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Being my weird self
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....being alive?
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7th grade...ahh those were the years , DBZ, Gundam Wing, and Outlaw Star!!!
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Fruits Baskets, Ranma 1/2, Slayers,Inu Yasha, Cowboy Bebop, Rurouni Kenshin, FLCL, Excell Saga,Trigun,Blue Seed, Vandread, DBZ (Frieza & Cell series), Naruto,BLEACH!!! FOMOFFU, FMA, FMP, Bubblegum Crisis 2040
To be a computer GENIUS!!!! Heh...well...yeah.....::rubs back of head::
Writing,drawing, playing music,playing Video games (Final Fantasy ROX)!
uhhh.. I can play 3 different "school" band instruments, Drawing,..........sleeping.........eating......
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Sunday, September 4, 2005
More Interesting Weekend!! my title said...I had a good end of the week! Well not so eventful as some....but pretty eventful for me!
I found out that the hospital that my cousin's husband was a was most likely evacuated! (Thanks you to ssjSolarprincess for the info! And everyone pray that her house and belongings will be okay!!) We still have yet to get in touch with my dad's side of the family, but I'm sure when everything settles down a little bit, they'll call. The national guard was FINALLY sent down to New Orleans to get all the crime under control and to help with the levees.
And now....for a personal experience....I had a little run in with somebody yesterday. Guess who it was. Some one I didn't really want to see...but kinda sorta did. Always called me stupid names like Taco and freakin loser...Yep It was the REAL freakin loser himself! Anthony. I went to the Beale library yesterday with my mom, sister, and my sister's friend. My sis and her friend need a book to do a report on, and since my mom had to drive them, she made me come along to keep her company. I went kind of willingly cuz...I ABSOLUTELY ADORE BOOKS! my mom was going to get us lunch..^_^; Well anyway we were walking along going up the stairs to where the reference section of the library was, when all of a sudden my mom turns to me and says " Hey! Look who it is!" and I look around and all I see is a few asian kids and a security guy coming down the stairs. SO I look at my mom and ask who she was talking about...then I look again.....and BOOM like a slap in the face I recognize who that messy haired security guard was....<_< and I'm like OH FREAKIN NO!!! I'm not going to get involved with that THING again! But I smile politely and can't help falling back on old habits. you know...the face splitting smile, the playfully scornful voice,.....the red face...<_<. AGH!! I was SO mad at myself for acting so!!! It didn't help that he just walked around the whole time I was there. SO every few minutes he would pass by me and call me some name or blame me for some weird look I'd give him. And then he starts the complimenting crap! ARRRRGGGHH!!! I wanted to sock him SO hard!! Maybe throw him down that big flight of stairs....a few thousand times! <_<
Then I found out that I had just missed Bena at the library! P_P If only you would have stayed a little longer Bena!!! I wouldn't have had to deal with that .....stupid myself for two hours!!! You sneeky little person!!! Its all your fault BENA!!! lol just kidding.......heh you probably would have made it worse with your "hinting" comments and such! You are such a matchmaker Bena!!! You are just like the old ladies at my church!!!
LOL speaking of church....for the first time in my life.....I have stayed by myself at church. My grandma and her husband are selling their house, so they were having an open house today. They stayed for Sunday school and for praise and worship...P_P but then they left me all alone! It was so weird!!! I was so paranoid that people where looking at me!!! But luckily the sermin required everybody to take notes and listen close to what Pastor was saying. ^_^ SO not too many people gave me a look. But I'm happy that I finally did it!! I trusted in what God said and I got a real blessing!!! ^_______^ I'M SO HAPPY!!!
Well thats all folks for this post of A DAY IN THE DRAMATIC LIFE OF GANYMEDE: THE PARANOID STRAWBERRY!!!LOL Have a blessed day!!
Ganymede |
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Thursday, September 1, 2005
My peaceful yet platitudinous day
Ahhhh how peaceful....the balmy heat....the breeze through the trees......the...sound of me banging my head through the wall.
Yes through the wall...I'm SO BORED!!! Yet when I actually have something to do in class all I want to do is sleep! DUDE!!! Its so not even cool!!! I wish I my mind would make up its mind!!! <_<
LOL one good thing that happened to me today was...I saw this guy going down the hallway today....and he looked almost exactly like Sanosuke Sagara from Rurouni Kenshin! He had the walk and the stance and even the spikey hair!!! Though his hair WAS brown.......anyways yeah...then like a couple minutes later another guy comes down the hall...he's a short asian dude with PRETTY shiney black hair!! Dude...It looked SO touchable...I was about to follow him around campus touching his hair!!! But then my teacher came.
