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Friday, November 2, 2007

   Deidara +|+ This Is Why I'm Hot

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Thursday, October 25, 2007

New manga ^___________^
Okay..after doing a little doddling,I think I have a pretty good ideas for two mangas,[Hoshikuzu] and Destiny Crushed.The first one,[Hoshikuzu],is basically about Naruto,but not in they way you would expect :D

review(which I suck at)-Ayane Hikaru is your average kind of girl.She loves music and knows more bands than she can speak.Yet one day,when Ayane unwillingly enters a contest to meet and live with the band,Red~Clouds,she finds herself mixed up in a crazy world of romance,celebrities,music,and passion.Can she survive with the stars in 'Heaven' or was she meant to stay on earth?

*note-I'd like to know who can guess who the Red Clouds band members are. :D

As for Destiny Crushed,I think I already explained it at some point,but...

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Monday, October 22, 2007

   Akatsuki Teenage Life


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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Short Story
Deep depression.It hurts does it not?The feeling of being hurt by just words?
Actually,it's quite funny..I could--no,I did take the harsh beatings forced out on me.I can live with buises and scars.
But,some things are worse than simple inflicts upon the flesh.

Freak,loser,monster..many times used,but still infecting me with every swing of the mightiest weapon of all:the tounge.
Please,stop,I tell them,but they do not listen.Stop your blade,and drop it to the ground,as do you have any right to say what is so impure?Do you control the sea and the sky?I should think not,so why do you think you are highest of all,even higher than the Great Angel himself?

You say what you cannot be,and then you tell lies,knowing they are impure.Why do you peirce my heart with your sword of lust and greed and hate when I have done no faults to you,or caused you no wrongs?Power,my friends,Lust.That what is wrong cannot be made right,but why do you continue?
I do not understand,so will you teach me your learnings if I teach you mine?Ah,but then again,can a fool be taught?Can someone who shows to his master but turns away from listening be learned of their faults and weaknesses?

Turn,turn away from all that will not listen to you,but do not hate them.If they detest you,show passion for them and understanding,for what will happen on the Day of Judgement?
I judge with a pure heart,but I cannot be caimed pure.I love those who love me,yet I detest those who detest me.But even though I bear these scars and wounds,I cannot be broken.I will live,I will hope.

During my last hours,no matter what I've been through,I will remember one thing,and one thing only:
that I may have lived for a lie,for nothing,pointless to the world,I have lived for not myself,but for those who needed me.And that is all that matters to me.So let me die peacefully,friends.I am already at the end of my life even if I look healthy.But I'm happy;I want to die.Why cause more to suffer?It wouldn't be fair.

So during my final hour,pray if you like,but I already know where I'm going.I'm going somewhere where angels talk and angels sing.Where Lust and Greed are a thing of the past...


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Monday, October 15, 2007

   Survey X3
Just bored and I just wanna know..

1)If you could be the co-creater of a manga,what would it be?(ex.-Naruto,Vampire Knight,EyeSheild)

2)A chibi or no chibi?

3)Envy or Greed?

4)Moutain Dew or Coke?

5)Could you ever tell your crush you like them,would you?

6)shojo or shonen?(shojo-romantic manga/shonen-action manga)

7)what song describes you and your girl/boyfriend or crush?

8)Fork or Spoon?

Okay!To only make things fair,here's my answers:
1.I'd like to be the co-creater of Bleach!X3
7.I'd Lie by Taylor Swift
8.Fork!(poke people with it!XD)

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Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Aghhhhhh!Stressful week this week.Why?

1)Grade cards come out some where around this week.I'm scared!*huddles in corner*

2)Going through a I'm-emo-so-deal-with-it-haters stage.

3)Got my bike ran over(again!)

