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Retail assistant saving the world~!
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I know all of the passwords and code numbers for the Resident Evil series . . ?
Anime Fan Since
I saw Matt's hair in Digimon
Favorite Anime
Escaflowne, Tenchi, Gundam Wing, Beyblade, Digimon, Gasaraki, Outlaw Star, Spriggan, Shaman King, King of Bandit Jing, Gravitation, Rave Master, Fruits Basket, Azumanga Daioh, Hellsing, Chrono Crusade, Tactics, One Piece, Loveless (well...), Sukisho ...
To seduce Takao Aoki and make him let me release Bishounen Hunter! To see Loveless! ^_^
Slouching, painting, anime and games
Sheer Laziness!
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Thursday, December 23, 2004
Long time, no write . . .
Hello!! I know I haven't been around for a while, but not much has really happened that's worth mentioning (had my artwork displayed in a public exhibition, ate some cake, watched some Beyblade . . .)
Anyhoo, I just wanted to swing by and wish everyone a VERY merry Christmas!! Hopes you all have a good time!!
Resident Evil and my warped mind don't go well together . . .
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Friday, November 26, 2004
Azayaka hibi no Roora!!
Also known as 'Laura's brilliant day'!! Okay, so my Japanese is a little rusty . . .
Anyhoo, yeah, today's been a bit odd. There was absolutely bugger all to do in the shop today, and as a result I got an extra twenty-five minutes for lunch, and got to go homw two hours early!! Yay!! This is the part of work that I like!!
Hehe. Also, my Grandma and Grandad came into the shop and bought me a cake (my grandparents rock!!) and also a birthday presant. Yeah, so my birthday was in March, but my gran kinda requested the prezzie she bought me - a watch I have never actually worn . . . - and instead she gave me some money (see above in brackets).
So today's been kinda fun. Though, other than that, I don't have much to say. So I'll go now, and eat my cake for a much needed sugar rush!! See you later!
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Thursday, November 18, 2004
Rei . . .
NEED to see Rei's battle against Moses now!! Just seen screenshots and it looks incredible!
ARGH! - I'm late for work! Gotta go!!
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Monday, November 15, 2004
Makiokose ima kiseki bokura no jidai e . . .
God, I love Go Ahead!! But that's really not the point here . . .
Hiya! Yup, I'm in a considerably better mood than I was on Friday, and completely in love with Japan. I bought a whole load of manga yesterday, as well as some really cool Cardcaptors and Akira gatchapons (you know, the egg capsule things). I wasn't going to buy anything other than the Beyblade manga, but you know how it is . . .
Oh yeah, I also got little Cloud and Sephiroth figures - hehe, I'm deliriously happy!!
Tomyo and I have good intentions to write a 'mini' manga with the excellent title of 'Bishounen Hunter'!! But being as how it's kinda a cross between Beyblade and Dragon Hunter, shouldn't it be called Beyshounen Hunter . . ?
Anyhoo, if I ever do write it (bearing in mind that Tomyo's contribution will be something along the lines of 'No, draw Kai sexier! I said sexier, dammit!! No, draw him with his top off!!' and so on and so forth . . .) I'll try and scan it for those of you who may be vaguely interested. In terms of plot, I have no idea what it'll be like, but I juat wanted to draw Rei in Myung-ho's style from Dragon Hunter, and thus spawned the weirdness . . .
Erm, that's about all I have time to write at the mo. I don't seem to have any time any more, or any energy. I sleep all the time. Actually, I'm kinda like Hitomi in the Escaflowne movie. Just fade away . . .
See you around!!
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Friday, November 12, 2004
Argh!!! I'm in a foul mood!! I've just had a godawful morning at work, I've gotta go back in fifteen minutes, my's hair's turned into an afro 'cause it's raining, I can't find Shadow Hearts Covenant anywhere even though it was mean't to be released today (I've been waiting three bloody years for this bloody game!!!) and I want to order the G Revolution soundtrack but I can't bloody afford it!!!! GRR!!
So how are you . . ?
