars like there was a magnet or something! But yeah I got through that trying experience pretty well...though I think I'll stick to the surface streets for a little while longer.....
Humm..another thing that happened is....I FOUND MELINDA!!! Well...again...since I saw her before at the beginning of the school year. We talked and talked and talked...then we went and got lunch at the little store on campus and sat in the cafeteria and ate our food. It was a nice little rememberance of the old highschool days...just with a lot less people. Sigh...I really do miss the old times so much! Its really hard on me to be going to school and not having a group that I belong to like I did in highschool.I really miss having our little notebook coversations! I didn't realize it at the time but writing things down does help me deal with things better. Maybe thats why this place is so popular with me. AGH!! I WISH I WAS STILL IN HIGHSCHOOL!!! I HATE COLLEGE!!! Sigh but I know thing'll get better! Even if they get worse first, they will get better!! These times are here to teach me important lessons so I mustn't waste them!!!! ^_^
Oh yeah another thing thats going to happen is that my church is having its annual picnic Saturday, so I get to spend time with my most favorite people! I just wish I felt more comfortable with everyone! I need to make friends with some of the younger people.....but....they are so....normal.....P_P I want a weird person like me to go to my church! Its just not fair! Plus I need someone to distract me from staring at Mr. Christian Boy......he's too darn pretty for his own good!!! I SO HATE BEING GIRLY!!! ITS RETARDED!!! Anyways if any of you Bakersfieldians would like to come just let me know! Its from 3:45 to 8pm on this Saturday!
Well I'll be off collecting material for my next post! Have an abnormally convivial day!!!
Ganymede |
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Thursday, October 13, 2005
HAPPINESS BEYOND COMPARE...with a few little sniffles in between
My feeling at the moment...

YAY!!!! ITS A MIRACLE!!! I finally have posted some fan art!! ITS SO WONDERFUL!!!! It makes me feel so important.....but I don't really know why....LOL
Humm..I guess this is going to be on of my shorter posts since nothing has really happened since yesterday. I'm still sick...skipped my Intro to Digital Arts class today....but yeah thats okay cuz I don't really like the teacher.....he's too...positive I guess you can call it...but it isn't sincere positivity ( LOL is that even a word?) its like Mr. Jett's ( for those of you who had him) Positivity and Mr. Willis's seriousness and personality. VERY bad mix...can get on your nerves in no time...and unfortunately...I guess I'm somewhat of an interest to him....-_-
Well Post ya guys later! Have a wonderful day at school/work/home!
Ganymede |
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Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Homecoming Happiness, Corpse Bride Condition, and a HORRIBLE SICKNESS PLAUGE!
My feeling at the moment...

Well if ya hadn't noticed....I haven't been posting so often as usual....well it all started with this little....LOL not even....I'm just lazy.....I've been mulling over this last weeks incidents to try and make a somewhat interesting post for you guys...but unfortunately I haven't quite gotten everything yeah...this is all from random memory.
Humm...starting with my FORMER (P_P) high school's homecoming. Yes I'm one of those dorky graduates that just can't let go of the old days.....and just has to come back at every chance I can get! Well....its not really school itself I miss...its band...P_P but fortunately My Band teacher is SO generous and nice and tolerant! She lets me come play my BABY (aka 50lbs brass tuba named Betty) at home football games. Well as I said before...this last week was homecoming...and a miracle beyone miracles has happened....WE WON A HOMECOMING GAME!!!!!! It was SO awesome....well...winning ANY home game is awesome ( aka....we RARELY ever win any Home games)...LOL we haven't won a home game since......I think...3 years ago....and the band has this little tradition where we march back up to the band room with our hats on backwards ( Tubas get to carry their tubas backwards since we have berets instead of helmet type hats like everyone else) so pretty much everyone except the senior hasn't done everyone one was like....HUH? ^_^ Very amusing.
Went to see Corpse Bride with Will (fellow Tuba player...with a tuba named Tubby) and Benakittie (graduated Melephone/flute player). I enjoyed it, but of course like I've said in like a bajillion comments...NOTHING compare to Nightmare Before Christmas (aka NBC). I mainly went to see it because I like the music...and the music didn't let me down! Though it did sound awfully familiar to NBC's music. So I would give this movie a thumbs up if you LOVE the music from NBC....otherwise its kind of....emotional and stuff like that....not for macho guys in otherwords.
