You are sadness. You keep to yourself most the
time, and get angry when others try to come
into your own time. You need to a certain
amount of time alone and usually spend it
dwelling in your thoughts. You are mysterious,
unique, depressed, and creative. You tend to be
introverted and only show some people your
feelings. You keep most thoughts to yourself
and only let them out when they need to me
known. You tend to be taken advanatage of
because of your laid back spirit. Not a lot of
things can upset you too much(or enough so
people know) so most everyone will do things
that take advantage of you. You try hard in
life, but sometime's are over your head in all
the work you are forced to do. You have a
guilty conscience at times, but all the while,
you give people what they deserve. You are a
one in a kind type of soul.
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