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myOtaku.com: genkai-master

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Aghhhhhh!Stressful week this week.Why?

1)Grade cards come out some where around this week.I'm scared!*huddles in corner*

2)Going through a I'm-emo-so-deal-with-it-haters stage.

3)Got my bike ran over(again!)

But besides that,I'm fine!So,yeah.I'm not as dead as some people think I am.Gawd..seriously people comment please?!
No one seems to pay that much attention to me anymore....T_________________T
Anyways,about the ART UPDATE:
hopefully,(HOPEFULLY!!) I can go to my aunt's house and use her scanner to upload my art.
I drew a crappy pic of Deidara and my Oc Yuri for theO!Along with some random manga pages that I made out of pure boredom.(if I ever finish them!XD)

Anyways,enough of my useless ranting!Let's get to the fun part!
CONTEST SUBJECT:Crossover anime/manga


1)Crossover at least one chracter from an anime show or manga(if you don't understand,please feel free to PM me about it)

2)Characters are NOT just limited to one.Get creative on this!I'm looking for origial ideas!

3)any kind of yaoi/shonen ai is acceptable,but not perferred.

3)When you submit the contest entry,please make sure that you PM me first so I know you are joining.Also,please label 'genkai-master' in the tags so I know where to look.

*Contest ends 10-25-07 but I might extend it.
Arigatou for all those that enter!
1st place winners will receive four requests,site makeover(if wanted)and three requests for my Quizilla account.

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