AND NOW FOR THE PRESENT TIME!!! THE HORRIBLE PLAGUE OF SICKNESS...has swept down apon me with ruthless cruelty. I went to school yesterday for my 3 hour morning class with a sort of swollen sore throat...I was fine until I got home...then all heck broke loose. My head started ears and throat hurt unmercifully and I was getting PRETTY dizzy. SO yeah I took my temp as I was checkin my GB signings and PM's and it turns out I had a Temp of 100 first thought was YAY I DON'T HAVE TO GO TO MY 3 HOUR NIGHT CLASS....and then uuuuhhhhhhh I feel horrible. SO yeah skipped that class... and a good thing too, cuz just about the time my class would have started my temp shot up to about 104 degrees. So yeah I had a horrible evening....then I finally fall asleep, and my mom comes home and wakes me up....takes my 100 degrees I'm feeling horrible and she's talking about the possibility of my going to school today...which probably made me more sick...because....I got to skip school...but unfortunately.....I still feel horrible.....sigh.....
So events for the last 6 days in a nutshell. Hope ya guys are MUCH healthier and happier than I am at the moment!
Ganymede |
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Monday, October 3, 2005
Crazy Family Gathering

LOL, yep I'm I bit wound up on cake and VERY sweet Lemonaide!! SO forgive me if I sound a little insane. Well today was the day of the imfamous Cook/Hammers/White/Henson big 70th birthday bash, which happened to be held at my lovely poolside home.
Its absolutlely safe to say there was a LOT of people here, 58 to be exact, and we all got to mingle like good little family members ( My sister excluded cuz she had a friend over >_>). I actually met some family members that I didn't even knew I had. It was very being 18 and not seeing people I'm blood related to, ESPECIALLY in this family since we try and get together as often as possible. All the major holidays are usually packed with family members running around randomly somewhere.
This thing actually turned out pretty good for me. I got to see one of the few cousins I'm close to. We lived across the street from each other when we were little and went to school together. We were remembering all the times we got each other in trouble and all the embarassing moments. LOL I didn't know it but I actually made my cousin run head first into a slinding glass door. I was really funny when he was telling the story to me, I was laughing my butt off even though I didn't remember doing it to him.
Then I had little people following me around all day. My 10 and 7 year old cousins made it their job to know what I was doing at every minute of the day. That was kind weird though that they would follow me......I tend to ignore them most of the time...^_^. But that part was better than I thought it would be. They were pretty well behaved so I had a much better time with them. Then I had a 3 year old climbing all over me and telling me he didn't want his picture and then there was this REALLY cute little baby there......don't know whose it was.....but it was SO FREAKIN CUTE!! It was a little blue eyed, blonde haired, chubby faced, little boy, and he was just learning to walk!!! It was SOOOOOOO CUTE!!!! He took his first steps while he was here....but then he fell down on the tile floor...which wasn't very good...but anyways...the poor thing was scared of my Pug dog (and I don't blame him cuz that dog is SO ugly it's cute). But seriously if you've seen Pretear, that little short blonde Leafe Knight looks exactly like him!!! AAHHHH THE CUTE-NESS IS OVERWHELMING!!! I'M MELTING ..AHHHHHHH!!!
LOL anyways, all the kids went swiming ...and boy was that eventful. My cousin that I was talking about before....he's 18 or 19 and he's pretty strong...he was picking me up and throwing me across the pool and dunking me and all kinds of crazy stuff! It was pretty fun, except for all the stupid water up my nose!!! I HATE THAT FEELING!!! Oh yeah and I was injured...Me, my sister, and my sister's friend were all trying to get back at my cousin for throwing us around like rag dolls by attaching ourselves to him so he couldn't get away, and he does a flip under the water with us still attached to him. SO get all kinds of nasty water up my nose and I drag the top of my foot on the bottom of the pool, so now I have a beautiful bloody foot to go along with my on coming cold from the FREEZZING water. So yeah I had fun. Then we all sat on our big lounge swing and dozed a little. We fit like 6 people on a swing equiped for 3 WITHOUT breaking it, which is just a miracle from God. Joey(cousin) had jumped in with his clothes on earlier thinking he had some extra clothes in the car, but alas he didn't so when we all went swiming ( Me my sis and her friend didn't go the first time) he had to borrow some of my dad's swimming trunks. Now Joey is 6'2"....and my dad is 5'6".....and those trunk were SO short on him, they could have passed for girl shorts. He was complaining the whole time we were sitting on that swing about how short those shorts were and how cold he was (his clothes hadn't dried by then) so all of us girls offered him our clothes. But unfortunately Bena he didn't take the offer so we had no Oh Dear moments today.