Sorry, I just needed to let that out. I want Shadow Hearts and the G Rev soundtrack so bad but fate seems to be conspiring against me in a rather horrific way. I though that I could have got the soundtrack, but then other things came up (which grown-ups and sensible people would call priorities . . . ) and it's been put on hold for god knows how long. Nope. It's not been a good day. And I've still got three hours of work with my boss being rude and annoying and treating me like an idiot, so I'll probably walk out or thrown things about the shop!! Mwahahahahah!!
Okay, I'd better go now before I spread my bad mood. Oh, on a happy note, I'm getting the first volume of the Beyblade manga on Sunday! Yaaay!!
Matraw, I love you!! Heheh.
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Friday, November 5, 2004
This is short - like me!!
This is just a mini message for today. I have to go back to work in a minute, so I have to be very speedy. There's not really much to report actually. I've been doing some work on my pieces for the exhibition (so excited!!). It's going to be like a rotating slideshow thing, if that makes sense. I can't wait - who'd have ever thought anyone would want to display my mad pics of Digimon and such in a proper art centre?! And, yes, my little pen scribble of Daichi's being shown, too!! Hehe!!
I'm miffed 'cause Beybladers seen more G Rev than me - not fair!! And Gundam Seed! You American / Canadian peeps get so much anime. I think I may have to consider relocation . . .
Have to go now, unfortunately. Only another four hours before I get home . . . *sigh*
QUOTE OF THE DAY: (well, more of a translated song lyric)
From 'Aoi Hitomi', on the third Escaflowne soundtrack:
"Someday, this one-time love will end, but I think you will stay with me for eternity."
I think that's sooooo 'chou kawaii'!!
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Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Man, I'm really fired up now!!
We so rock!! Mwahahah!! Little Gravitation quote for the shonen ai otaku! So, I'm on my lunchbreak, listening to Shout it Loud (God, I always forget how amazing this song is - you know, the King of Bandit Jing opening) and I'm just feeling great. What could be better?!
Well . . . maybe going to Nottingham tomorrow for a mass anime-buying day out? Yup, maybe so.
Well, just what is the cause of this delirious madness, I hear you cry. Oh, not much, just that some weirdy arty people want to use my fanart in an exhibition they're holding at this weirdy media centre!! How cool is that?!
I was told that it was a really important exhibition for them, and I was there with my 'portfolio' (I use this word loosely - it contains a picture of an awfully effeminate Oliver, Kai posing topless like he's advertising aftershave, and that mad little pic of Daichi that I put on here - the one in red pen. Yeah, like I was being serious about it . . .)
and I just cringed. No one told me beforehand just what I was going for, so it's not like I was overly prepared anyway. Anyhoo, as it happens, they perused my work, spoke briefly about downloading Cowboy Bebop off the Internet and explained some of the details of how they wanted to display the work (with projectors and rigging and all that stuff). I just sat there, figuring they were being polite, and left without much of a thought. Then, yesterday, I got a call from the director telling me that the copyright issues weren't a problem, and that they wanted to show my work!! Hehe. I'm so happy, yet utterly confused.
I don't see why they chose my work, especially as I'm, essentially, an amateur 'artist' who paints 'cartoons' for fun in her spare time. Nothing about my paintings are serious!! But, still, I'll gladly take the opportunity to show my art. I guess it just goes to show that if I can rouse some kind of interest in my pics, then most of the people here can make it into the art world with ease! I feel unworthy!! Hehe. Tomyo shouts at me for saying this, but I could understand people being interested in someone like Seifer Sama's work, but my little doodles? Hehe. Someone else must have my twisted sense of humour!!
Anyway, I hope it does all work out in the end (I've still heard nothing from the guy who wanted me to write a manga - grr!)
Well, enough of all that happiness! I'm far too jolly considering that I have to go back to work in about half an hour. Actually, I really like where I work - except that I've been lugging giant boxes full of Christmas cards around all morning and I'm the weakest person in the world. My back really hurts now!! But, I've been playing on the till as well, so it hasn't all been too hard - plus we've got cream cakes because the manager's away!! Yay!