But besides that,I'm fine!So,yeah.I'm not as dead as some people think I am.Gawd..seriously people comment please?!
No one seems to pay that much attention to me anymore....T_________________T
Anyways,about the ART UPDATE:
hopefully,(HOPEFULLY!!) I can go to my aunt's house and use her scanner to upload my art.
I drew a crappy pic of Deidara and my Oc Yuri for theO!Along with some random manga pages that I made out of pure boredom.(if I ever finish them!XD)

Anyways,enough of my useless ranting!Let's get to the fun part!
CONTEST SUBJECT:Crossover anime/manga


1)Crossover at least one chracter from an anime show or manga(if you don't understand,please feel free to PM me about it)

2)Characters are NOT just limited to one.Get creative on this!I'm looking for origial ideas!

3)any kind of yaoi/shonen ai is acceptable,but not perferred.

3)When you submit the contest entry,please make sure that you PM me first so I know you are joining.Also,please label 'genkai-master' in the tags so I know where to look.

*Contest ends 10-25-07 but I might extend it.
Arigatou for all those that enter!
1st place winners will receive four requests,site makeover(if wanted)and three requests for my Quizilla account.

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Friday, October 5, 2007

Daddy it hurts!~
Daddy It Hurts!


My name is Chris

I am three,

My eyes are swollen

I cannot see,

I must be stupid

I must be bad,

What else could have made

My daddy so mad?

I wish I were better

I wish I weren't ugly,

Then maybe my mommy

Would still want to hug me.

I cant do a wrong

I cant speak at all

Or else im locked up

All day long.

When im awake im all alone

The house is dark

My folks arent home

When my mommy does come home

I'll try and be nice,

So maybe ill just get

One whipping tonight.

I just heard a car

My daddy is back

From Chariles bar

I hear him curse

My name is called

I press myself

Against the wall

I try to hide

From his evil eyes

Im so afraid now

I'm starting to cry

He finds me weeping

Calls me ugly words,

He says its my fault

He suffers at work

He slaps and hits me

And yells at me more,

I finally get free

And run to the door

Hes already locked it

And I start to bawl,

He takes me and throws me

Against the hard wall

I fall to the floor

With my bones nearly broken,

And my daddy continues

With more bad words spoken,

"Im sorry!", I scream

But its now much to late

His face has been twisted

Into a unimaginable shape

The hurt and the pain

Again and again

O please God, have mercy!

O please let it end!

And he finally stops

And heads for the door

While I lay there motionless

Sprawled on the floor

My name is Chris

I am three,

Tonight my daddy

Murdered me

And you can help

Sickens me to the soul,

And if you read this

and don't pass it on

I pray for your forgivness

Because you would have to be

One heartless person

To not be affected

By this Poem

And because U R affected,

Do something about it!

So all i ask you to do

Is pass this on!


REPOST THIS AS "daddy it hurts"

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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

   Important and randomness
Uhhhgg...so sick..*cough*
Hey,people who read my crap.I am in a seriously bad mood right now.Mainly because I'm f**king sick to my stomach and my head is killing me!
But anyways:I'm bored,staying at my house by myself.alone.in pitch darkness.watching movies.


hair color:formerly blond,now freakin'ugly brown.

eye color:once again,ugly brown.

tall?:yep.5'8 or something like that.


labels:loser.freak.emo.non-lovable.You name it.

age:13 going on 5 (lol)

smart?:what part of loser don't you understand?*sigh*average.


weird?:you bet!

emo?:oh yeah.(if you couldn't already tell)

fav mangas:Vampire Knight(rocks!),Absolute Boyfriend,Backstage Prince,DeathNote,and Bleach(only the manga.the anime's kinda lame)

fav anime:Naruto,One Peice,MAR,(believe it or not)Prince of Tennis,DragonBall,POKEMON!!!,Digimon,and Yugioh GX.

friends:only real true friends,then only eight,but that's enough for me.

fav bands:Linkin Park,The Fray,Godsmack,Greenday,MyChemicalRomance,Panic!at the Disco,whew!The list could go on..

~Random facts about yours truely~

1)I have a stuffed punguin named Philip.

2)A gaint Bleach poster hanging on my wall in my room.

3)one of the few and proud Hidan and Kakuzu fangirls.(they are both HAWT!Why can't people see that?!)

4)I'm sterotypical(XD)

5)No,I'm not on drugs.Thou,I was addicted to those little chewable vitimian things for a while..

