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Being my weird self
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....being alive?
Anime Fan Since
7th grade...ahh those were the years , DBZ, Gundam Wing, and Outlaw Star!!!
Favorite Anime
Fruits Baskets, Ranma 1/2, Slayers,Inu Yasha, Cowboy Bebop, Rurouni Kenshin, FLCL, Excell Saga,Trigun,Blue Seed, Vandread, DBZ (Frieza & Cell series), Naruto,BLEACH!!! FOMOFFU, FMA, FMP, Bubblegum Crisis 2040
To be a computer GENIUS!!!! Heh...well...yeah.....::rubs back of head::
Writing,drawing, playing music,playing Video games (Final Fantasy ROX)!
uhhh.. I can play 3 different "school" band instruments, Drawing,..........sleeping.........eating......
Wednesday, September 7, 2005
African Drumming and Japanese cookers

Yep as you can see I had a multi-cultural day. Today im my History of World Music class, we where learning about Africa. The Ewe people to be specific. My teacher had about 9 african drums, along with about 7 or 8 gordes with beads on them, a cow bell thingy, tempo blocks, and some of those high hollow sounding sticks that you beat together. He handed these all out to the class and he taught us a little song. It was pretty cool...but unfortunately I didn't get anything since there are like 50 people in the class, so I got to use my hands, to clap out rhythms.
It reminded me so much of my first two years of marching band!!! When we were waiting to get in a block band before a football game, all of us in uniform, one person would start play a song (most likely one of the pieces we were doing for our show, or some popular stand tune) then their whole section would join in, then another section, and then another, until almost all the band members are playing the song.....then of course the band director would come out and yell at us to quit wasting our breath, cuz we would need it for the performance. Ahhhhh such lovely memories.....but the last two years we never did that...<_< stupid freshmen and sophomores are so unfriendly and anti-unity! I sure do miss the good old days!!! I even miss marching tech and those 2 1/2 hour tuesday night rehersals....P_P why can't my stupid college have a stupid marching band!!!...or even a concert band!!! <_< stupid cheep rejects!!! the second part of my post. As always I feel it my duty to report any event that involves a certain type of person. The REAL LIFE ANIME BOY!
Well my family and I went out to eat tonight, to this new Japanese restaurant called Shoguns. We walk in and are seated at these grills.(and stared at by a creepy bright blue eyed 40 something year old guy)We were "lucky" enough to be sat next to this couple...who was OBVIOUSLY on their first or second date...and OBVIOUSLY had some alcoholic drinks. I, unfortunately, am the last to sit I have to sit right NEXT to them...elbow to elbow...and we all know how I feel about being ~touched~ by people...not very happy. So I'm grumping about...complaining about things like the TV is too blurry, there are bulit holes in the windows, and some offending bit of skin on my sister's nose. Then I subside and watch the cool asian guy, at the table across the aisle from me, cook all the drool inducing food. I think he might have thrown a bowl of rice at someone...and they were supposed to catch it....but that didn't I laughed. Then up walks this really skinny, really dark, and really TALL asian guy....dude Bena, Faye, Angels, would have been not just IN love but DROWNING in love. He was INCREDIBLY cute faced!!! He must have been SO adorable as a kid!!! LOL oh did I mention he had almost waist length hair? yep tied up in a braid....LOL imagine it silky black texture waving in the wind!!! ^__________^
Of course I've been staring at him for like 5 minutes, then he looks up at me and asks me a question, I think it was how do you want your steak cooked...but of course I didn't hear a thing...I was too busy going @o@ all over the place. But then the lady on the date sitting next to me starts flirtingw ith him and I'm glaring daggers at her as she laughs and sips her BEER!! ALCOHOLIC ALCOHOLIC I TELL YOU!!! Then my dad starts talking to him (-_- oh yippe) then I find out he's some reject delinquent fired from another Japanese restaurant...but DUDE...he was SO he was smooth talker...^_^...I'm like smiling my freakin face off as he cooks the shrimp and the lobster! LOL good thing I like shrimp and lobster...I had a contengency plan of blaming my insane smiling habit on how much I LOVE seafood. LOL I think my sis liked him too...she felt sorry for him when my dad forgot to tip him. She was "awww"ing and "shame on you"-ing my dad. LOL then we were sitting around after we were done eating, weird...rooster haired dude scares the crap out of me, when he comes behind me and leans toward me to ask if I wanted more Lemonaide. LOL me and my sis where debating if he really was a Girly guy or a Guy-y girl. Couldn't really tell....but then he spoke and we found "IT" was a guy.
Well thats all folks! No more oddities to report at the moment. So I must go celebrate my an excuse to skip my Digital Arts class tomorrow that is! I send you greetings from the afterlife! Oh and so do all those strawberry bunnies I killed the other day...darn pests...can never get rid of'im!
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