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Portland NY
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Got my High School Equivatency Diploma
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Drawing, I guess,
Tuesday, October 4, 2005
I accidently put one of my enries twice,Sorry bout that, well at least the hero and quote a different.
Any ways. Since I have nothing intresting to write.
I got bored one day, so I found my personal tarot card(emporor) and my suit, I'm a gemini so it's Swords.
I found my personal card by adding up my DOB(2011),then did the same with that(4) thats the #of the emporor. If it was over 22 I would have to add those together.any number 10-21 have a secondary card.
If any one wants me to I could find theirs.
Hero of the Day:Nancy Wake, "The white mouse"
Why: The most decorated service woman in WW2. Nancy was Gestapo's most wanted person. She was called "the white mouse" because she always managed to allude capture. Nacy also lead an army of 7,000 Maquis troops in guerrilla warfare to sabotage the Nazis of which There were 22,000. She also earned a 5mil franc bounty.
Nancy was born in Roseneath, WellingtonNew Zealand on 30 August 1912 to Charles Augustus and Ella Rosieur Wake.
Her father eventually ran away and sold the house out from under them cousing them to be kicked out on the streets.
An aunt gave her money and she travelled the world.In 1930s Europe she witnessed the rise of Hitler, Nazism and anti-Semitism. In Vienna she saw horrific Dantescan scenes: Jews chained to a massive wheels, rolled around the streets and whipped by Nazi stormtroopers in a city square. and In 1939 Nancy, married a handsome wealthy French industrialist, Henri Fiocca, in Marseilles. 6 months later the germans invaded France In 1940 Nancy crossed the line between observation and action, and joined the Resistance movement as a courier. She bought an ambulance and used it to help refugees fleeing the German advance. Nancy also helped many POWs and downed airmen escape, eventually earning her bounty. Nancy became one of 39 women and 430 men in the French Section of the British Special Operations Executive. She was trained at a British Ministry of Defense camp in Scotland in survival skills, silent killing, codes and radio operation, night parachuting, plastic explosives, Sten guns, rifles, pistols and grenades. All of which she used through out the war.("She is the most feminine woman I know, until the fighting starts. Then, she is like five men."-Henri Tardivat )
When the war was over Nancy was tolled her beloved Henri had been captured, turtored, and executed by the Nazis. Awhile later she married a former Englsh POW, moved back to Austrailia and was nominated for a medal but the government refused. However the French,(Resistance Medal,Officer of the Legion d’Honneur and Croix de Guerre with two bronze palms and a silver star) American(Medal of Freedom)and British(George Medal)governments did though.
As of Feb,2003 she is still live(don't quote me)(
My reference)
Quote: If you think you are too small to have an impact, try going to bed with a mosquito"
-- Anita Roddick
My reference)
What Major Arcana Tarot Card are you? (with anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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