LOL I think you guys would kinda like this teacher. He's looks arab and has that middle eastern accent....kinda like Diaz's but...not so annoyingly mexican ( NO OFFENSE!!!). LOL his favorite catch-phrase is...." don't do that...or I'll shoot you out in the parking lot" or " I'll be waiting for you in the parking lot after class" LOL!! I was like 0.0 the first time he said that! But its good that he can find humor in that situation!
Umm....something else to talk about......oh yeah the hurricane. Well I told some of you guys that I have relatives down in Louisiana. I found out that my cousin's husband had gotten real sick because of multiple infections due to idiotic doctors who don't give a care about their patients. So one of the assistant doctors that worked at the hospital he was at, told my cousin to get her husband out of the hospital or her husband would probably die. SO off she goes and sets everything up. And guess where in Louisiana they end up? New Orleans of all places!! So now he's in hospital with no power, running water, and limited amounts of food.....what an improved situation he's in, don'tcha think? But from what we know he's doing A-OK! Which is better than he could be.
Also my Aunt's Husband's sister's husband's sister's sister (LOL) lived in Houma, Louisiana, which is pretty much surrounded by water normally, and the eye wall of the storm passed I think just east of it. Don't realy know what the damage is there, but said distant relative above is staying with her sister who is my Aunt's Husband's sister's husband's sister in I think it was somewhere in New Iberia, LA ( Hee, my mom, g-ma and g-pa used to live there!)
My dad was trying to get ahold of his brothers in Louisiana, but he couldn't...probably due to power problems....but we did hear from my Aunt and uncle in Laffyette, LA (west of New Orleans) and they had said that they only had a bit of rain, nothing major like flying trees or houses in the middle of the street.
Really the funny thing that I had just visited New Orleans last summer with my Aunt and Uncle from Laffyette. It was really stood up to its name, The Big Easy. Everyone is all friendly and happy. There street musicians playing instruments outside cafes and on street corners. They have little horse drawn buggies you can tour around town in, not to mention the street actors! Now those guys are talented! There was one that was entirely covered in silver paint and was pretending to be a statue! And your couldn't tell if it was a person or not, untill he moved! Its kinda sad to think that all those beautiful things that I saw in the French Quarter is all rubble and devestation...I couldn't imagine what it'd be like to look on the streets you've known all your life, then suddenly have them all change drastically the next day. But God's will be done! Its hard now but it will get better later!
Well since I'm probably boring you guys out of your minds with this Hurricane talk I'll stop my post here. Maybe something good will happen to me this week end that would more entertain you guys!
Ganymede |
Comments (4) |
Friday, August 26, 2005
School Time I really don't know what to think of it....Its so different and weird. I really miss high school! I loved the orderly fasion and the familiarity of it. I think...I totally forgot what being a freshman really feels like all those 3 years of high school. I now remember why I hated freshman friends.....being by yourself or with people you don't particularly like. I'm stuck with the love you/hate you pair....people stare at me like I have another head growing out of my butt......and I don't get to see you guys! The only person that I could stand to be around would be Mellon-da...P_P and I've only seen her twice in the last 5 days. P_P I hate it!!!! Socially anyway...
The classes are pretty interesting though. I really like my astronomy class....but I have to get up at 6am to get to it....P_P I am utterly horrible at tennis......I hit somebody in the butt with a tennis ball.....P_P and I can't hit straight!!!!P____________P. LOL my music class is pretty unusual teacher is.....DR. KEAN ::thunderclash:: and he's the choir teacher at BC. The first day that I had him......he made us gather around in a circle and sing a little song.......and twirl to the was....HORRIBLE! LOL but it was funny to see grown men dance!!! The song goes a little something like this...
Circle Left, DO-OH DO-OH
Circle left, DO-OH DO-OH
Circle left, DO-OH DO-OH
Shake those 'simmins down.
P_P like I said...horrible.