So, I have tomorow and Friday off as a little holiday. Tomyo's got a weeks holiday from school, so we're going to Nottingham - as I already mentioned. We know what we need to get (many-a-manga!), and have figured that we'll have quite a considerable amount to play with after that!! I can't wait.
For those who don't know, Nottingham is out anime Mecca. There's a couple of manga shops, and loads of places that sell anime DVDS, and merchandise, so we'll be kept very amused!! And poor, upon our return . . . Actually, I don't know why I keep saying 'we'. I'm the only one whoever pays for things, Tomyo just adds more stuff to the basket while I hand over my hard-earned cash!! Sob!
Anyway, methinks I've written enough for now, so I'll be off. Oh, and sorry that I haven't been around again. And picture update - still have no paint whatsoever (nowhere's stocking the paint I use!!) so I've got to have a look in Nottingham tomorrow, and as I have some time off, I'll see what I can do. The Kai one I mentioned above might get painted also - I think the Kai fangirls will like it!!
See you around!!
Ward: " . . . "
"Well, it makes me laugh, anyway!" Yup, I'm running low on quoting material at the moment. Still, Ward's a great character and needs appriciating!! Hehe.
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Wednesday, October 20, 2004
Erm . . . hello?
*hangs head and smiles sheepishly*
Hi, guys . . .
Okay, so I haven't written in a while, but I've been busy overloading on pictures of Beyblade. You can't blame me for that, can you?! Okay, maybe you can, but I still think its a good excuse.
So, what to write? Oh yeah, the Rei pics that I promised still haven't been painted due to a nationwide shortage of paint. Seriously. The particular brand of acryllics I use are nowhere to be found, and I've been totally out of paint for about a month now. It's driving me mad!! Hopefully though, I'll be able to scan all of my sketches soon, which might be considered as soom kind of peace offering. But as soon as I do get some paint, Rei will be here!!
Oh yeah, I've got a Black Dranzer!! I'm really happy about that (never gonna grow up!). I was traipsing round ASDA (don't you just love supermarkets?!) with Tomyo, and there were Beyblades-a-plenty!! I also bought a two-toned Driger Fang, and wanted to get a Metal Driger, but Tomyo wouldn't let me!! Anyway, the point is that she managed to find Black Dranzer amongst them, which I think is pretty cool! Maybe I should go now . . .
I'm absolutely addicted to the Rage Beat by Bad Luck, though it's still my perfect opinion that Go Ahead is the best song that was ever created!! However, Gravitation does rock, and I'm aching for the next DVD volume. Luckily, I managed to get time off work next week, and Tomyo's off too, so we're going on one of our famous shopping trips in Nottingham! Still, there's not much that we need to buy . . .
The next manga volumes of Gravitation, Dragon Hunter, Card Captor Sakura, Tsubasa . . . final volume of Escaflowne (sob!) . . . first volume of Jing: Twilight Tales . . . last four volumes of Demon Diary . . . and just about anything else there we fancy!! I'm hoping that the Beyblade manga has been released here, but I don't think it has. Still, I'll have plenty to keep me occupied!!
Probably not a good idea spending all of my money now when I need to start getting Christmas presents, but I think that I deserve it!!
I don't think that there's anything else to say really, apart form the fact that some of my art work might be displayed in some kind of weirdy exhibition - I don't really know what it is, but they seemed pretty interested! Saying that, it'll never happen. Nothing ever does . . .*very dejected sigh*
Hehe. Oh well, best be off now. Back to the boredom of the job course (yet it's on a Wednesday as opposed to a Thursday this week, however the change has made it no more exciting!)
Take Care, peeps. See you later!!
Boggy Ooglie III (Don't ask!!)
QUOTE OF THE DAY: Oscar Wilde (I'm completely paraphrasing!!
"I find that alcohol taken in sufficient quantities gives one all the effects of drunkeness."
QUOTE OF THE DAY 2: From my life.
(I asked Jayme to hoover the living room while I lit the fire. Being lazy, she didn't do by the kitchen door. I told her she was a swine, and not to do it again, to which she replied:)
Tomyo: "I didn't do it this time."
