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Casey Hengstebeck
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Sunday, October 23, 2005
Let's discuss my problems.
Now I like to think I'm a pretty agreeable person and I also think that in this country we have a few smart people and a whole bunch of stupid ones, can we agree on this? okay. Anyhow, I am just a little tired of people telling me that they will always vote republican because democrates are economicaly irresponsible. I'm only going to say this once so listen you brain dead mother fuckers out there who voted Bush, Republicans are not economicallly responsible. In Iraq we have nine billion dollars lost, not mispent, gone. Come on, I mean at least when Sadam stole money from the taxpayers he ended up with a nice mansion to show off for it. Now don't think those republican asssholes are the only ones who are going ot catch crap on this, that's right I'm looking a you John Kerry and the democratic party. Listen, if these losers are ever going to win another election there going to have to step up to the plate and pick up a spine and start taking shots at the republicans. These brain dead pansies need to put themselves out there and take a swing at the Bush administration. I mean, in this country it's like one party, the republicans, have the monopoly on all anger. To be a republican is to walk around all day madder the Paula Abdul with a fist full of vicaden and nothing to wash it down with. On that note, what does it mean to be a democrat. I just feel that ever since Micheal Dukakis was asked how he'd feel if his wife was raped and he said "Whatever" I feel that the democratic party is the party that speaks softly and carries massachusettes. What we need is a channel for republican anger, other then fox news. And democrats need to learn to drive some anger. During the 2004 election George Bush called John Kerry a flip floper, a war criminal and a traitor and he got so upset he almost fell off his wind surfer. Come on people, wake up and take a good look around you. we haven't had a descent presidential canidate almost thirty years and forty since we had a reliable president. The people need to wake up in this country and become more aware of what our government is doing. They need to stop trusting the stupid media nd look into the matter themselves. I can't understand why people are so uninterested in the issues that may effec the rest of your life, but they have to know who won the MTV music video awards. What the Hell is wrong with kids today? Did you know that a recent survey revealed that half of all high school students think that newspapers shouldn't be able to print without goverment approval, and that one fifth of all high school students believe people shouldn't be able to publicly express unpopular opinions. Okay, now I know, as scary as this is, that some of you might actually think this way and all I have say to you is, try paying attention to that crazy document that was written by those crazy hippies back in the 17 hundreds called the american constitution. This document stated that is is our freedom of press to print articles eithout the goverment looking over our shoulders. And our freedom of speech means I can say whatever I want and if you don't mind I think I'd like to keep that right. Since i was not exactly onboard with the whole bush administration thing I guess I have some unpopular opinions and if you don't mind I'd like to keep them and say them out loud for all the world to hear. because let me tell you something if I just came out hear and only said Bush approved talking points that would be neither news nor entertaining, that my friends is Fox news.
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