Blah blah blah and then we all went up to the game room and watched Lord of the Rings 2 and 3, where stupid Joey thought it was funny that I was ticklish and continued his torture from Swim time. Then we all broke out the family abums and stuff and looked at all the old photos of ourselves. That was my favorite part! I just love looking at old pictures and trying to see if I remember that time. Then everyone had to leave, which was sad...cuz I kind of miss some of these people, but I got one last tickle raveshing from Joey before he left so it was all good.
Well all in all its been a wonderfully exhausting day for my family and I'm about to fall asleep at this computer desk, typing this trivial account of a family gathering you guys probably won't care about! ^_^ Isn't it great!!? SO I bit you farewell and goodnight!!
Ganymede |
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Wednesday, September 28, 2005
A Meh Kind Of Day

Like the title says.....boring day. Nothing much to report right now.....though we are still freakin out over the masses of people migrating to our house this Sunday. @.@ I hope it goes good.....and no little kids spend the night here!!! ::on knees praying feverishly:: DUDE! either insult me or cry when I'm around! Then they get into things that they are not supposed to...namely ANYTHING I own. If all the little kids stay away from me I'll be happy!
Umm....Friday night football game this friday! If anyone who is here wants to come, just let me know!! Can't wait can't wait can't wait till I swing that Tuba around once again!! I really hope Ms. J lets us graduates play every home football game! She just has to have SOME pity on us!! 8 years straight of band and then suddenly POOF no more could kill a weaker woman..than I! SO yeah....sort of worrying about Ms. J's heartless cruel side....
Well thats all the semi-major events going on. So, how are you guys doin? Hope your answer is well! Post ya somethin more interesting soon....unless you don't find my endless ramblings on band interesting...then it'll probably be a LONG time. ^_^
Ganymede |
Comments (1) |
Friday, September 23, 2005
Happy Autumn and Little Bad Weather
Well, its officially autumn! Yay, for cool weather!! Well...upcoming cool weather. Its still 90 something degrees here in Southern California, though the mornings are getting a bit cooler and a bit of rain to go with it. But for the most part...ITS HOT!
Umm...well I guess I should get the serious stuff over with first. As all of us SHOULD know, there is another Monster Hurricane off the coast of Western Texas/Eastern Louisiana, by the name of Rita. And yet again I have family right in the path of destruction. I have an Uncle and his family and an Aunt and her family in Houston Texas who were supposed to have evacuated to Alexandria, but they are most probably STILL on the road in that traffic catastraphy. And I have a random amount of relatives and family friends is Southwestern Louisiana. So pray for their safety and their belongings PLEASE!! I really appreciate it if you would! other news, Today is my former high school band's first football game of the year. AND I GET TO GO!! Along with Benakittie too. We get to relive the past for a few hours and maybe even play a few stand toons along with them. I SO can't wait to see the New Blood's abilities in their show. Speaking of the show, Its one weird Marching band show. Its called Tommy(or was it Johnny?): a Rock Opera. Its pretty typical cheesey Musical music, except for the most FABULOUS The Who song: Pinball Wizard, which I sing when they are playing, and they hate me the whole time. ^_^
Other news is...BUM BUM BUUUUUUUMMMMM!!! Big family reunion-ish Birthday party for like 4 people coming up, and we are frantically trying to get everthing in order because we are HOSTING the party at MY house. >_> Have I ever mentioned how much I hate crouds of people? And Believe me this qualifies as a croud. 50+ people are going to try and cram themselves in to my slightly bigger than most house. Believe me, I am NOT going to be a happy camper.....but then again....there's going to be cake.....^_^ Might not be so bad after all. After I get over the overwhelming feeling of paranoia and claustriphobia I'm sure that I'll enjoy the party. I haven't seen some of my relatives in a while, so its a good time to catch up.
Well thats just about all the news I have at the moment so I'll post ya later!
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Tuesday, September 20, 2005
BLAH BLAH BLAH and a few Bobobo's
Sigh...nothing much happening, as usual. but sense I haven't updated in a few days I decide to do another random post where I blunder through half processed sentences and a kajillion and a half misspelled words.
Like I've posted on my little chat box, I've had a few sleepless nights. 1) because I watched almost ALL of adult swim on Saturday, got to see the new Naruto series, which is ....interesting so far and 2) because I've been a lazy college student and FORGOT to do a big project for my Psychology class that was due Monday. I was okay on Sunday cuz all I do is go to church in the morning and evening, but on Monday I have 4 of my classes and my first class was a 8:10am, which isn't really that bad.....but I wake up a 6:30am because of the commute time.