My psyc class is pretty interesting too, but indepth thinking.....hurts my we have to talk to people..." Make Friends" -_-.....ugh! The teacher is a small...squeeky voiced pretty mexican woman...with a three year old little girl.... that she talks about constantly. Shes one of those doting mothers who has a wild energetic child.
My history he looks like a demon. He has a PH.D in.....history of farming and agriculture.........-__-; and he even admits that he know very little about european civilization ( thats the class I'm taking) his eight year old son takes yoga....and he brings him to it...-_- interesting guy. ^_^ but he is entertaining, he makes a lot of science fiction jokes and he's pretty good at it too. None of those corny " that isn't funny" kind of jokes.
One MAJOR bad thing is.....I have to climb stairs to go to every class......and to go into the campus and out of it.....I have 3 REALLY big flights of stairs and five smaller flights to go up and down...multiple times. LOL I'm already losing weight ^_^!
Well I've finished my first week of college...with out too many disasters, become more independent (can you believe it!!?) and I have finally gotten gas....AND HAD NO PROBLEMS WITH IT!!! ITS A MIRACLE!!! ::floods immediate vicinity with tears::
Gany |
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Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Dodgeball Disaster
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!! Sigh my first and second day of college is over with!!!!! AND I AM SO FREAKIN TIRED!!!!! Aghhhh It didn't help that I played dodgeball the night before my first day of school. But man was that sunday night interesting ^__^.
Well we all remember the Church BOY (aka suave new guy)don't we? Well, we had pizza and we played dodgeball for about an hour and a boy had a wifebeater on....a white...tight...wifebeater....and let me tell you somethin else....he's umm....BUFF!! LOL and he was working up a sweat!!! ^__________^ man all you gang would be all gaga of see this guy. LOL unfortunately he was on the other team....and he aimed at me......he throws that ball...dang hard!! I mean like hole in the wall hard, and at head level....<_< I decided I much rather Jared over him....he likes himself too much....its annoying. ^_^ LOL Jared's brother punched a hole in the wall when Jared made a spectacular catch..........lets just say...he's in BIG Pupa trouble. This annoyingly cocky guy named CJ kicked the ball and broke one of the ceiling tiles....he climbed up on the table and put it back up....broken piece and all. Our team was the BOMB!!! We had three girls, one being like 8, shall i say....big around the middle people, and Justin. And we were against all the buff full of themself guys (including Chad and Jared) We won more games than they did!!!!! HAHAHHAHAAAA!!! Very funny.....but....I AM SO FREAKIN SORE!!! I can't even raise my hands above my waist level!!! I threw out my side and arm (which caused them to go numb at the moment I threw them)AND!!! I have bruises on my feet from playing barefoot!! I'm such a total mess!! BUT I HAD A GREAT TIME!!!
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Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Bowling Disaster
YAY!!!!!!! Tomorrow is band camp!!! LOL isn't it pathetic that I've already graduated yet I still go to the band "boot camp"?
Sigh...once a band member...always a band member!!!
Well nothing much going on here. Kinda sorta getting ready for school. Got all my books except for one! It cost $300 something for my books THIS semester!!!! AND thats not including the $80 book I still need to get!!!! THE INSANITY!!! I already spent all my graduation money plus some!!! SOOOOOO NOT FAIR!!! I WAS SOOOOOOO RICH THERE FOR A WHILE!!! CURSE YOU SCHOOL AND YOUR LEARNING WAYS!!!
Well all my classes are set! I'm taking Astronomy ( which looks SO hard!! All these equations just like chemistry!!!), Psychology ( which seems really cool....except for the whole... being crazy thing ^_^), History of Civilization (don't know anything about that since I don't have my book), History of World Music (real cool lookin! They have church music!!! Not to mention Japanese!!), Tennis (so not lookin forward to that!! The only popular american sport that I have no idea how to least I think its american.....), and there is a potential Graphic arts class in the works! ~_~ so scary!!!