Hehe. She makes me laugh!! Ooh, my Gran's coming over today, I think. I wonder if she'll bring cake . . .
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Saturday, October 9, 2004
Mini Me
I've only got about 3mins to write this post, so it'll be really short. I love Beyblade, and Gravitation - I'm listening to The Rage Beat on repeat - and I'm about to go see Resident Evil Apocalypse - Yay!
I think that about covers it . . .
See ya!
Sorry - no time for a quote today, but I'll write two next time!
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Tuesday, October 5, 2004
Long time, no see! Well, never seen, really . . .

Howdy!! Oopsie, sorry I haven't written in ages - I've been spending my time making a Beyblade image gallery (yes, I know, I have no life!). I've been neglecting my Otaku duties!! *Deep bow*
Forgive me? Good. Well, what's worthy of mentioning in these hallowed pages? I guess the first thing is that I got a letter from my Lewis-noddle the other day. He's finally picked a date for our wedding!!
IMPORTANT: I'm not actually engaged, it's just a long-standing joke between us. I jokingly proposed to him one day, he jokingly accepted, and now we're jokingly getting married at Hello Kitty Land in Japan, and jokingly having four kids (called Tetsuo, Kai, Kaneda and Yamagata - his choice). And after all this time, he's jokingly picked Christmas day as the date - not sure which year though.
I know that must sound incredibly odd, but it did just start as a random comment that spawned this whole saga!! Still, I do love my little Lewis-chan. He's two months younger than me and he really hates it - it challenges his manliness, apparently!! Hehe. He's my soulmate, and he likes anime and computer games, and bought me a bizarre Italian Beyblade sticker book during a visit to a hospital. Yup, I do love my Lewis!!
However, he lives in Scotland. He's just too far away, so we end up writing giant, rain-forest-endangering letters. Mine usually have to be serialised like some sort of Victorian novel!! Speaking of, I'd better start felling some trees so I can write back . . .
What else can I say? My dad had a lapse in dadliness and bought me a Draciel V2. Dad hates anime. Hates it, hates it, hates it!! I made him watch Spriggan once, and the Escaflowne movie, and yet he was oddly unmoved. Methinks he's an alien. And, he usually leaves the room when any anime is on (it may be a subconcious thing), but he does sometimes stick around for Beyblade. Maybe that's why he bought me a Draciel . . ? Still, I just thought it was pretty cool!!
Oh, how could this be the fouth topic of the post?! GRAVITATION! Okay, so maybe the capital letters were a bit overboard, but it arrived yesterday and it's so cool! Yeah, Yuki's voice is the worst thing since the Yugi-oh voice actors were given jobs, but aside from that it kicks ass. The music is amazing, and the animations so happy and cute. And how can you not love the outfits?! There's no excuse for Shuichi's short shorts, or Ryuichi's frilly top! Not even a woman could get away with that!! (Tomyo's going to beat me for saying things about Gravi - though she does agree about the voice acting!)
The only thing now is to get the rest of the series ( . . . Hello, Iain!). Maybe in a few years I'll have finally seen it all!!
Well, I guess I'd better go again now. I've got a bus to catch!! 45 minutes of driving round little country lanes on a journey that takes 10 mins by car!! Where's the justice!! Sigh, at least it gives me plenty of time to think about what to write in the next chapter of my story . . . hm. I wonder if I can write Kung Fu into it somehow . . .
See ya!!
Irvine (to Stinger): "Speaking of beautiful, who does your make-up, gorgeous?"
"If at first you don't succeed, redefine success!!"
P.S. To all the peeps who have asked me for Rei pictures, well . . . I've doodle two recently - One's kinda half a sketch that may turn into some kind of sexy picture, and one is more sympathetic to the series animation. 'Cept, he looks a little bit like Zeo . . . Anyway, I thought I'd mention this 'cause people keep asking, though they won't be up for a while - I've got NO paint! ARGH!!
For all those who miss my usual enteries: BEYBLADE!
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