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Being my weird self
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....being alive?
Anime Fan Since
7th grade...ahh those were the years , DBZ, Gundam Wing, and Outlaw Star!!!
Favorite Anime
Fruits Baskets, Ranma 1/2, Slayers,Inu Yasha, Cowboy Bebop, Rurouni Kenshin, FLCL, Excell Saga,Trigun,Blue Seed, Vandread, DBZ (Frieza & Cell series), Naruto,BLEACH!!! FOMOFFU, FMA, FMP, Bubblegum Crisis 2040
To be a computer GENIUS!!!! Heh...well...yeah.....::rubs back of head::
Writing,drawing, playing music,playing Video games (Final Fantasy ROX)!
uhhh.. I can play 3 different "school" band instruments, Drawing,..........sleeping.........eating......
Thursday, October 27, 2005
A not so interesting, but very LONG update.
My feeling at the moment...

Hey ya people! Hows it goin' with you guys lately? Well, at the moment I'm totally excited and happy for no good sane reason. I got a coupon in an email from Borders today and got to go buy some MANGA!!!! ^___^ I'm SOOOO HAPPY! LOL I've be sooooo totally hooked on this new one called Hana-Kimi! OH MY GOSH!!! Its SO cute!!! Its about this American girl named Mizuki who is obsessed with this High-jumper champion from Japan named Izumi Sano (aka Sano Izumi in english terms) so Mizuki moves to Japan by herself and pretends to be a boy to get in the famous Private all boys school that Sano attends. I know, I know, the subject is SO overrated but the writing is very funny not to mention the art. It sort of reminds me of Demon Diaries in the comedy area. But it has its REALLY sappy shojo parts, so be warned!!!
Hummm...another reason I am SO incredibly happy is that my poor little stupid pug dog has returned!!!

P_P I'M SO SO SO SO HAPPY ABOUT THIS!!! My doggies mean the world to me!! I was about to have a complete emotional breakdown there for a few hours. It seems that our gate wasn't closed right and she some how opened it. (I really don't buy this though....we have evil little kids that live nextdoor to us, who ironically have a policeman for a father....) I seriously prayed my butt off!! I was SO worried about her! Then as circumstances had it...the day after she ran away was like national take your dog in the car week or something (not really ^_^;)because I saw like 10 dogs riding in cars to and from school reminding me of my worry. It was so heartbreaking!!! Then when I went to one of my friend's sites here on MyO they talked about seeing a poor little squrril being crushed by a couple of heartless cruel drivers!!! P_________P Even more heartbreak!! So I'm like bawling by the time I get home (on the inside at least) I go out to the garage to visit my other dog ( who is VERY smart btw...SHE didn't run away....or maybe its just she's too fat....humm...maybe) because no one else was home. And when I opened the door I heard a familiar little snort, and when I turned on the light I see that stupid bug-eyed little blonde pug dog sitting there looking at me. LOL I got all misty eyed and went and hugged her.....then she went and fed her face and ignored me. So yeah it was a happy reunion.
Umm...lets see....other possibly interesting topics to write on....Oh I didn't write about my little church picnic did I? Well it wasn't all that I was expecting but it was pretty fun all in all. Me, Bena, my sister, and my mom all played some good ol' fashioned wimpy Volley ball ( I.E. standing real close to the net and just bumping it to each other)>_> I hate playing wimpy sports like that...I NEED to clobber SOMETHING...and people aren't legal so I have to make due with sports....but then they even take that from me....>_>. Then we tried out the hula-hoops......which was an experience. I haven't hula-hooped since I was in elementary school...and that was a long time hula-hooping expertise was not...up to date I guess you could say. But then I found out that I had the expert's hula-hoop, which was empty inside. I did better with a water-filled one, but yeah...Bena was absolutely hilarious trying to walk and hula at the same time....she kind of looked like pidgeons do when they walk around, heads bobbing and all. We swung on the swings for a little while until I got tired....which wasn't for very long. Umm...then we watched my 71 year old pastor beat out all the 50 and 60 somethings at Basketball, with camera lights flashing in the backgroud due to the cuteness of it all. Then Jared, who had lost the egg toss but still had an egg handy went and egged our Youth Pastor Chad, but the dork ended up getting as much egg on himself as he did on Chad, so me and Bena took pity on him and helped him get cleaned up. And thats pretty much all that was we left early.
Humm...oh yeah upcoming news....Tomorrow is the second to the last home football game of the year for my old high school...P_P ITS SO SAD!!!! I'll have to go a whole 8 months without being able to play my tuba

....which is so hearbreaking....even though its kinda weird to be so attached to your instrument....especially when it gives you all kinds of injuries.
Ummmm.....lets see...other interesting possibilities that might come to friend from Church (who happens to be Jared's mom) has been mentioning some interesting things to me. I think she is kind of hinting to me that I should go with her to Ireland or to Israel next November. I've been thinking about the Ireland thing for a while, since I've always wanted to visit there, but it is for a missionary trip and I don't know if I'm far enough along in my relationship with God to be doing something like that, but it may be a possiblity in the future. The Israel thing I would probably go to if a way was made for me. Its sort of more of a vacation type of thing. I've not really had an interest in the middle east or anything but I've kind of always wanted to see all the sites that had to do with Jesus. We shall have to see what things are in store for me next ^_^
Well thats pretty much it for this post....again I appologize for the incredibly LONG post...once I get started I just kinda have to get it all out of my system. I hope all your days are pleasant and filled with exquisite joy!!
And now I leave you with a little bit of hilariosity.
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