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US Army Reservist
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Casey Hengstebeck
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March 12 1997
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Saturday, November 19, 2005
I'm sorry, but this is a topic I have to cover. In America today everyone is so obsessed with protection it's sickening. Everyone is willing to give up some of there American rights, to feel safer. Not that we are any safer, they just like feeling safer. All resent security tests across this country tell us that we are in just as poor a condition now as we were before 9/11. And I here people talk about how 9/11 changed everything, but in reality 9/11 changed nothing. We still can't protect our airports and we are still running on the random guest checks. Al Gore, famously, was pulled out of line at the airport for a check. Fome on, the guy is two electorial votes from the presidency, but he's the terrorist. And they gave him the full search, including the anal cavity search.... and they found his head. But in all seriousness, we need to take a good notice of what Bush has really done with our national security. Did you know, that the first eight months of his presidency leading up to 9/11, two thrids of that was spent on vacation on his ranch in Texas. What was he doing there he was "thinking". He was debating this abortion issue(which I really wish people would get over in this country, it's a choice people, If you don't like it, don't have it done. Simple yes.)while he was recieveing CIA reports that literally read "Osama Bin Laden plots attack on US involving hijacked air craft." Shit that could mean anything, how was Bush suppose to know how urgent it really was. Maybe if they had stampedt he word sex across the front. maybe that would have gotten his attention. because remember, in the Bush administration anything involving money, security and torture is okay and the only scandal is sex. We need some real issues to be presented in this country. Issues like, the national debt. Or social security. Or how about under funding science. Any of these are good starter topics and there are many many more to chose from. What I'm trying to say is, WAKE THE FUCK UP AMERICA. Damn man. Or maybe I'm the asshole, maybe I'm the one over examining the issue. If I am please let me know and I apologize. But please, before you decide I'm just an assclown who's full of shit, try reading the "Partiot" act or looking into our national security. Just sneak a quick peak and tell me what you think.
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