Now as I've ranted before I have to walk ALOT to get to all of my classes, and most of its up hill or up stairs. I also have an hour long tennis class in the middle of the hotest part of the day. I was doing fine really, except for the whole my head feels like an elephant is sitting on it thing, but I was doing really go by then, for me at least. That is until AFTER my Tennis class. I have lunch after Tennis...and I found....that I didn't have time to eat lunch. You remember that Psych project? Well as it happens staying up till 2:30am didn't get the job done, so I had to spend my ENTIRE lunch period in the library finishing up that little booger of a project. So NOW my head has about two dozen elephants balancing on it, my stomach is practically roaring for sustenence, and I can barely stay awake.
Well after lunch I trip along to my WONDERFUL psych class and the first thing the teacher says to the class is "Oh, I wonder why so much of the class is gone today, I hope its not because they didn't do the project, its only 10% deducted from the grade for being late." And I'm like hitting my head repeatedly against those stupid like desks, cursing my procrastinating ways and evil innocent little mexican teachers.
SO yes I had a stressful few days. But today was much better. I had to wake up early today because I had NO gas, so I had to go to one of those acursed gas stations to get a fill up. Now for some INSANE reason, gas pumps DO NOT like me. They shut off randomly or they take my money, or they just make it so I can't get the stupid cap off the gas tank! But today a miracle happened. I actually got gas....without ANY problems! Its like only the second time in my life this has happened to me, and I've been driving for almost a year now.
Another GRRRRRR-EAAAAT thing that happened today was my class was canceled! Luckily I got to school almost an hour early, so I wasn't rushing like a crazy chicken (^_^)like I usually am. So I walk happily all the way across campus in the nice windy and cloudy weather (my favorite!!!!)and get in my car and leave. It really made my day!
Humm...a little comment here about a commercial I saw saturday.....Bobobo Bo Bo superheros...hummm I think some people take being weird for fun...waaaaaaay to seriously.
Anyways hope you guys have a great day!
Ganymede |
Comments (3) |
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
The Pit of Absolute Dullness

Sigh....such a total and unexplainable BAD DAY today! >_>
But I won't expound on that, it'll all just make you sad, and then you'll hate me for ruining your day, and I'll whimper and cower in the corner at the thought that *I* was hated.
Really not to much going on now a days. I wake up, drive the bajillion miles to school half asleep (even though its like 7:30 am), then scower the parking lot for a good parking space...end up taking the one FARTHEST from the entrance, walk up those countless inclines and stairs, get to class breathless and on the verge of sweating, transfer to all my other endless classes, then drive home....half asleep again (4:30PM now), drive those bajillion miles through dense traffic...get sister pokes me in the head incessently...I fall asleep, and the whole cycle starts yet again!
Now...some good things to talk about...(thinks for about two days...) Oh yes! For my last two History of World Music classes I got to play those cool african drums! It was SO COOL! But I must say this....I have a deep respect for drummers....who have crappy drummers in their section. We play this little harvesting song over and over... and it gradually gets faster and this is a VERY BAD PROBLEM for the time keepers of the group. In African music the time keepers are usually bell players...and this bell player..had a very LARGE cow bell that she got to beat. To say it in the nicest way possible....she was worse at playing the cowbell...than I am at singing.....and I am the bent metal kind of horrible singer. But it was all VERY fun! I always wanted to play the drums (preconceptions and all) but I never got my nerve up to try.
Humm....another good thing is..I'm getting better at tennis. ^______^ I only hit one car today! And it didn't even set of the alarm this time! Now since I'm very tennis-retarded that is REALLY good thing! some odd happenstance...I served the ball....and it hit...a light pole...and bounced back in the court as a good ball! Very funny....but unfortunately that didn't help my game any!
Well thats about all thats happened to me...for about 3 days. Hope you had better and more interesting days!
Ganymede |
Comments (4) |
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Few Music Jokes to Entertain You!
I was lookin for some music on the net today when I cam across this little site that had a few music jokes on it and I thought I would share a few.
Now those of you who are flute players (me included) and those of you who have to put up with flute players will know exactly what these first few jokes are talking about
Q: How do you get two flute players to play in unison
A: Shoot one.
Q: Why do loud, obnoxious whistles exist at some factories?
A: To give us some sort of appreciation for flutes.
Q: What is perfect pitch on a flute?
A: When it misses the rim of the toilet as you throw it in.
and this is a little statement that I found to be ....MOSTLY true..