6)I HATE PREPS!!(see?sterotypical)

7)the most mood swingish person you'll ever see.

8)I'm waring really comforable kitty pajama pants right now!:3 =^_____^=

9)I hate my life..-______- because misery loves me..

10)My best friend an animefreak/emo/person could have would be Kagome66!

11)my theme songs are,Nobody's Listening and By Myself by Linkin Park.

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Monday, September 10, 2007

   Oh Em Gee....
OMFG!!!I'm going freakin' insane!Plus I'm majorly pissed off.Wanna know why?I'll tell you!

This freakin' Saturday I had to go Gatlinberg because my brother had his stupid football game there.Everything was going fine until my mom and dad start arguing with each other and stuff.
The game went okay (even though we lost) and I had an alright time.What got me freakin' mad was that I couldn't find my boyfriend anywhere over there so yeah....shallow as that might be.

THEN,we got stuck in a GD traffic jam!I'm thankful I had some manga to read.(Naruto,Bo-bobo,and One Peice)

We were finally moving along consideratly UNTIL my brother had to go to the bathroom.Then,he just had to have dessert...UGHHHHHHH!!!I missed the Naruto movie because of him!And barly got to watch the new episode of it!
God...sometimes I hate my bro a lot..we have a hate/love relationship.(kinda like Itachi and Sasuke XD)

Anyways,thank you for your time to my pointless ranting.
Maybe I'll go draw Itachi or something..OMG I seriously need to pratice drawing him.Everything I do he looks really really weird O_______o

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Thursday, August 30, 2007

Life/news update
Hey,peoples.What's up?^________^

I'm having a happy moment and then again..a bad moment.My parents are going a freakin cruise as in,a boat sittin' in the water,Titanic cruise.WHICH IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOT FAIR!!!

But,the awsome cool part is,while they're over partying up on a boat,I'll be heading to the city with my two aunts,uncle,and bro.We're gonna rent a hotel and junk.WEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!THAT'S GONNA ROCK!!!!(hopefully....-____-;)

Oh,yeah.Not like anyone probably cares,but two things:I got an awesome grade on an essay for school(^///////^ yayz..) and for all meh friends who know about my Quizilla account,my Akatsuki fan crack has been up-dated!
I'ma getting fans for the first two fanfics.So happy about that...

|Daybreak| |Daycare|
{this's one that I really have fun making.Here's a quick taste of the action on it-

{"Naoki...I'm scared..can't we find the light switch first,un?"Deidara said,looking around as if someone was stocking him.

"Cry baby.."Kakuzu exclaimed under his breath while holding the rim of my shirt.
"N-no I'm not,un!!SHUT UP!"Deidara said holding back small tears,hearing his comment.

"Yes you are!"Kakuzu hissed right back.

"Deidara!Kakuzu!That's enough!Stop fighting!"I scolded.It surprised me how motherly I could be.

Hidan,however,surprisenly kept silent through the whole thing.I looked down at him to make sure he was okay.He had a little grip on my hand,and was cutely sucking his thumb.
I had to admit again,that Hidan looked really adoreable second to Zetsu.Who knew this little cute object grew up to be an 18 year old guy that would swear his head off everyday?

"Nawoki?"Hidan began in that little childish voice,"What if teh ohders were aten by monstwers?"

(Transaltion-Naoki?What if the others were aten by monsters?{remember,this is little kids we're talking about} )

Kakuzu burst into a laughing fit about Hidan's words,while Deidara began to cry at the mere meantion of monsters.
Sighing,I managed to stop Deidara's crying fit,and softly answered,"No,Hidan,I don't believe monsters ate anyone."

Hidan nodded,and quickly returned to have his thumb in his mouth.

Suddenly,a loud yell was heard fallowed by a swear that made us all jump about two feet in the air.}

keep an eye out for the next post and PM me if you like the story.Comments are always welcome^_____^

A Tribute to Sasodei-

Song:Listen to your Heart

please...don't watch this if you can't stand heart breaking songs.This made me cry..I'm seroius..That last pic KILLED me...But it's very sweet.Sad,but sweet.

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