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Being my weird self
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....being alive?
Anime Fan Since
7th grade...ahh those were the years , DBZ, Gundam Wing, and Outlaw Star!!!
Favorite Anime
Fruits Baskets, Ranma 1/2, Slayers,Inu Yasha, Cowboy Bebop, Rurouni Kenshin, FLCL, Excell Saga,Trigun,Blue Seed, Vandread, DBZ (Frieza & Cell series), Naruto,BLEACH!!! FOMOFFU, FMA, FMP, Bubblegum Crisis 2040
To be a computer GENIUS!!!! Heh...well...yeah.....::rubs back of head::
Writing,drawing, playing music,playing Video games (Final Fantasy ROX)!
uhhh.. I can play 3 different "school" band instruments, Drawing,..........sleeping.........eating......
Friday, November 3, 2006
Friday, November 3rd, 2006
8 months is a LONG time!
My feeling at the moment...

Well, well, well LONG time no see everybody! Its been 8 months since the last time I have posted and I'm sure that most of you have forgotten I exist, but for those of you wonderful people who do remember I will fill you in on some recent major events.
Well everybody knows Halloween just passed. SO how was yours? I really hope you guys had a better one than I.
That morning for no reason that anyone can explain, except for maybe divine intervention...I woke up at the lovely hour of 7am. Now if any of you know know that I absolutely DO NOT wake up at that hour...especially if I pulled one of my late nights, which I happened to had done. So I get up to go to the bathroom....and my sister tells me that there is something wrong with my grandma. I sort of dismissed it cuz she always has something going on..and my sister isn't so reliable when it comes to information. So I go to the bathroom and then go back to my room to go back to sleep...but I have a nagging feeling that I should go check with my mom just incase it might be serious. SO I do just that...put my little sweater on cuz it was cold and went downstairs.
She was on the phone with Garland, my G-ma's husband. He was saying that my G-ma was incoherent. So my mom decides she is going to go over and see what was going on...she asked me if I wanted to come. I said I would....though I wasn't exactly sure I wanted to..because if it was something serious I knew that I would lose it. I ended up going.
When we got there my G-ma was laying on the couch. My mom went over to talked to her....and I sat on the other couch to watch. My mom would ask her questions...and she would try to answer...but she couldn't get the right words out....and she didn't seem to realize she wasn't making any sense. My mom said we needed bring her to the emergency room. So there was a scramble for all the medical info and stuff that we thought we needed then we headed toward the hospital.
On the way there we had a few hang ups...we had to slow down for school zones..because it just happened to be the time where everybody is making their way toward school...and then we had to actually stop because I guess my G-ma got car sick while riding in the backseat of the car. But thankfully when we got to the hospital they went right ahead and checked her...we didn't really have to wait at all...which was all against what we expected to happen.
So they took her in the back to check her out while my mom and I had to wade through the tons of paper work to get her registered into the hospital. Now I was feeling realy useless up until this point....I was fighting as hard as I could to just stay calm and composed for my grandma....but when we got all this paperwork I found I was usefull...I could take my mind of all of this emotional stuff and just use my calm and cool mind. SO I busied myself with this until my mom went back to go check on my G-ma and Garland to see if they needed anything. So I waited...and waited...and waited. LOL it seemed endless....thank goodness they had a TV or I would have gone crazy.
I think I waited about two hours...and then my mom came back out to tell me the news. She told me to come outside with her...and I followed. She then proceeded to tell me that the doctors thought it was a stroke....but they thought that there was maybe a tumor in her brain that cause her to bleed in the first place. They said that they needed to transfer her to another hospital because they had better equipment to deal with something there. I took this all pretty calmly...and my mom explained it pretty calmly....but she asked the taboo question...Did I want to go see her? And I just lost it. Now I had lost it a little a few times that morning...but this was the mother of losing its. I felt bad for doing it...cuz it made my mom lose it too...and then my dad called and she had to explain it all again to him while she was it was an all around horrible moment.
My mom and dad decided I had better go home because I hadn't had much sleep that night, and I didn't have anything to eat, and I had been at the hospital for about 2 or 3 hours by that time. So my dad came and picked me up...and I revisited my losing it stage for a little while when he asked what happened...then we headed home.
And that was pretty much all that happened on my Halloween...other than taking care of my G-ma's schizophrenic dogs...they would drive the most loving of dog lovers to go crazy! Not to mention that we had a million trick-or-treaters. So yeah...worst Halloween ever.
Well I guess I'll keep updating either with posting or on my chat box above to let you guys, who want to know, whats going on. Thanks to all who read and/or comment!
Post ya later!
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