Flute players spend half their time tuning their instrument and the other half playing out of tune.
Heres a few for those clarinet..haters/players out there (me included in this also.)
Q: How do you get a clarinetist out of a tree?
A: Cut the noose.
Q: What is the difference between a clarinet and an onion?
A: No one cries when you chop a clarinet into little pieces
And a few for those French Horn and Mellophone players
Q: How many French horn players does it take to change a light bulb?
A: 100, one to change it, and a 99 others to say how much better they could have done it
Q: How do you get your viola section to sound like the french horn section?
A: Have them miss every other note.
Q: Why is the French horn a divine instrument?
A: Because a man blows in it, but God only knows what comes out of it.
LOL and a few for those lovely drummers. ^_^
Q: Did you hear about the bass player who locked his keys in the car?
A: He had to break a window to get the drummer out!
Q: What's the difference between a drummer and a drum machine?
A: You only have to punch the information into the drum machine once.
and a little statement....
Drummers have a brain . . . they just all share it.
LOL and a little trumpet love too.
I once knew a trumpet player that triped over a cordless phone.
(whats sad is that most of the section at school has probably done this)
LOL I love this one! Its SO true!
Q: What did little Johnny's mother tell him when he said "I want to be a trumpet player when I grow up?"
A: "But Johnny, you can't do both."
LOL can't forget those Trombonists
Q: How can you tell that a kid on a playground is a trombonist's kid?
A: He can't swing and he complains about the slide.
Q: How many trombone players does it take to change a light bulb?
A: Only one, but he'll spend half an hour trying to figure out what position he needs to be in.
Q: How do you save a trombonist from drowning?
A: Take your foot off their head.
( LOL how mean!)
Now here are some You Know You've Been In Band Too Long When...
1)When an "armed guard" means a girl with a flag, not a guy with a gun.
2)When you hear music and start marking time.
3)When you walk in step with the person in front of you. ( LOL don't we all? ^_^;)
4)When you try to guess the tempo of your favorite song.
5)When you point out key changes and dynamics while listening to the radio.( LOL I'm guilty -_-)
6)When you like wearing your uniform ( WAY guilty)
7)When people ask about your social life and you respond: "Oh, you mean marching band?" (P_P)
8)When being mauled by a drummer is an everyday part of life (LOL)
9)When band camp is FUN (DUDE! IT IS!)
10)When your instrument has a name. ( sigh....poor betty..)
11)When everyone wants to kill the other football team.... and you want to kill the other band.
12)When making a line is your biggest accomplishment of the day. ( LOL too true)
13)When you can put your uniform on in less than 10 minutes. ( seriously...its not that hard!)
14)When you roll step through the cafeteria so you won't spill your lunch. ( LOL I've done it!)
15)When you subconsciously start humming your music. (ITS A CURSE I TELL YOU!)
16)When you know not only your part, but everyone else's too( Nod nod...its REALLY bad when you can play it better than them on YOUR instrument)
17)When wide open spaces stir up an urge to march your show ( LOL happened before!)
18)When drummers actually start to make sense. ( LOL THIS IS REALLY SCARY!)
19)When half the stuff in your room has the word "band" on it (P_P)
20)When you know "Louie, Louie" and have a personal grudge against him. (>_> dude...he should die!)
21)When you and all your friends are easily tagged as "band" when walking down the hall because you are all in a straight line and all in step. ( ::rolls on floor:: dude! I can't even count the times!)
22)When you get emotional thinking about your instrument being in the repair shop (LOL this ones deffinately not me! Tubas are heavy when marching!)
23)When you have learned how to wear more than six pairs of pants under your uniform and still not have any wrinkles (>_> BENA!!!)
24) Someone says "block" and you immediately drop whatever you are doing and go running off somewhere ( ROFLMAO!!!!! TOO TRUE!)
25)You feel homicidal towards a freshman who says, "Oh, goodie! Another parade!" (>_> dude...unforgivable!)
26)You have a neckstrap/drum harness tan line. (And don’t consider it strange.)
27)You subconsciously start practicing fingerings on a pencil.(LOL guilty)
28)You sing drum cadences while walking to class. And you are not a drummer. ( ::raises hand:: STILL DO IT!)
29)Your pants fall off and you keep going like nothing happened. ( LOL DANIEL!!!)
30)You’ve had a trombone-related head injury. (LOL!!!)
31)The worst torture implements you can think of are trumpets and piccolos. ( SERIOUSLY!!!)
32)You regard tuba players as a separate species. ( ^____^ We are indeed!!)