Humm....lets see.....LOL Faye and Bena will like this.....I've started going to Sunday night services at my church recently....and since I stopped going to Youth sunday school, I chose to go to the sunday night youth. Well there is this new guy in my church, he started coming oh about a month or two ago, along with either two of his friends or two of his relatives, not real sure who they are to him. could I describe this trio of guys......umm....lets just say....the older ladies of the church broke out into cronic chattering. I mean these guys were SUAVE to the umpteenth power!! Real tall, nice, clean cut, slightly muscular (you know the kind...where its jsut right to be appealing)and really nice colthes. Now its just that one guy that comes, all by himself ( yes thats my excuse for "liking" him. (and no its not like-like! Its like an appealing like....he's interesting! I mean he some guy in his early twenties and he's CHOOSING to go to a church he's never been to, BY HIMSLEF!! Thats pretty unusual!! And you all know how I like unusual things! ^_^) You just have to feel sorry for someone who is all alone, sitting by themselves looking lonesome!) Well, we all know how nerotically shy I am, so talking to this guy was a big capital NO, but my grandma made it her job to see that I was kept posted....not that I really wanted to be....cuz I really DON'T want another "Satan" obsession coming on. So I minded my own business, not exactly watching him, but every once in a while glancing his way.
Well, the first Sunday night youth service he introduces himself to me. Now.....this guy is NICE, I mean gentlemanly NICE. He sticks his hand out and says " I don't believ we've met. My name's Joe Thomas ( at least thats what I think he said...I was too busy freakin out..@o@) What would your name be?" and I'm like 0.0, surprised as heck that he is even talking to me (well I'm surprised if anyone talks to me, since NOBODY ever bothers, but thats mostly my fault since I have my "stare at you till it makes you squirm" expression plastered on. ^_^ I scare people! Isn't it great?!) So I studder my my pathetic sentence, trying to have poise but failing miserably. So for the rest of the service I'm staring evilly at everyone...trying to find some way to blame them for my embarassment, but yet again I fail miserably.
Now skip to the next Sunday night, after church. The youth were supposed to have a bowling night... (I didn't go to youth cuz one of my favorite elders was preaching, so I had no confident idea of what the whole plan was.)It was supposed to be at Westchester Lanes, which is waaaaaay downtown, over by the used bookstore. Now this is like 8:30 pm...its dark and I was sort of nervous going into that neighborhood that late, so I originally decided not to go. SO like a good girl, I called my mom telling her I wasn't going to go. Then I started heading back home. Then I suddenely changed my mind...out of the blue....and no I know what your thinking, I didn't do it because of "him". I had thought "he" wasn't going since he works at some big bio degradeable fuel something-or-other. A serious paying job. So I call my mom telling her I'm going... ( she was suspicious of course...<_<....can't I just suddenly change my mind!! Jeez!) When I get there...its packed.... with teenage kids...that I don't know....Did I mention that I hate most kids my age? SO I'm kicking myself for coming, before I even get through the doors, then when I get through them I'm bumbarded by sound ( a few more kicks there). LOL but lo and behold! Guess who was there right by the door? Jared!!! LOL and yes "he" was there too, standing off to the side leaning against a low wall ( LOL that lean was too anime-ish for words!! I wanted to squeal...well not really...had to keep up my cold and distant act!) LOL so I keep my eye on him while I accuse Jared of insubordination, then attempt to wrangle information about band camp from him.(this is drummer Jared not Bena's Jarrod). Well it eventually emds up with me, Jared, and "him" at table watching everyone bowl. (our church didn't get to bowl since Chad didn't know that we had to call a week in advance.) I just stared at Jared because he hated it. It was real funny to watch him, he'd try so hard not to look at me but he just couldn't help himself. LOL and every time he would meet my eyes he'd make some weird face that made me laugh like a dork. This too petered off, until some little kid started beating on Jared. LOL both Jared and "HIM" ganged up on the kid! "HE" lifted this kid, who is like 11 or 12 years old, up over his head till the kid's head touched the cealing. In my mind its like nothing but an ocean of drool. @o@!! When the kid gave up it was back to watching random people fall down whe they tried to walk on the wax floor. LOL I seriously think "HE" felt sorry for me, since all I had to do was just sit there, while everyone else made a big racket "together". He tried to get me to talk about myself....<_< I hate when I talk about I'm really not all that interesting in the first place. But try he did! Which was real NICE of him.....>_> stupid nerotic shyness!! CURSE YOU!!! LOL Not that I really have a chance with this guy.....LOL I'd be a miracle out of Heaven if we even became friends!! Plus they have all these "girly" girls at church to occupy him. LOL poor guy, I laughed my butt off at one of his predicaments.Some girls just went up to him and threw their arms around him shouting stuff. He just stood there smiling and looking shy. LOL the curses of the beautiful I guess....^_____________^
LOL when I left, was the best!!! I just got up like I usually do, since no one really notices when I come or leave anyway, and got my glasses and keys out. And he, like the NICE guy that he is, says " Are you leaving? Well I'll see you next Sunday then." I'm like ^////^ and nod my head. LOL and because of him, everyone notices I'm leaving and they all yell "BYE TASHA!!" and I'm like @////@ TOO MUCH ATTENTION!!! LOL then when I walk out Jared calls me over for a hug. ^_^ He's nice too! But I already new THAT!
