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Being my weird self
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....being alive?
Anime Fan Since
7th grade...ahh those were the years , DBZ, Gundam Wing, and Outlaw Star!!!
Favorite Anime
Fruits Baskets, Ranma 1/2, Slayers,Inu Yasha, Cowboy Bebop, Rurouni Kenshin, FLCL, Excell Saga,Trigun,Blue Seed, Vandread, DBZ (Frieza & Cell series), Naruto,BLEACH!!! FOMOFFU, FMA, FMP, Bubblegum Crisis 2040
To be a computer GENIUS!!!! Heh...well...yeah.....::rubs back of head::
Writing,drawing, playing music,playing Video games (Final Fantasy ROX)!
uhhh.. I can play 3 different "school" band instruments, Drawing,..........sleeping.........eating......
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Bookstore Blast
Ahhh the satisfying little extravaganza that my little group of friends enjoyed not so littley.
First went to Bena's house. I felt like a fat giant in a tiny little dollhouse!! Everything is SO small!! Was warmly greeted by Bena's "clan", then we skipped off to total oblivion, also known as Bena's room! There I got to snoop through stuff as Bena had left to do some chore or something. When I was caught I was made forcefully to read and edit ( not really...well that editing thing is a natural talent that plauges my every movement) a little quiz she was making. And I'll tell you something....for such a sweet looking little person.....she has a graphic and violent imagination. I was like o.o some of the time then I went to 0.o and then it was just full blown 0.0, then my eyes rolled across the floor. SO I conveniently got out of that.
While I was otherwise occupied chasing my eyeballs around the room, Bena decided to show me what she had learned from her guitar lessons. She's pretty good for just starting out! Better than I was when I took mine.....but that was probably because we only had 2 lessons and then it was canceled ( P_P sadness beyond compare) Then she tells me that her sister plays clarinet and I'm like really thats cool, I can play too! Let me show you! But she wouldn't let me P_P .....something about mad blonde cows invading her sisters brain....didn't really understand....
But anyways...she then tells me something so horribly unfair that I just about broke down crying...well not really....GANYMEDE DOES NOT CRY!... She tells me that they sell flavored reeds now...the kinds that taste like blueberry and raspberry and cherry!! AND THEY EVEN TURN YOUR LIPS AND MOUTH COLORS!!! ::river of tears:: Trust them to come out with that just when I left band!!!
Well then Lydia calles Koneko because I called her before she did and She was supposed to wake Koneko up but I beat her to it and me n koneko decided we would invade Bena's house together so she told me that if Bena calls she would convince Bena for her to come over and we would do the victory dance of invasion when we had successfully tied Bena to her wobbley chair. whew...long ....sentence...
ANyways Bena calls Koneko and we found out that her blasted car has broken down (sadness beyond COMPARE) so she couldn't come to Bena's house, but Bena in all her childlike wisdom (cough...insanity) volunteers MY car and me for that matter to drive her around ( Not that I would have it any other way, cuz everybody loves Koneko), Just then Bena's mom barges in and demands then name of the type of pizza that we would like to gorge ourselves on! So we hapily tell her a few million names, and she settles on pepperoni. Then just about that time Bena decides to desecrate my most amazing body with her disgusting little "plushies". I run screaming out of the house as Bena's mom conveniently drives up and hands us the pizza. We gather our mounds of books and dump them into the car and drive off to contraband's habitat.
When we arrive at his living visinity Bena calls him and we find that he is brushing his teeth, we giggle insanely about this then we giggle insanely some more when Bena realizes that she can actually see his houses front door, which was otherwise cover by gigantic bushes of grass. He comes out silently as usual, gets in silently as usual, then Bena attacks him with questions. We then warn him as he is rumaging through Bena's book collection Not to desturb as certain book of unkown Origin, which consists of all the answers to men's questions about women, but would otherwise not understand a word of the book since it was written by a woman. Plus it had very...umm...whats the word....interesting ( and not in the good way) chapter titles. SO he finds it and looks at it and immediately dies of brain malfunction. Bena miraculously revives him and we are back on our way.
We get to Koneko house...which we couldn't find because the lazy cat that was supposed to be sleeping on the pourch was not there so I didn't reconize it. We get out of the car and are properly greeted by Angela's kind, then we enter the house and are properly greeted by Angela herself. We all gorge on pizza...little people....sure do eat a lot....for little people.
Then after the silence of eating we discuss the neighbor and if he had cleaned his yard recently....which of course I couldn't tell in the least. We then are off on our adventure! We endlessly drived through filthy HUMAN packed streets till we get to a tiny little shop...with NO parking lot...( had to park on the curb.....surprisingly that was the first time I actually park straight next to the curb) So we gamble on in and are gree with a blast of muggy air, heavy with the smell of books. Contraband was like a kid in a candy store. I swear if he had been a little puppy his tail and his butt would be wiggling 90 miles an hour thats how happy he was. Of course he conveyed this to me as he stared around with his usual stony expression. We all exchanged our books as store credit and started our search for the illusive....PERFECT BOOK!!!! ::thunderclap::I guess we spent an hour or so there...looking. Bena got two books, one that I thought she would like, and another that I had no idea what it was but it had a pretty cover. Me, my grand total was about 7 books!! And I only had to pay $6!! SO COOL!!!!
After our farewells to Angela and her Impervious Juan, we all headed to Borders! There me and Koneko found a wealth of anime girlness in two shirts we found. One of Inuyasha....the other....gasp SESSHOUMARU!!! We chattered about that for a while, then we joined Bena and Contraband reading the manga. I finally got to read Model 6!!! Sigh but there is only one more book in the series. Then I strayed from my girly instincts and picked up a manga I've been meaning to read ever since I visited Panda's Myotaku site. Saiyuki. It's funny as heck!! Hakkai would be my favorite . ....even though he is a demon...he's the nicest of the lot. He sort of reminds me of Vash from Trigun. You know the nice sweet older man that seems really innocent and happy on the outside but he has a serious side thats really scary. Goku's okay too but.....he's a monkey he looks like a kid Gah can't think of the red-ish haired guys name...I just know that Goku always called him a perverted Kappa (water sprite. And perverted isn't even the word for it! Sanzo's the only human of the bunch , he's supposed to be a some high priest of some kind trying to get revenge for his mentor's death. And lets just say.....if he were the priest that would save my soul....I would definately be going on a toasty little vacation for all of eternity.


ahh...his name is Gojyo

Well those are my quite skewed accounts of the happenings of August 9th 2005. Hope you enjoyed them, now be a dear and write back...or you shall...FACE MY ETERNAL WRATH!!! ^_^ Have a nice day.
Ganymede |
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