33)You can guide off reflections in your bell. ( LOL I got pretty good at that!)
34) You start coming up with new words to fight songs, both your own and other people’s. ( CLASSIC!!)
35)You give a drummer four steps of clearance even when he’s not carrying his drum. (LOL IMPERITIVE!)
Well thats about all I got for ya! Thought I would post something silly and unrelated to anything! Sorry if you NON band people are slightly confused and disgusted by this post!
Post ya later!
Ganymede |
Comments (5) |
Wednesday, September 7, 2005
African Drumming and Japanese cookers

Yep as you can see I had a multi-cultural day. Today im my History of World Music class, we where learning about Africa. The Ewe people to be specific. My teacher had about 9 african drums, along with about 7 or 8 gordes with beads on them, a cow bell thingy, tempo blocks, and some of those high hollow sounding sticks that you beat together. He handed these all out to the class and he taught us a little song. It was pretty cool...but unfortunately I didn't get anything since there are like 50 people in the class, so I got to use my hands, to clap out rhythms.
It reminded me so much of my first two years of marching band!!! When we were waiting to get in a block band before a football game, all of us in uniform, one person would start play a song (most likely one of the pieces we were doing for our show, or some popular stand tune) then their whole section would join in, then another section, and then another, until almost all the band members are playing the song.....then of course the band director would come out and yell at us to quit wasting our breath, cuz we would need it for the performance. Ahhhhh such lovely memories.....but the last two years we never did that...<_< stupid freshmen and sophomores are so unfriendly and anti-unity! I sure do miss the good old days!!! I even miss marching tech and those 2 1/2 hour tuesday night rehersals....P_P why can't my stupid college have a stupid marching band!!!...or even a concert band!!! <_< stupid cheep rejects!!! the second part of my post. As always I feel it my duty to report any event that involves a certain type of person. The REAL LIFE ANIME BOY!
Well my family and I went out to eat tonight, to this new Japanese restaurant called Shoguns. We walk in and are seated at these grills.(and stared at by a creepy bright blue eyed 40 something year old guy)We were "lucky" enough to be sat next to this couple...who was OBVIOUSLY on their first or second date...and OBVIOUSLY had some alcoholic drinks. I, unfortunately, am the last to sit I have to sit right NEXT to them...elbow to elbow...and we all know how I feel about being ~touched~ by people...not very happy. So I'm grumping about...complaining about things like the TV is too blurry, there are bulit holes in the windows, and some offending bit of skin on my sister's nose. Then I subside and watch the cool asian guy, at the table across the aisle from me, cook all the drool inducing food. I think he might have thrown a bowl of rice at someone...and they were supposed to catch it....but that didn't I laughed. Then up walks this really skinny, really dark, and really TALL asian guy....dude Bena, Faye, Angels, would have been not just IN love but DROWNING in love. He was INCREDIBLY cute faced!!! He must have been SO adorable as a kid!!! LOL oh did I mention he had almost waist length hair? yep tied up in a braid....LOL imagine it silky black texture waving in the wind!!! ^__________^
Of course I've been staring at him for like 5 minutes, then he looks up at me and asks me a question, I think it was how do you want your steak cooked...but of course I didn't hear a thing...I was too busy going @o@ all over the place. But then the lady on the date sitting next to me starts flirtingw ith him and I'm glaring daggers at her as she laughs and sips her BEER!! ALCOHOLIC ALCOHOLIC I TELL YOU!!! Then my dad starts talking to him (-_- oh yippe) then I find out he's some reject delinquent fired from another Japanese restaurant...but DUDE...he was SO he was smooth talker...^_^...I'm like smiling my freakin face off as he cooks the shrimp and the lobster! LOL good thing I like shrimp and lobster...I had a contengency plan of blaming my insane smiling habit on how much I LOVE seafood. LOL I think my sis liked him too...she felt sorry for him when my dad forgot to tip him. She was "awww"ing and "shame on you"-ing my dad. LOL then we were sitting around after we were done eating, weird...rooster haired dude scares the crap out of me, when he comes behind me and leans toward me to ask if I wanted more Lemonaide. LOL me and my sis where debating if he really was a Girly guy or a Guy-y girl. Couldn't really tell....but then he spoke and we found "IT" was a guy.
Well thats all folks! No more oddities to report at the moment. So I must go celebrate my an excuse to skip my Digital Arts class tomorrow that is! I send you greetings from the afterlife! Oh and so do all those strawberry bunnies I killed the other day...darn pests...can never get rid of'im!
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