Well I stayed two hours, in a public place, packed with a mob of teenagers with blaring music that I SO totally hated. I had no food, water, or entertainment, and I didn't even get to bowl!!! LOL ^////^ but it wasn't all bad! No, not that bad at all!
^_^ Ganymede |
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Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Bookstore Blast
Ahhh the satisfying little extravaganza that my little group of friends enjoyed not so littley.
First went to Bena's house. I felt like a fat giant in a tiny little dollhouse!! Everything is SO small!! Was warmly greeted by Bena's "clan", then we skipped off to total oblivion, also known as Bena's room! There I got to snoop through stuff as Bena had left to do some chore or something. When I was caught I was made forcefully to read and edit ( not really...well that editing thing is a natural talent that plauges my every movement) a little quiz she was making. And I'll tell you something....for such a sweet looking little person.....she has a graphic and violent imagination. I was like o.o some of the time then I went to 0.o and then it was just full blown 0.0, then my eyes rolled across the floor. SO I conveniently got out of that.
While I was otherwise occupied chasing my eyeballs around the room, Bena decided to show me what she had learned from her guitar lessons. She's pretty good for just starting out! Better than I was when I took mine.....but that was probably because we only had 2 lessons and then it was canceled ( P_P sadness beyond compare) Then she tells me that her sister plays clarinet and I'm like really thats cool, I can play too! Let me show you! But she wouldn't let me P_P .....something about mad blonde cows invading her sisters brain....didn't really understand....
But anyways...she then tells me something so horribly unfair that I just about broke down crying...well not really....GANYMEDE DOES NOT CRY!... She tells me that they sell flavored reeds now...the kinds that taste like blueberry and raspberry and cherry!! AND THEY EVEN TURN YOUR LIPS AND MOUTH COLORS!!! ::river of tears:: Trust them to come out with that just when I left band!!!
Well then Lydia calles Koneko because I called her before she did and She was supposed to wake Koneko up but I beat her to it and me n koneko decided we would invade Bena's house together so she told me that if Bena calls she would convince Bena for her to come over and we would do the victory dance of invasion when we had successfully tied Bena to her wobbley chair. whew...long ....sentence...
ANyways Bena calls Koneko and we found out that her blasted car has broken down (sadness beyond COMPARE) so she couldn't come to Bena's house, but Bena in all her childlike wisdom (cough...insanity) volunteers MY car and me for that matter to drive her around ( Not that I would have it any other way, cuz everybody loves Koneko), Just then Bena's mom barges in and demands then name of the type of pizza that we would like to gorge ourselves on! So we hapily tell her a few million names, and she settles on pepperoni. Then just about that time Bena decides to desecrate my most amazing body with her disgusting little "plushies". I run screaming out of the house as Bena's mom conveniently drives up and hands us the pizza. We gather our mounds of books and dump them into the car and drive off to contraband's habitat.
When we arrive at his living visinity Bena calls him and we find that he is brushing his teeth, we giggle insanely about this then we giggle insanely some more when Bena realizes that she can actually see his houses front door, which was otherwise cover by gigantic bushes of grass. He comes out silently as usual, gets in silently as usual, then Bena attacks him with questions. We then warn him as he is rumaging through Bena's book collection Not to desturb as certain book of unkown Origin, which consists of all the answers to men's questions about women, but would otherwise not understand a word of the book since it was written by a woman. Plus it had very...umm...whats the word....interesting ( and not in the good way) chapter titles. SO he finds it and looks at it and immediately dies of brain malfunction. Bena miraculously revives him and we are back on our way.
We get to Koneko house...which we couldn't find because the lazy cat that was supposed to be sleeping on the pourch was not there so I didn't reconize it. We get out of the car and are properly greeted by Angela's kind, then we enter the house and are properly greeted by Angela herself. We all gorge on pizza...little people....sure do eat a lot....for little people.
