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Being my weird self
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....being alive?
Anime Fan Since
7th grade...ahh those were the years , DBZ, Gundam Wing, and Outlaw Star!!!
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Fruits Baskets, Ranma 1/2, Slayers,Inu Yasha, Cowboy Bebop, Rurouni Kenshin, FLCL, Excell Saga,Trigun,Blue Seed, Vandread, DBZ (Frieza & Cell series), Naruto,BLEACH!!! FOMOFFU, FMA, FMP, Bubblegum Crisis 2040
To be a computer GENIUS!!!! Heh...well...yeah.....::rubs back of head::
Writing,drawing, playing music,playing Video games (Final Fantasy ROX)!
uhhh.. I can play 3 different "school" band instruments, Drawing,..........sleeping.........eating......
Monday, October 3, 2005
Crazy Family Gathering

LOL, yep I'm I bit wound up on cake and VERY sweet Lemonaide!! SO forgive me if I sound a little insane. Well today was the day of the imfamous Cook/Hammers/White/Henson big 70th birthday bash, which happened to be held at my lovely poolside home.
Its absolutlely safe to say there was a LOT of people here, 58 to be exact, and we all got to mingle like good little family members ( My sister excluded cuz she had a friend over >_>). I actually met some family members that I didn't even knew I had. It was very being 18 and not seeing people I'm blood related to, ESPECIALLY in this family since we try and get together as often as possible. All the major holidays are usually packed with family members running around randomly somewhere.
This thing actually turned out pretty good for me. I got to see one of the few cousins I'm close to. We lived across the street from each other when we were little and went to school together. We were remembering all the times we got each other in trouble and all the embarassing moments. LOL I didn't know it but I actually made my cousin run head first into a slinding glass door. I was really funny when he was telling the story to me, I was laughing my butt off even though I didn't remember doing it to him.
Then I had little people following me around all day. My 10 and 7 year old cousins made it their job to know what I was doing at every minute of the day. That was kind weird though that they would follow me......I tend to ignore them most of the time...^_^. But that part was better than I thought it would be. They were pretty well behaved so I had a much better time with them. Then I had a 3 year old climbing all over me and telling me he didn't want his picture and then there was this REALLY cute little baby there......don't know whose it was.....but it was SO FREAKIN CUTE!! It was a little blue eyed, blonde haired, chubby faced, little boy, and he was just learning to walk!!! It was SOOOOOOO CUTE!!!! He took his first steps while he was here....but then he fell down on the tile floor...which wasn't very good...but anyways...the poor thing was scared of my Pug dog (and I don't blame him cuz that dog is SO ugly it's cute). But seriously if you've seen Pretear, that little short blonde Leafe Knight looks exactly like him!!! AAHHHH THE CUTE-NESS IS OVERWHELMING!!! I'M MELTING ..AHHHHHHH!!!
LOL anyways, all the kids went swiming ...and boy was that eventful. My cousin that I was talking about before....he's 18 or 19 and he's pretty strong...he was picking me up and throwing me across the pool and dunking me and all kinds of crazy stuff! It was pretty fun, except for all the stupid water up my nose!!! I HATE THAT FEELING!!! Oh yeah and I was injured...Me, my sister, and my sister's friend were all trying to get back at my cousin for throwing us around like rag dolls by attaching ourselves to him so he couldn't get away, and he does a flip under the water with us still attached to him. SO get all kinds of nasty water up my nose and I drag the top of my foot on the bottom of the pool, so now I have a beautiful bloody foot to go along with my on coming cold from the FREEZZING water. So yeah I had fun. Then we all sat on our big lounge swing and dozed a little. We fit like 6 people on a swing equiped for 3 WITHOUT breaking it, which is just a miracle from God. Joey(cousin) had jumped in with his clothes on earlier thinking he had some extra clothes in the car, but alas he didn't so when we all went swiming ( Me my sis and her friend didn't go the first time) he had to borrow some of my dad's swimming trunks. Now Joey is 6'2"....and my dad is 5'6".....and those trunk were SO short on him, they could have passed for girl shorts. He was complaining the whole time we were sitting on that swing about how short those shorts were and how cold he was (his clothes hadn't dried by then) so all of us girls offered him our clothes. But unfortunately Bena he didn't take the offer so we had no Oh Dear moments today.
Blah blah blah and then we all went up to the game room and watched Lord of the Rings 2 and 3, where stupid Joey thought it was funny that I was ticklish and continued his torture from Swim time. Then we all broke out the family abums and stuff and looked at all the old photos of ourselves. That was my favorite part! I just love looking at old pictures and trying to see if I remember that time. Then everyone had to leave, which was sad...cuz I kind of miss some of these people, but I got one last tickle raveshing from Joey before he left so it was all good.
Well all in all its been a wonderfully exhausting day for my family and I'm about to fall asleep at this computer desk, typing this trivial account of a family gathering you guys probably won't care about! ^_^ Isn't it great!!? SO I bit you farewell and goodnight!!
Ganymede |
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