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The Garden of England aka Kent
Member Since
Real Name
Georgie Eve Harrington
Winning in the Ottakars manga drawing comp, Yes!
Anime Fan Since
Mmm Sonic...
Favorite Anime
One Piece and Skies of Arcadia.
To be an illustrator, and get into Uni first of course.
I daydream, mmm I'm the girl on the bus, drawing my shoes, while having my headphones on very loud while visiting Schwimming, theres three hobbies at once!
I can I can draw pretty dam well, and I smile, weeeeee.
| GeorgieEviHarri
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Friday, February 2, 2007
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Tuesday, October 31, 2006
I'm bored. Well what a conversation killer I am. Lalalala, Happy Halloween! We only got two trick or treaters so I get to eat lots of sweeties, yum yum!
Weee I went to the London Anime Expo on the weekend, it was so fun! And I bought lots of naughty things I shouldnt have because I dnt have much money now! I got the Japanese Art of The Cat Returns, which I adore because I love the film! I got more Black Cat Manga, 3 and 4, I want more already! A One Piece Wallet and a Trigun black cat hat. Weee! I wore it all day and looked silly as you do.
Hmm today Ive been in bed for most of the day, I should of gone to college but my previous night of partying till 2am made me too tired, espeically as the hours I did get to sleep I was poorley (not from the drink Ill add!) and didnt really sleep very well. But Emile making hot ribiena for me in the morning made me feel better ^_^ then we watched a movie and both fell asleep in the afternoon and almost didnt get up in time for his lecture at Uni lol.
Im going to party this Saturday, excitement! And my friend throwing the party has my boxset of Ghibli Films so I can finally get them back, Im missing them lots, shes had them since August!
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Thursday, October 26, 2006
My God, I havent posted in ages! In the space of almost two months, alot as happened really. Firstly Iv lost most of my friends to that place they call Uni, all my girlie friends seem to have dissappeared around the country *sob sob* Next time I will see then will be at Xmas, though saying that I saw my best friend today because shed been sent home as shes poorley, not nice for her but nice to see her again lol.
Secondly, Iv turned into a Art Student! I started college back in early September and its soooooo much fun! I went on a trip to Amsterdam with them a couple of weeks ago, which was cool. Lots of shopping! Im doing Visual Communication this week which is like illustration, animation and drawing all in one, its so good!
Third, I got myself an amazing boyfriend heehee! Well that was longer than two months ago, but failed to mention it in my last post lol! His names Emile and his username (because I got him into manga a bit!) is Schwimming. Hes lovely ^_^
Well, mores probably happened but I have to depart for now, going to the Anime Expo on Saturday with LucyGilbert and Schwim, should be fun fun fun! Bye for now!
This is me and Schwim, we look a bit dodgey though because wed been on the Whiskey..!
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Monday, August 28, 2006
Im so so tired today. Currently babysitting my brother and had to get up at 6.30am, nightmare! Why is it the night you babysit, they wake up in the night and dnt go back to sleep till the early hours? Monster brother.
Anywho! Im back from France, miss me?? Lol, Ive been back since Weds actually but Ive been rather busy with friends, as soon as ive finished babysitting Im running off to meet someone in Canters, cant wait! ^_^ Mite be going out this evening for a meal too but Im running very low on cash so I may just watch my friends eat and have a drink instead. Ive also been on myspace a fair bit to talking to my friends, theyll all be leaving for uni/collage/gap years in about a month/two months, gona be really odd without them..
I really havnt drawn much this summer, Il have to get back into it before starting collage in a couple of weeks. Iv bought lots of manga tho! I bought Naruto on friday actaully but havnt finished reading it yet lol, I also managed to get One Piece Color Walk 2 when I was in France which was super duper!
Well yush havnt got much to say so Il shoot off, but Il leave you with some photos of a muse fest I went to, have a good day!

Jack and James Bull looking lovely!

Phoebe eating a lollie, it was the only food we could afford!

