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myOtaku.com: Geasa17

Saturday, October 15, 2005

   Must. Get. Job.
Got Shippo finished, it kinda sucks, but what do I know. He's im my gallery.
Almost got Soujiro and Kagome finished.
My radio has multiple personalities.
Found another cool link:

Full of YuYuHakusho goodness befoe it got americanized.(would you believe the thing in the link is baby Hiei, unless it's a little red x, the link still works though)
Hope you'll like it!
Hero:Hua Mu Lan(Fa Mu Lan)
Sex: Female
Why: She was from the area known as the Central Plains(5th centry)
Mu Lan's dad was sick and her little brother was too young. So she offerd to go in her dad's place, he said no so she challenged him to a sword fight, the winner goes to war.
She won.
She fought an a guy for 10 yrs and no one caught on. Becoming known for her outstanding service, Her genral even Mu Lan his daughter but MuLan got out of it saving both a intresting wedding night.
The Emperor offered her a high ranking job but she turned it down and got a fine horse instead.
Her brothers in arms didnt find out she was a she until the paid her a visit at her family home.
Sources:Hua Mu LanHua Mu-Landifferent sites
Quote:Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you
nothing. It was here first.
-- Mark Twain
You are a warrior cat demon. You fight to protect
and don't kill unless its nesssary. You are
very wise and very successful, and you are a
specialist at fighting skills.

What Would You Look Like If You Were An Anime Character That Is Half Cat?(Pics, Music , and Backround)Rate if u Wanna!!!^_^
brought to you by Quizilla
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