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Member Since
Being my weird self
Real Name
....being alive?
Anime Fan Since
7th grade...ahh those were the years , DBZ, Gundam Wing, and Outlaw Star!!!
Favorite Anime
Fruits Baskets, Ranma 1/2, Slayers,Inu Yasha, Cowboy Bebop, Rurouni Kenshin, FLCL, Excell Saga,Trigun,Blue Seed, Vandread, DBZ (Frieza & Cell series), Naruto,BLEACH!!! FOMOFFU, FMA, FMP, Bubblegum Crisis 2040
To be a computer GENIUS!!!! Heh...well...yeah.....::rubs back of head::
Writing,drawing, playing music,playing Video games (Final Fantasy ROX)!
uhhh.. I can play 3 different "school" band instruments, Drawing,..........sleeping.........eating......
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 11/16/05:
Sigh...yet again...RIGHT ON TARGET!
 You want a Beautiful love, soft but passionate. You are probably very old fashioned and polite. You can't stand rude people, wolf whistles are to you only dis-respective and immature. You love nature and everything beautiful in life. You will fall for a guy that makes you forget about the rest of the world.
Please rate aaaaand... eat chocolate bars? *cough*rate*cough* ^^
What Love are you Fated for? ~AWESOME anime pics!~ brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 11/16/05:
LMBO!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!! Baked chicken and rice ball weapons!!!
Result Posted on 11/16/05:
Hummm...Aoshi's not all that bad ^__^
Result Posted on 11/16/05:
 Earth! Earth is the beautiful and unique element. You are one who doesn't need style to look good. You are practically the most perfect girl. Your always ontop of things. You always want to look nice and modest. You can ignore what most people say about you thats bad because you know it's not true. You have a very creative soul and can be found drawing. Everytime you express yourself the elements always bend to your will. There is always a certain calmness in your aura thanks to the wisdom you wield. Yay for you. A song to check out: Things I'll never say by Avril Lavigne="">
Which element are you most suited with? GIRLS ONLY! [gorgeous anime pics] UPDATED! brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 11/16/05:
LOL cross out the girl! and add in boy!!! P_P I AM NOT LIKE THAT!!
 Darkness. Your best trait is being mysterious. Some would lable you as the goth or punk type but you don't care. Though quiet and seemingly cynical, you are a deep person. One of who many people could not understand, for you are very mature for your age. You also are a talented poet or a musician. However, whether you like it or not, women are attracted to the lonely you. Some good jobs to consider are author, poet, musician, artist, or gardener (the only ears around you belong to the plants).
What is your element and best trait [PICS] (boys only unless you girls want to take it) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 11/16/05:
Sigh...wish I could say it wasn't true...P_P
 You feel longing. I sit here and wait for you... Hopeless romantic is probably your middle name. You feel an empty void inside of yourself... You want to find the person/thing that would fill it up, but you search to no avail. Your heart is in desperate need of something/one that would sweep you off your feet and make your dreams come true. You were probably always the one who dreamed of being in a fairytale when you were younger, but now your fairytale has become a reality in your mind. You are stuck in a dream world that tears you away from everyday life. Perhaps you never got to live the life everyone else had?
Element: Earth
Color: Blue
Quote: In my world there would be no bad things, just me and my obsession. Alone, together forever.
Expression: Far off, glazed stare. With your head resting on your hand/s.
Symbol: A paint brush/outstretched hand/northern lights
.:Look me in the eyes... Tell me how you feel:. (anime pics) [Detailed results] brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 11/16/05:
0.0 whoa...ewwy about the tongue...but..SQUEAL! about all the other stuff!!! P_P If only it were real,neh?
src=""> Trying to make a life for himself type of guy Why he likes you: Youre sexy, also is trying to fine a way in life. He likes the fact that even though hes a model, you never give him a title, hes just himself.
How he shows his affection: He always says I love you and gives you long passionate kisses.
His saying: How can you be so beautiful What is a normal date:Going to a hotel for the weekend. How do you know he loves you: He called you his first and only Love. What he does when youre sad: He kisses your tears away and lays your head on his lap while putting his finger through your hair. How does he kiss you: lots of tongue and his hand glide up and down your bodyand you always leave him wanting more.
~~What would ur man look*(wit kool pics)* (gurls only)~~ brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 11/14/05:
img src="" border="0" alt="Quiz 15 B"> You're more determined to end this. You've grown stronger without you even knowing it, YOU ROX! You are a very rare person, that you are. ^__^ The tiny hope inside of you is growing and it's catagious! Rock on! You're hard core.
Where Does Your Path Lead? Part15(Colorful Results!) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 11/14/05:
 You're getting caught up in the drama, ADMIT IT!! You care so much about your friends and want to be the hero to save us all. You're confident, brave, and even have enough courage to laugh in the face of danger. You are a very rare kind of person. Just remember to think ahead and not let your fists do ALL the talking.
Where Does Your Path Lead? Part14 (Colorful Results!) brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 11/07/05:
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