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myOtaku.com: geekinthecloset

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Ok people I'm working on my site, not sure what I want to put on here, I just want you all to love it so it's going to take awhile!! Hey, yeah you, be sure to sign my guest book, I don't want to have to hunt you down and make you.(Is she kidding? You never know!) Be sure to check back soon!

Monday, September 5, 2005

   I know you're coming to my site!!!
Ok people here's the deal... I'm busy now and really don't have that much time to put into this, and since none of you will sign my guestbook, you can all (I can't put what I'm think on here)! If you do want me to do something here you need to let me know, K? Other wise it will always be a pretty blue screen with the occasional bit**ing about you not signing! So there!!
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Wednesday, July 13, 2005

   My site
Yeah, I know I told ya'll I would have it done soon, truthfully I haven't even had a chance to start on it!!
Everythings gone wrong the last month, car broke, computer crashed, you get the idea. Since my last mishap however I now have time to fix my computer, and maybe this site!! So keep checking it will be done one of these days!

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Thursday, June 23, 2005

   Package for ME!!!!
***Doing HAPPY dance*** Just got home and checked my mail... my Initial D box set came today! *Happy dance continues*! Just felt the need to share that, but now I have to go watch it so... LATER!!!
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