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myOtaku.com: genkai-master

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Short Story
Deep depression.It hurts does it not?The feeling of being hurt by just words?
Actually,it's quite funny..I could--no,I did take the harsh beatings forced out on me.I can live with buises and scars.
But,some things are worse than simple inflicts upon the flesh.

Freak,loser,monster..many times used,but still infecting me with every swing of the mightiest weapon of all:the tounge.
Please,stop,I tell them,but they do not listen.Stop your blade,and drop it to the ground,as do you have any right to say what is so impure?Do you control the sea and the sky?I should think not,so why do you think you are highest of all,even higher than the Great Angel himself?

You say what you cannot be,and then you tell lies,knowing they are impure.Why do you peirce my heart with your sword of lust and greed and hate when I have done no faults to you,or caused you no wrongs?Power,my friends,Lust.That what is wrong cannot be made right,but why do you continue?
I do not understand,so will you teach me your learnings if I teach you mine?Ah,but then again,can a fool be taught?Can someone who shows to his master but turns away from listening be learned of their faults and weaknesses?

Turn,turn away from all that will not listen to you,but do not hate them.If they detest you,show passion for them and understanding,for what will happen on the Day of Judgement?
I judge with a pure heart,but I cannot be caimed pure.I love those who love me,yet I detest those who detest me.But even though I bear these scars and wounds,I cannot be broken.I will live,I will hope.

During my last hours,no matter what I've been through,I will remember one thing,and one thing only:
that I may have lived for a lie,for nothing,pointless to the world,I have lived for not myself,but for those who needed me.And that is all that matters to me.So let me die peacefully,friends.I am already at the end of my life even if I look healthy.But I'm happy;I want to die.Why cause more to suffer?It wouldn't be fair.

So during my final hour,pray if you like,but I already know where I'm going.I'm going somewhere where angels talk and angels sing.Where Lust and Greed are a thing of the past...


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