Then after the silence of eating we discuss the neighbor and if he had cleaned his yard recently....which of course I couldn't tell in the least. We then are off on our adventure! We endlessly drived through filthy HUMAN packed streets till we get to a tiny little shop...with NO parking lot...( had to park on the curb.....surprisingly that was the first time I actually park straight next to the curb) So we gamble on in and are gree with a blast of muggy air, heavy with the smell of books. Contraband was like a kid in a candy store. I swear if he had been a little puppy his tail and his butt would be wiggling 90 miles an hour thats how happy he was. Of course he conveyed this to me as he stared around with his usual stony expression. We all exchanged our books as store credit and started our search for the illusive....PERFECT BOOK!!!! ::thunderclap::I guess we spent an hour or so there...looking. Bena got two books, one that I thought she would like, and another that I had no idea what it was but it had a pretty cover. Me, my grand total was about 7 books!! And I only had to pay $6!! SO COOL!!!!
After our farewells to Angela and her Impervious Juan, we all headed to Borders! There me and Koneko found a wealth of anime girlness in two shirts we found. One of Inuyasha....the other....gasp SESSHOUMARU!!! We chattered about that for a while, then we joined Bena and Contraband reading the manga. I finally got to read Model 6!!! Sigh but there is only one more book in the series. Then I strayed from my girly instincts and picked up a manga I've been meaning to read ever since I visited Panda's Myotaku site. Saiyuki. It's funny as heck!! Hakkai would be my favorite . ....even though he is a demon...he's the nicest of the lot. He sort of reminds me of Vash from Trigun. You know the nice sweet older man that seems really innocent and happy on the outside but he has a serious side thats really scary. Goku's okay too but.....he's a monkey he looks like a kid Gah can't think of the red-ish haired guys name...I just know that Goku always called him a perverted Kappa (water sprite. And perverted isn't even the word for it! Sanzo's the only human of the bunch , he's supposed to be a some high priest of some kind trying to get revenge for his mentor's death. And lets just say.....if he were the priest that would save my soul....I would definately be going on a toasty little vacation for all of eternity.


ahh...his name is Gojyo

Well those are my quite skewed accounts of the happenings of August 9th 2005. Hope you enjoyed them, now be a dear and write back...or you shall...FACE MY ETERNAL WRATH!!! ^_^ Have a nice day.
Ganymede |
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Saturday, August 6, 2005
Whoa, total revelation people!!! I actually joined a GOOD thread on the OtakuBoards!! I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!! I JUST HAVE TO WIGGLE AND GIGGLE AND BE ALL AROUND CRAZY!!!!!
Ahhhh I just hope that it doesn't explode into OH MY GOSH I HATE YOU AND YOU'RE DEFORMED AND UNCIVILIZED kind of thing. Ah I might even make a few friends.....ahhhh friends.....I remember those....LOL anyways!! Come and join me if you dare!!!Its called Christian....or not?
Post everybody later
Ganymede ::wiggle wiggle:: |
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Thursday, August 4, 2005
Fruits Basket Fiasco!!!
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! Its SO not fair!!!
Well I've found this neat little site called Direct Manga, which has anime episodes and translated manga scanilations. AND OMG!!!! I've been downloading Fruits Basket like for 3 days now....when all of a sudden.....I find out that......THEY DON'T HAVE THE WHOLE SERIES DONE!!! ::pose of despair:: And it was getting SO good too!!!!!
I also found out that the anime is not a lot like the manga!! In the manga it goes into detail about the Juuinishi curse and all and Tohru is actally trying to find a way to break it. In the anime, its mostly just Tohru meeting all the Juuinishi and helping them out some way...they also left out two of the Juuinishi in the anime...YOU NEVER SEE THEM!!! And you never find out why the Juuinishi have to obey Akito so much. LOL I had quite a revelation when I read that part in the manga.
Another cruel thing that I found out today....I went to borders...and saw Fruits Basket the anime section...and I checked how far it had gotten.....I found that ...they left off...JUST WHERE I WAS CUT OFF!!! THE INSANITY!! THE INHUMANE INSANITY!!! Oh well now I have to go search the great beyond for more FB manga!!
