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myOtaku.com: genkai-master

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Life/news update
Hey,peoples.What's up?^________^

I'm having a happy moment and then again..a bad moment.My parents are going a freakin cruise as in,a boat sittin' in the water,Titanic cruise.WHICH IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOT FAIR!!!

But,the awsome cool part is,while they're over partying up on a boat,I'll be heading to the city with my two aunts,uncle,and bro.We're gonna rent a hotel and junk.WEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!THAT'S GONNA ROCK!!!!(hopefully....-____-;)

Oh,yeah.Not like anyone probably cares,but two things:I got an awesome grade on an essay for school(^///////^ yayz..) and for all meh friends who know about my Quizilla account,my Akatsuki fan crack has been up-dated!
I'ma getting fans for the first two fanfics.So happy about that...

|Daybreak| |Daycare|
{this's one that I really have fun making.Here's a quick taste of the action on it-

{"Naoki...I'm scared..can't we find the light switch first,un?"Deidara said,looking around as if someone was stocking him.

"Cry baby.."Kakuzu exclaimed under his breath while holding the rim of my shirt.
"N-no I'm not,un!!SHUT UP!"Deidara said holding back small tears,hearing his comment.

"Yes you are!"Kakuzu hissed right back.

"Deidara!Kakuzu!That's enough!Stop fighting!"I scolded.It surprised me how motherly I could be.

Hidan,however,surprisenly kept silent through the whole thing.I looked down at him to make sure he was okay.He had a little grip on my hand,and was cutely sucking his thumb.
I had to admit again,that Hidan looked really adoreable second to Zetsu.Who knew this little cute object grew up to be an 18 year old guy that would swear his head off everyday?

"Nawoki?"Hidan began in that little childish voice,"What if teh ohders were aten by monstwers?"

(Transaltion-Naoki?What if the others were aten by monsters?{remember,this is little kids we're talking about} )

Kakuzu burst into a laughing fit about Hidan's words,while Deidara began to cry at the mere meantion of monsters.
Sighing,I managed to stop Deidara's crying fit,and softly answered,"No,Hidan,I don't believe monsters ate anyone."

Hidan nodded,and quickly returned to have his thumb in his mouth.

Suddenly,a loud yell was heard fallowed by a swear that made us all jump about two feet in the air.}

keep an eye out for the next post and PM me if you like the story.Comments are always welcome^_____^

A Tribute to Sasodei-

Song:Listen to your Heart

please...don't watch this if you can't stand heart breaking songs.This made me cry..I'm seroius..That last pic KILLED me...But it's very sweet.Sad,but sweet.

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