This is probably one of my earliest posts, its about 10.14am here ^^ today Im having a day of deleting and resubmitting older pictures because Iv learnt how to use my digi cam better and my older pictures are very dark and blurry! Ive already done two, Im resubmiting the Nami, Nojiko and Bellemer picture I drew last night too coz that was quite faint ^^
Today Im probably just gona draw, ink and watch DVDs, though I need to do some ironing too *rolls eyes* though I get paid for it! Also, Iv been asked to take photos at a family friends wedding! I was shocked, I do photography A level but Im not fantastic, Iv bin offered £50+ for it too! I duno weither I should do it or not because I wudnt want a friends wedding photos turning out 2 b dissapointing for them!
I will draw a request for FelixDeCat, ^^ not sure who the characters are though, Im sure you can tell me their names! And Im gona draw a colour Vyse and Aika some time this week, though I cant colour 2 gd itll probably take ages!
Anyways if my fan art goes all over the place today, its coz Im sorting out the dodgey pictures!