Well post ya Later
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Tuesday, August 2, 2005
Ahhhh....what a wonderfully boring day....everybody is out doing things....except for me of have to be stuck home....with absolutly
<---(creepy Ayame) NOTHING to do.......oh well.....suits me just fine. I'd rather update my site anyhow.
Decided to change my wallpaper to the wonderfully cutesy Fruits Baskets. Since Ayame is my absolute most favorite character, he is freatured in most of the pictures scaring the daylights out of everyone!! Isn't he so adorable....even though he's a cross dresser.....and likes Hatori.....has a brother...fetish....and is pretty much creepy?!
Man I wish I still had the anime!! Its so much funnier than the manga...though the manga is very funny....anyways...what was I saying...oh yes I WISH I HAD IT RIGHT NOW!!!! ::sigh:: so depressing!!
Well I'm almost ready for school, its just about 3 weeks away. MY GOSH HOW SCARY!!! I NEVER THOUGHT IT WAS THAT CLOSE!!!! NOOOO NOOOO NOOOO ::shakes head in despair:: MY WONDERFUL LAZY LIFE STYLE WILL BE GONE FOREVER!!! (well....)
Went school clothes shopping the other day....spent a LOT of money.....heee....::sticks out tongue:: more than my sis did!!! For once.....I kinda went for the conservative normal look. (can't have people knowing who I really am now. That would defeat the purpose of being the weird silent type....they aren't supposed to know I'm weird....anyways)
LOL there was a really funny part where we went underwear shopping...seriously..I swear people were staring at me when I held up that neon pink..ahem...yeah.....but then it was all ruined by this bratty little girl who was screaming her head off, and her mom just quietly ignored her...leaving those around the little monster to cower in pain as she issued her banshee shrieks!!! I seriously wanted to roll her down the escalater with her mouth gagged with..oh a few MILLION neon pink ...ahems...yeah.
Well thats pretty much all the semi interesting stuff that happened to me since I last updated.....sigh...the boring life of me.....oh total amount of quizzes has now risen to ummm...39 pages..^__^ yes Bena...39..but I deffinately don't have the most...anime girl67 has like 67 I have quite a long way to go still.
Well post ya later!!!
Ganymede |
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Thursday, July 21, 2005
I have returned
YES!! I have returned to my comfortable abode known as my computer desk!!!
With nothing really to show of my self except my brand spankin new Harry Potter book.....and for those of you who haven't read it yet......join me in my agony soon...for I must rant soon or I shall literally blow something up!
Any ways.....My trip to universal Studios was as frightening as can be.....lets just say.....I have a thing about heights....and a certain disgust of annoying crouds of people....The only real highlight to this trip was to ride that new ride "The Mummy" and listen to my adoringly loud mother squeal her head off as we suffer through it. Oh and I got to eat a Cinnabon too...but I was too miserable by then to even enjoy it properly.
Then the next day I am awoken, by the glorious yell of my parnetal units into my delicate ears, (notice the sarcasm) bright and early so my already strained family unit can test its limits by going....dare i say.....camping.
Now of course this camping is not the normal sleep in a bed of dirt with all your buggy friends kind of thing...this is a sleep in a cabin bigger than your already sizable house kind of thing...which helped a little tiny bit.
The normal screeches of parental protest rang in my ears as I hooked in my PS2, played Soul Caliber 2, then decided that there too many talking entities in my immediate vicinity and I commenced to lock myself in a room upstairs.
Of course they eventually dragged me out of there(kicking and screaming i should say) and made me interact with my own species. We had a horrible day just watching annoying brightly colored sailboats sail back and a forth in an race, which appeared to me to have no apparent finish line. I amused myself by brooding moodily while listening to anime toons and scowling ferociously and anybody who passed with in 20 ft of me. Everybody probably thought I was evil, my attire didn't really help my image too much. All black.....on a summer a lake....I see you get the picture yes?
Anyways after a few horrible days stuck riding around in a car with a maniac at the wheel (aka my dad)my sister had the terribly gruesome idea that we should go....... horseback riding.....ahem...bad idea....bad, bad idea. All I really have to say about that experience is.....when preparing to go horseback riding.....make sure you pick a horse that can actually....see.
Well I have been back for about 2 days now and showing my graditude to my mom and dad, for taking us...camping, by utterly and thoroughly ignoring and avoiding them at all costs. Hope you guys that receive the wonderful gift of vaction.....get a better one than I did!
Post ya later
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