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myOtaku.com: Gavx89

Tuesday, May 3, 2005

   week's getting worse and worse
weel i just found out yesturday that we have spring day sat and thats the bigest track meet of the yr and i wonht b able to vault at it bc of my leg. also my girlfriend is going to be at gettysburg for the rest of the week and i wont b able to see her. also i feel horrible bc i had a cig sat and i havent had one in like 3-4 mnths and the reason y i did have one is bc of my girls mother bc she was pissing us both off so badly that we wanted to kill her and that was the only thing that could calm me down at that point in time.Now i feel bad bc of track, and bc my girlfriend dosent want me to start up again. well ill post again later
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