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Thursday, January 11, 2007
I figured out a new plot twist for my book!! ^+^ Heh... yeah. Now all I have to do is work it in the story. ^+^
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Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Gah... I hope I can get an agent when my book is ready. So much to do, so little time. *mushroom sighs* I WILL GET SPITFIRE PUBLISHED!!! If it's the last thing I do, I will.
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Tuesday, January 9, 2007
If my book gets published, I'll scan the cover and put it on the site... maybe even the Fan Art. LOL!! ^+^
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I'm going
I will go to this writer's meeting at Borders. I have to find out where in the store it'll be in, though. Oh... I've been reading this true crime story for the past two days. I heard about this book after watching a Forensic files (so I can't spell) about the case. This guy killed two women and didn't get caught 'til 15 years later... of course on the show they didn't tell you how long it took to capture the guy... ah well, anyway, back to what I was saying... not only was this guy a murderer, he was a panty raider, all stolen. Well, the cops had found 58 large cardboard boxes, 4 large Rubber-maid storage tubs, 3 suitcases, and 13 giant brown bags... that's for leaves... full of women's undergarments. There was probably a whole lot more. Yeah... I didn't think there was actually people who stole only women's unmentionables. He broke into houses just to do that. Heh... well the reason I even read this book was because it was kinda similar to the book I'm writing. Well, his 2 victims kinda looked alike. I think I just got hooked on true crime stories. LOL!! I think I'll just shut up. ^+^;;; Well, that writer's group doesn't meet 'til the end of this month. ^+^''
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I finally got my stuff back from the mainland. ^+^ It arrived yesterday. Now I don't have to pay to get on the internet. ^+^
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Friday, January 5, 2007
Happy New Year!! LOL!! A little late. But I don't care. ^+^ I'm suprised I didn't go deaf. LOL!! There's a bar right across the street from where I stay, yeah, well, on New Years, they lit a whole bunch of rolls of fire crackers. They were really loud. Yeah... eheh. Yeah... after all that, the firecracker shells were everywhere, you couldn't even see the road. LOL!! So me and a few others swept it up, and the bar gave us free drinks... soda or water, that is. LOL!! I'm on the last revised prologue. I'm tired of rewriting it so this is the last time. ^+^
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Thursday, December 28, 2006
 Myspace Layouts
 Myspace Layouts
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New hat!!
 Myspace Layouts
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Obviously, I'm bored. ^+^ Yeah.. I just drew my main character from my book... well, the best I could do on the paint program.
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Until I get my own computer and scanner, y'all are going to have to deal with paint pictures. ^+^ I think I'm actually getting better with them. LOL!!
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