Phoebe posing! And Jack in the background being tall

Me and Pheebs posing again!
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Thursday, August 10, 2006
Going on Holiday!
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Friday, August 4, 2006
Im sorry again for my non-exsistance comments and posts! Im so busy at the moment, but Im babysitting tonight so Ill try and visit everyone while my brother is sound asleep ^_^ and wow! I got 25 comments on my last post! Thats gotta be a record! Thank you muchly everyone!
So lets see, Tuesday was sooo funny! My friend Luke had his gathering at his house in the evening, but we hung out during the day again and went to the supermarket to buy loads of alcohol and stuff, he kept trying to tempt me to drink but I was having none of it, I wanted to win our bet (see last post!) but anywho it was really fun, my friends Jack and James and this other guy called Mark turned up quite early and, well, were hilarious, all the guys kept having play fights nd stuff in the middle of floors, being the only girl I was almost in tears of laughter watching them for some fights, especially Mark and Jacks verbal abuse to one other!
Anyway later on after more drinks (none for Georgie!) the guys start to set up Lukes electric guitar nd drum kit outside and take turns at playing which is rather cool to watch, James kept switching with Jack for the drums and Luke for the guitar all they were all good to listen to, then while Jack was playing, Luke lets all the air out of one of Jacks car tyres nd to get back at him Jack and Mark started moshing on top of Lukes car! It had a huge dent in it afterwards! Luckily we pushed it out but still, so funny! After awhile my best pal Pheebs turns up so I wasnt the only female the whole night but more guys just kept coming! All of them tryed to get me drink alcohol, but I was good. At one point I was lying on the floor next to James watching the stars and he handed me his beer, so I took it and poured it on his trousers ^_^ heehee Im cruel we had a water fight afterwards inside the house! So much fun, then 3 guys hid in the bed me and Pheebs were sleeping in (which happened to be Lukes Sisters) and one jumped and broke it!!! Lukes face when he walked it!! Classic evening ^_^ And I won the bet!!! Woo!
Woah this post is getting rather long already, hmm Wedsday, I went home from Lukas (him driving ^_^) and coffee was my best friend after 2 hours sleep that night and I generally slept on and off for most of Weds and Thurs ^_^ Did some shopping, got Bday presents for Pheebs and James (big 18th!) and woo, here I am now! Tonight Im missing out on two possible partys, rather annoying babysitting! But this Sunday Im going to a Music Fest! Woo, Im trying to drag loads of my friends along but the tickets are rather expensive! But it should be fun! Next week Im going out for my two friends Bdays and Im going on Holiday to France so its getting busy! Il be sure to post before I go though!
Also thank you to everyone who said they liked my pictures! Il give you more soon like from the Music Fest im going to! Speak 2 u all tonight I hope!
Comments (13) |
Monday, July 31, 2006
Howdy! How is everybody? My weekend was rather hectic and I think this is the first time Ive had the real chance to visit you all! Ive managed about half my friends, and Il finish visiting tonight, if I havnt visited you yet, dnt panic! Il be there soon!
Um so lets see, Thursday Night we had a huge thunderstorm and it rained buckets! It only about half way through the storm my Mum remembered shed left all the windows open upstairs so I went to close them all nd the carpets and floorboards were all soaked! Then I went into the basement to see I was actually paddling in water! Im sure my face would of been a picture! My Mum and I managed to clear it out then I after the rain stopped I helped Harvey dry the SpiltScreen Camper so I didnt get to sleep until about midnight! I was shatterd, espeically as Id only just got back from my holiday!
Then Friday and Saturday I had to get up at 5am! Argh! Driving to Silverstone so Harvey could race his car, then on the way back was got stuck in traffic for 5 hours!!! That was tiring, though it was fun at Silverstone really ^_^ I got to stand on the pit wall and do Harveys time keeping! Woo! Haha not that interesting really but I was happy enough!
Yesterday I visited my friend Lukas (instead of having to go to Silverstone and get up at 5am again!) We had loads of fun and his house was sooo nice espeically the garden, it was so pretty! We went to the cinema and saw 'Stormbreaker' which was cool, then ate loadsa ice cream afterwards! Haha funny thing was I was so tired from the previous days and lack of sleep I fell asleep at his house while watching another film! Didnt get home till about 10pm/ish but was still super duper fun, Im going to his house again tomorrow bcoz hes having a gathering, cant wait! Though hes made a bet with me, hes betting that I cant not drink alcohol at his party, I think I can survive without so we placed our bets (which Im sure Im going to lose) If I win he drives me home Wedsday morn, saving me the train journey, if he wins Ive got to tidy his house.. Post Party..

By popular demand! Lounge pics! These are from the Music Fest I went to, from left to right; Me, Abs, Hannah and Pheebs

Hannah and me ^_^

Jack, Holly, Abs (its a lolliepop really, apparently..) Hannah and Will

And me again! I probably have more, but thats it 4 now! Bye!
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Thursday, July 27, 2006
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Friday, July 21, 2006
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Monday, July 17, 2006
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